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Everything posted by SkinsFanRob

  1. This game has no business being tied. Caps have dominated play. Hope we pull this out.
  2. 3 regulation losses all season and I was lucky enough to be present for last nights stinker.
  3. Don’t like letting teams hang around like this. Usually ends badly.
  4. What a game! Huge save by holtby leads to a goal the other way. I love the fight in this team!
  5. May girlfriend ordered me a couple caps things off there last month. It arrived probably 4 or 5 days before expected arrival date lol
  6. Can I just say I love the way our sports teams support each other. Video going around last night of Ovi and the boys popping bottles and going crazy after Nats won. chills man. here are a group of guys many of which aren’t even from our country supporting the team of our nations capital. Awesomeness.
  7. From a casual baseball fan congrats to you die hards! I know how I felt when the caps won the cup.
  8. What a game. Helluva comeback. Takes a little sting off the nats game.
  9. Ok awesome effort to tie it. Please let’s complete the comeback. The fact we got a point is great. Now let’s win it.
  10. Terrible. between this and the nats game not having a good night lol.
  11. Not a good night for DC sports. hopefully tomorrow is better. Same story in OT all year. Holtby hung out to dry on the 2 on 1
  12. Really hope they aren’t using all their Offense in one game
  13. Is there a watch party I’m DC tonight or is that just for the home games.
  14. For all you people watching the game Caps just downed the flames 5-3
  15. I was ready to turn it off after the 4th goal. But with the goalie switch I decided to keep watching. You just never know with this team. Also we are due for some PPs.
  16. these guys are all skill. Keep hitting them. We can do this.
  17. The Avs are putting on a cycle clinic. It feels like they are on a constant power play.
  18. How many penalties they want to give Colorado. Do they plan on balancing it out at some point. Damn. Really need to kill this and score one before the end of the first if we have any hope of a come back.
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