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Everything posted by FrFan

  1. I do both Steak (Iron) and Cheddar (Zinc), Heavy Metal !
  2. Slovenia opens borders after declaring epidemic over
  3. This is a bad one with 4 strains. I understood that you can recover for let's say strain DEN-1, however immunity confers only partial and transient protection against subsequent infection by the three others. Another Dengue Vaccine Nears Starting Line Dengvaxia, Sanofi Pasteur's dengue vaccine, is authorized in the countries of the European Union The European Commission has issued a marketing authorization (DMA) for the Dengvaxia vaccine , the Sanofi Pasteur dengue vaccine . The marketing authorization follows the recommendation of 18 October 2018 of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency to approve the use of the dengue vaccine under certain conditions. This dengue vaccine has been evaluated in large-scale safety and clinical efficacy studies of over 40,000 people from 15 countries who have been followed up to at six. The experience acquired during these studies was taken into account to define the conditions of use of this vaccine. In both cases (dengue and covid-19) they're using measles vaccine Our vaccine is based on a known strategy (covid) I wish a full and total recovery to your brother 🙏🤞💪
  4. Study: 5% of Spanish population has had coronavirus The results of this study suggest the disease is less widespread than other researchers have thought. In late March, a study by Imperial College London estimated that there had been 7 million cases of coronavirus in Spain. The antibody studies were led by the Spanish Health Ministry and the Carlos III Health Institute. Researchers claimed the blood tests were "accurate enough" to use for the study. https://issuu.com/prisarevistas/docs/prevalencia/3 COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
  5. Sanofi CEO: Up-front funding wins U.S. first access to coronavirus shot
  6. The #Discovery program fiasco Initially nine European countries were to participate in this clinical trial launched by France. Ultimately, only France and Luxembourg (only one patient at the moment) joining in ! This country (government) is a permanent joke at all levels.
  7. https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/entry/le-coup-de-gueule-de-juliette-binoche-ne-vient-pas-de-nulle-part_fr_5eb3c235c5b646b73d27f256 Anyways she's still gorgeous https://www.bfmtv.com/static/nxt-video/embed-playerBridge.html?video=6155336898001&account=876450610001 Hope he's right about the 2nd wave
  8. Coronavirus: Discovery clinical trial stuck for lack of European cooperation Sincere condolances may he rest in peace.
  9. Public opinion monitoring in the time of COVID-19 Attitudes towards governments' responses and trust in public institutions Citizens are overall satisfied with the way their governments are handling the coronavirus crisis, as was the case in previous weeks. Three new multi-country studies, presented in detail in the next section of this newsletter, show some interesting differences among European countries with regard to trust in government and public institutions: •Ipsos survey in France, Germany, UK, Italy, Austria, Sweden, New Zealand: The citizens of the countries most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic are also generally the most pessismistic and the least satisfied with the way their governments are countering the health crisis. Also, the lower the trust in their national governments/leaders, the higher shows the pessimism regarding the future of the country: 43% of respondents are pessimistic in France (versus 12% who are optimistic), followed by 34% in Italy, 29% in the UK, 21% in Sweden, 19% in Germany, 13% in Austria and 6% in New Zealand
  10. Modern ‘Romeo and Juliet’ who ‘fell in love at first sight’
  11. Llama Antibodies Could Help Fight Against COVID-19
  12. Liberty's Antonio Gandy-Golden a NFL Draft sleeper worth talking more about
  13. Sure, the thing I don't like is what was just said about him on NFL network that he is a follower not a leader and someone you can't trust. We must assume Rivera will make sure he's not going to be a distraction.
  14. Road to the Pros: LSU Tackle Saahdiq Charles' Off the Field Concerns Could Supersede On Field Talent Analyst: Saahdiq Charles in the next tier of NFL Draft OTs
  15. If he can control that speed, we might have another sensational receiving duo after Monk-Clark.
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