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Everything posted by FrFan

  1. I don't like divas because they could so easily ruin their superior talent, while an above average player can outperform his skillset with his mindset. Your mindset is one of the most powerful weapon you have, and also an hedge against hubris aka diva attitude. Well as you said, (what do I know ?) we've got to trust this FO.
  2. I'm concerned about the way he handled Murray. On a side note I don't want a diva here. Are the Cardinals nearing the end of the road with Kliff Kingsbury?
  3. Great song about trying to find the beauty in life despite hopelessness and despair.
  4. We suffered the worst owner in the history of sports franchises for almost a quarter century. This coming season will be a warm-up since we've revamping the whole team from top to bottom, and that we will be able to hire or promote new scouts only after the draft. We must also change the name and give the process time to succeed. The only way for us is UP.
  5. Kelly was just another case of Peter principle with the Eagles and 49ers. He was even labelled "dictator" by Eagles players. Maybe he'll pan out as an offensive coordinator in the NFL.
  6. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill
  7. Bosa trying to put pressure on the refs about so many Chiefs uncalled holding penalties.
  8. Keim: It's hard to say. Many in the league anticipated Washington hiring Detroit Lions offensive coordinator Ben Johnson. Although he was a favored target of at least some in the Commanders' search, that wasn't a unanimous opinion, one source said. When Washington hired Peters last month, one source said he was clearly the Commanders' top choice. But shortly after Peters was hired, one source said there was no coaching candidate who stood out like Peters. On top of that last year he withdrew from the Texans and Panthers coaching search. I believe Peters was aware of this so I tend to think that he wasn't a "lock" like some media pundits claimed.
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