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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Perhaps New Orleans should enact The Embiid Protocols?
  2. Dont let Andy Reid get in your pocket again, my man!
  3. My little brother nabbed 4 SRO tix on Stubhub for Game 4 today. I’m embarrassed for him as to how much he paid.
  4. I’m sensing fatal levels of wokeness. The season can’t start soon enough.
  5. Stafford is reliably lively in the 4th quarter. I see a backdoor cover.
  6. I mean, I get it...and it’s probably gonna happen at some point. Just seems a bit early to toss dirt on the Holtbeast.
  7. Y’all need to quit slurping the Evil Empire and focus on Game 3.
  8. Extend Dak and Garrett immediately.
  9. Been a little sketchy this weekend. Maybe Astros on the run line and the over can save me.
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