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Cooked Crack

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Everything posted by Cooked Crack

  1. Alt right bro mad that Kuerig wasn't down with advertising on a program that dismisses sexual assult victims and is pushing a narrative of this specific case possibly being a hit job. Someone should let this dude know he's already given Kuerig his money! http://thehill.com/homenews/media/359956-advertisers-distance-themselves-from-hannity-after-moore-interview
  2. Ok. That will show Keurig! How dare they stop advertising on a show where the host seems to calling accusations of child molestation a hit job by the liberal media!
  3. I'm assuming child molestation and giving alcohol to a minor was illegal back then. They can change the law on time limits if they really wanted to. I think Alabama should look into ending limitations on sex crimes. Haven't really seen any one on the ground in Alabama talking about that. This should be a nationwide movement.
  4. He should be prosecuted but statute of limitations and whatnot.
  5. Interesting vid. The ending is kinda creepy. This man probably shouldn't have all them guns.
  6. Someone should ask the dotard who does he think the Ukrainians are fighting against. Russia will surely help us solve the Ukraine situation. Plus they'll definitely help us with terrorism after they quit arming the Taliban.
  7. How long until we find out this former Dep. DA is a Democrat or she was in the same location as Hillary Clinton before? This isnt a story of a creepy scumbag it's just the Dems playing dirty.
  8. I've been too busy Presidenting to watch all the fake news.
  9. Asking permission for marriage is more commonplace. Never heard of an adult asking for permission to go on a date. It would only make sense if the two were kids themselves. More people getting on scumbag bandwagon. Literally saying victims are criminals too.
  10. Fox News is garbage. They were probably mad that the 14 yr old victim turned out to be a Trump supporter. Harder to muddy the water. Now there's a Clinton connection? Look for all the scumbags to be running with that.
  11. That's not the one he follows. https://twitter.com/MatttDavies/status/928755945487982592?s=17
  12. Too much money floating around for this to matter. They'll end up letting this pervert sit and move on from this. Also, any article in the ground seems to have people going out their way to defend this. In 2017 people are okay with "light pedophila."
  13. He'd probably walk out or change the subject. Only interested in talking about the next opponent than a dude who was diddling kids.
  14. So Mike Lee says Moore should step down if true. When he finds out he's pictured in Moore's ads? Yo, get me off that ASAP! No need for qualifiers anymore. Why did he even endorse this bigot in the first place? Why did anyone? I've got some bad news for Jeff Flake.
  15. Probably shouldn't be smiling and waving when getting questions about a grown man trying to get with a 14 year old girl.
  16. That's what I assume people want to say when they talk about these "ungrateful millionaires."
  17. Article full of pedophile enabling quotes as well.
  18. I think that's why all these professional scumbags are trying to downplay this. "It was consensual, 16-18 aren't teenagers, etc". And Moore never went further than kissing and fondling? Not buying it.
  19. Read the article. Disgusting. Giving a 14 year old alcohol and feeling her up. I'm willing to bet he's gone further with other girls. I fully expect the base to really around him. No one will rescind their endorsements.
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