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Cooked Crack

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Everything posted by Cooked Crack

  1. Next you'll be telling me Dems were the party of the Klan. Don't know what to tell you if you don't see time can change opinions.
  2. I can't believe these Dems can't see the hypocrisy of something that occurred over 20 years ago!
  3. Free health insurance? Obamacare customers are finding it https://www.cbsnews.com/news/free-health-insurance-obamacare-customers-are-finding-it/ Trump out here giving people socialized medicine. Probably figured he'd screw everyone on the exchanges.
  4. People have tried. A 30 something going out with teenagers doesn't speak well regardless of the age of consent. He's kinda denying the severity of the kiss. He remembers it differently. I still think he needs to step down. If they want to go down this investigation route that's fine so we can see if more people come forward.
  5. The kiss can be explained away. There was consent giving and she didn't approve of the kiss afterwards. No consent in that picture. She's saying he groped her in picture. It's not a good look, even if his hands are hovering.
  6. Nothing passive there. Pointing out the obvious. It's not like Roger Stone is a journalistic institution. Sharing notes with him beforehand makes your motives look suspect. He makes his living as a sleezebag political operative. I think the picture is worse. The kissing you can say was interpretated differently between both parties. Someone else who's performed with Franken could come along and say that's normal practice. The picture just makes Franken look like a pig. Hands hovering or not while she's sleeping is some frat boy stuff.
  7. Yeah that really doesn't look good. Looks like it's political. That picture though is not a good look. Even if the kissing story isn't on the level, Franken comes out looking like a pig. I guess we'll see where this investigation goes. Wonder if McConnell will investigate Roy Moore too or if he only thinks of this as a partisan victory.
  8. That was just locker room talk. No need to investigate. Franken should step down though. This is a flaw we shouldn't be willing to overlook. I wish more people come out with names. I'm tried of reading about harassment that happen in Congress but the harasser remains unnamed and at large.
  9. This dude a creep for real. Where in the world is it normal behavior to have a girl called to the principal's office just to ask her out?
  10. I thought that 1965 comment was from a supporter at first! Roy Moore really throwing red meat to the base. By the end of the week he'll be talking about segregation forever. Maybe hold campaign rallies with David Duke.
  11. Surprised he's not saying they only discussed adoptions. It worked so well last time.
  12. Blaming victims and throwing in some racism? I feel bad for people from Alabama who want to be taken seriously. These mouth breathers do their best to keep it backwards.
  13. That's how you know he's a true conservative.
  14. I'm sure they feel like "Still better than Doug Jones." I don't understand why they can't just admit this dude is disgusting and move on. You can still elect another Republican.
  15. This is really dumb Watergate. If Trump actually knew how to use computers I'm sure they would have had him dead to rights a long time ago. Seems more like a puppet these days. Doochnozzle even.
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