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Everything posted by Popeman38

  1. What happened to the Philly takeover? Any Philly cheering is WAY drowned out by the boos. Does that make DC a baseball town?
  2. Any military can get 2 free tickets to the game tonight. Just show up to the box office with proof of service... https://www.mlb.com/nationals/community/military-initiatives?partnerId=sf100170014&sf100170014=1#military-appreciation-day
  3. Turner 3 for 3 in steals. I like it. Soto looked BAD on a couple swings. Great weather, had a blast with my daughter, and made it home in plenty of time for the Caps!!!
  4. Taking my 8 yo daughter to opening day. Her first big outing with just dad. Sec 303.
  5. Theatrics. A resolution means nothing. DoJ regs give the report to the AG, not Congress. So passing a resolution does nothing, but it sure does make for good theater.
  6. So for 22 months we hear that Mueller is above reproach, has the chops to conduct a thorough investigation, and everyone says if he is allowed to complete his investigation, they will be satisfied with whatever he finds. Now, less than a week after he has finished and without actually knowing what the report actually says, people are stating the whole thing was a sham (implying Mueller was a stooge)? Good grief. Wag the dog much?
  7. Well, constructive/fun convo works when your team isn't very good. We know, we had a few years of that not that long ago. Just interesting you only show up after Bryce signs in Philly. Kinda like another Philly fan who only shows up on this board when his team is winning...
  8. HELL. YES. Fresh chicken is 1000000000000% better than store bought. It is ridiculously better.
  9. Have you posted n a Nats thread in the last 3 years? SI picks Phils to win East and lose in WS ESPN pick Mets to win East, Braves to lose in WS
  10. Imagine if after the Starr Report, Clinton’s AG, Janet Reno, wrote new regulations governing Special Counsels, and to whom the report is delivered? The Starr Report was the result of an Independent Counsel investigation, and was governed by completely different DoJ regulations. Why do people keep posting **** that is intended to make it look like this administration is somehow changing the rules (in this specific instance)? They followed the rules that are in place. Nope. Selective reading on some people’s part. And these commentators going on TV and the radio and pods stating that this administration is moving the goalposts with handling the report is fanning flames. The rules were in place from the beginning. The report was to be delivered to the AG. He makes the decision on whether it ever gets released (with obvious challenges likely by Congress). What is going to be investigated, exactly?
  11. So anarchy? The institutions have to be trusted. The intel community will ensure national security and intelligence are redacted, and the AG/DAG will remove grand jury stuff. What’s in question is what the WH counsel does if they get a chance to exert executive privilege. But even if the WH counsel redacted a ton of info, there is no obligation for public release, so any version that gets released exceeds the required standard. At at this point, we all know what Trump is. 2020 should be the driving focus for Dems and voters. At this point it’s 18 months away. Does anyone really think this government can do ANYTHING substantive in 18 months?
  12. It’s cool. AG Barr and DAG Rosenstein are the ones doing the redacting. IF they send the report to WH counsel for executive privilege, and they redact so much the report is useless, Congress should subpoena the **** out of everyone. But until then, I think it is acceptable to let the AG and DAG work on getting a 22 month report completely digested and ready to send to Congress. Everything I have read indicate the Intel Committees will receive the entire report. And I hope a readable version is available for Congress/public consumption.
  13. There are processes in place. In fact, we have been discussing them the last couple pages. You don’t get to change the rules because you don’t like the person in charge. Whether he is dumbledorf or not. I hate the guy. He can’t leave office fast enough. But AG Reno put the regs in place. If the report isn’t released to the public, that isn’t because Trump and his crew changed the rules. They would actually be following existing DoJ regs. But yes, the proper people should be in charge of redacting intelligence (sources, means, methods), national security, and grand jury information. As the law requires.
  14. Ok. You know it all. You should make the rules. 🙄 You do realize there are sensitive things going on that the general public doesn’t have a right to know? Like intelligence means, methods, and sources? Oh yeah, no gems jury information can be released either. But yeah, release it all. And if you don’t buy that you are part of his dumb base. Genius.
  15. I gotcha. I think the unredacted report should be delivered to the Intelligence Committees, and the redacted version to Congress as a whole. I guess that version can be released publicly...
  16. AG Janet Reno changed DoJ policy. In 1998, after the Independent Counsel report (Starr Report). Under these new guidelines, the AG alone gets the report, and makes the decision whether anything gets released. That would include deciding whether to indict. The report goes to the AG. Barr didn’t do anything to change the rules. I linked to the DoJ framework for Special Coumsel a couple pages ago. It changed fundamentally how these investigations were handled. Nixon and Clinton were investigated by Independent Counsel, and their reports were delivered to Congress for action. The new Special Counsel rules enacted by AG Janet Reno in 1998 changed that and charged the AG with receiving the report and making decisions on release. what am I missing? I feel like we are talking in circles...
  17. It's been what, 96 hours? It might take some time to parse what needs to be redacted (national security, grand jury info). I thought i read/heard that Barr and Mueller were working together to produce a "public consumption" report to be released. Maybe that is just speculation.
  18. Historically it was Congress for an Independent Counsel - like Ken Starr. AG Janet Reno issued new DoJ regulations, which I linked in my previous post. Here are the reporting obligations: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/28/600.9
  19. Here is the order authorizing the Special Counsel: https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/967231/download Nowhere in the order does it state the SC has an obligation to indict anyone, the order is to facilitate an investigation. Additionally, DoJ regulations issued by then-AG Janet Reno mandate the report be provided to the AG. The AG, and only the AG, can then turn the report over to Congress or simply issue a 4 page summary. There is no regulatory or legislative obligation to produce the full report to either Congress or the public. So anyone saying that Barr usurped the authority of Congress is flat wrong. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/28/part-600 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/01/17/barr-is-right-about-releasing-muellers-report/?utm_term=.8a850fb32de3
  20. And immediately ask him to pitch off this monstrosity in the Carrier Dome...
  21. No doubt. I mean the team shouldn't be playing for a bloop and a blast (exception being the obvious need multiple runs late).
  22. This was my biggest pet peeve with Matt Williams, and with Davey last year. Having a different lineup every night, flipping the batting order around, and alternating between being an NL team (single, SB, bunt, sac fly) and an AL team (bloop and a blast). Find your lineup, and find your identity. Everybody knows you have a different lineup every now and then on getaway day, and it’s fine. But 9 out of 10 days, roll with your guys (obvious exception would be LH/RH matchup - like 1B with Zim and Adams). And then imprint your identity on the game. Don’t be a different team each night.
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