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Everything posted by lavar1156

  1. I guess part my thought process is I'd rather give two 1's than a 1 and a player. If we only need to give up a 1 and a 2 then great. Throw in Landon Collins for ****s and giggles.
  2. I would give two 1's for Stafford. No more. Assuming he's good next year's 1st will be pretty low.
  3. Regarding media members I think that would be the least damning part of the story. That happens everywhere.
  4. I'm a little nervous about this pick. Hopefully his skill set translates to the next level.
  5. National Harbor still seems to make the most sense. But if they do rebuild at Landover they needs to commit to developing the area around the stadium too. Probably should build a new team headquarters as well.
  6. I would try to tag and trade Scherff. Good player but I think we're a few years away from contending. Going with Wes Martin and Flowers might be the better move.
  7. I'd honestly be curious to see how Haskins would handle that. But definitely seems like a legit option.
  8. What about bringing in Teddy Bridgewater? Norv and Scott coached him in Minnesota.
  9. I think letting KOC was a mistake. I'm glad RIvera has the authority to bring in who he wants but I also think it's troubling to only surround yourself with people you know. Getting outside of your comfort zone is important as well.
  10. Old school Rivera sticking with guys he knows. Somewhat disappointing but we shouldn't be surprised.
  11. I like this pick less than Haskins. At least Haskins has a shot to be good. This guy has Ryan Grant/James Thrash written all over him. Not bad but not what we need.
  12. I'm a little skeptical. He sounds like maybe a more talented Ryan Grant. I'm hoping he has some dog in him and can make plays.
  13. But is he a dude? Can he make sh!t happen? I don't want just a teacher's pet.
  14. Can we talk bout Spencer Long? Seems like he's way overrrated to me. The run game has been terrible since he's been at center. This is the fiinal year of his deal so unless we see improvement we might be looking for a new center next year.
  15. McCaulife looks like a buffoon. His plan was to wait for something bad to happen then react. Dude needs to go.
  16. I wonder if this will have an impact on the new stadium.
  17. Which one of you clowns started the wave? Good Lord.
  18. Maybe I'm paranoid but the pants looked a little too...red. They seemed a little bright.
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