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Everything posted by Xameil

  1. Ummm grilled cheese doesnt have meat. Its a sandwich. Wraps are as much a sandwhich as a burrito...which is also not a sandwich. Thats just a delicious concoction of some California eatery
  2. Well, that was my theory as to why Carlos Rogers couldn't catch an interception...hands were too greasy from the Monte Cristo. And this is why you are an "everyone gets a trophy" all inclusive hippie....
  3. Already got mine done....mostly Sicilian and Italian. Then German, English, and..Egyptian....like 3 percentish. Apparently during the Ice Age alit of southern Europeans made their way down there.
  4. If I remember correctly, (id look but shes not worth that much of my time) her people are eastern european...sooo shes all vanilla milk through and through...not even a drop of nestle quik.
  5. Im gonna go with salt water with ice, or a CO2 fire extinguisher. Mythbusters did a thing on this.
  6. They arent banning alcohol, just cold or refrigerated beer. They can sell warm beer.
  7. If they turn it arouns and become pro-bowlers, they should all take turns and kick him in the nuts for wasting their early pro development
  8. Mine would steal credit cards. I caught my ferret opening up purses and going for wallets. You'd think zippers would be safe....nope. ferrets know how to open em. Pretty sure that was a frog that did that...
  9. You do realize shes not really mocha....at all....right?
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