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Idaho fan

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Everything posted by Idaho fan

  1. Lol, when I saw that last night I thought Kenny G was yelling at the poor guy cleaning the helmet lens. Now I see it was actually Danny J
  2. I would agree. It at least looked like the ball had more zip than against the charger. what his arm lacks his legs make up for.
  3. Among other things I love TH’s passion for the game. He cares. After he threw the pick no one was more upset. He threw his helmet. He didn’t go and complain to a receiver. He was just plain pissed. I think we need more of that. To many players don’t care enough. Hope it rubs off on others.
  4. Just gonna give kudos to Heini. I liked him but I’ve seen enough. He is a gamer. Deserves to start. also deserves a better D
  5. What a game. The football fan in me loved the game. The Redskins fan in me isn’t happy. guess I need to just kill one of em.
  6. So damn crazy. Comes down to an idiot o lineman being offsides. well that and Hop making his second try.
  7. Ok Heini I see you. Two plays. If only our Defense…. Well you know.
  8. One of the worst O-lines is dominating our vaunted D-line that we have invested a ton of capital in. Unless we rush 6. that is sad.
  9. One of the worst teams in the league is picking us apart. That stings.
  10. At what point do we start wanting to lose for a better pick? Game two seems a little early but damn. not that a better pick would do any good. Our last 5 first rounders aren’t making much difference against one of the worst teams in the league.
  11. Sad - all I hear from the crowd is “defense”. While we are on offense.
  12. Giants looking good against us as usual. Signs pointing to being A bottom feeder in the league again. And we still have the best teams to play. And on the road. SMH A playoff team puts a team like the Giants away by the 3rd QTR. top 10 pick looks likely
  13. Thank goodness for the holding. What is with Danny running on this team???
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