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Everything posted by Metalhead

  1. That trade could haunt us. DeJean should be ours right now.
  2. There is no wsy to know who is using what resource to follow the draft. Everything is on its own delay.
  3. Maybe they have trade lined up for Penix? Drafting him for another team?
  4. I can't watch. Has it officially started?
  5. I just got around to AVP2 and have to give it another watch, it was so damn dark visually lol. Yeah a friend at work is adamant/obsessed with the idea of doing a Earth Hive film. I haven't read it yet (I just bought it though), but from what I understand, my fear is that it would feel like a zombie movie at it's core, like 28 Days Later or World War Z.
  6. Meh. I'm not sure how many more films this franchise can survive of moronic scientists re-enacting Scooby Do In Space. Six consecutive critical/financial bombs at the box office (3, Resurrection, AVP, AVP2, Prometheus, Covenant). People say they want to see aliens but then no one goes to see them anyway. The franchise has to expand and add things other than xenomorphs at this point, or somehow find something creative/inventive. Weyland-Yutani has already known about the xenomorphs for decades, and years before Alien...the current template is exhausted. Fwiw, Romulus is at least connecting multiple movie plots and macguffins together, basically being this franchise's Rogue One.
  7. https://www.ign.com/articles/alien-tv-show-set-a-few-years-before-prometheus-as-timeline-solidified Supposedly set shortly before Prometheus, which happens in 2093. This is going to focus on Weyland-Yutani and the creation/beginnings of the androids. Should be interesting. For some reference material, the Prometheus prologue short "Peter Weyland TED Talk" set in 2023:
  8. Does "who smelt it, dealt it" count in court? The defense would have had first contact.
  9. This is reminding of Louis Tully (Rick Moranis) as the Ghostbusters defense counsel in Ghostbusters II.
  10. Thanksgiving, at the dinner table with the whole family. My 48 year old cousin (who is die-hard conservative, racist, Fox News maniac/zombie, etc.), who is also an electrical construction foreman, went on a loud crazed rant about gravity, that no one knows what it is or how it works and that Stephen Hawking was full of ****. Everyone was dead silent. My uncle, a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel C-130 pilot, retired Alaska Airlines Captain, and WVU Aeronautical Engineer, just sat there and didn't make a sound.
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