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Spaceman Spiff

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Posts posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. 12 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

    Or the inability for Rightwing media to police their own! Only one side brought bats, riot shields and assault weapons. Only one side carried torches as they kicked the **** out of kids surrounding a statue. Only one side harbours Hitler sympathizers. Only one side says that people don't have the right to exist based on their race.

    It is unfathomable that Faux News, Trump and Ryan cannot name white supremacy as an evil without somehow playing the false equivalency BS game. This SHOULD be a slow pitch right down the middle, served up for an easy five run homer, yet somehow they manage to win the sympathies of white supremacists, Klansmen, fascists, and Nazis. 

    This is NOT difficult people!!!


    Four run homer.  There aren't any 5 run homers in baseball, ASF.  Get it right.



  2. Atomic Blonde.  I give it a 3/5.  Charlize is great, the action is great.  Um, the hot lesbian scene between her and the French spy is great...


    Not gonna lie though, when I heard one of the characters say something along the lines of "There's a list with a name of spies on it and we need to get it back..." I kinda rolled my eyes and lost some interest.  


    Kinda confusing movie, a lot of twists and stuff.  But the action is great, the colors and feel are nice.  Awesome 80s soundtrack.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, grego said:


    Yea. Unless you get an ip that says you're in another part of the country. Or the world. (which you can for a small fee) 


    That's why I'm paying the extra $40 month. Gotta have my baseball. 


    I might do that.  I dunno, I literally DO NOT watch cable.  It's always a movie from iTunes, something on Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Go or something I've DVR'd which could be replaced by Hulu.  Only thing I use my cable for is ESPN which I could definitely live without.  And, of course, the Orioles.  


    **** it I might look into the IP address thing.  

  4. Damn, MASN reaches damn near everywhere.  Thinking about moving to Winchester or Fredericksburg and would LOVE to cut cable but I can't give up the Orioles, man.  MLB TV would be blacked out for me in those areas, correct? :( 

  5. Grant is a little smug.  Nice enough guy, but smug.  


    Dusty can do whatever he wants with the lineup selection.  I'm not a Nats fan but from what I can tell it's the best offense in the NL.  And they're well rounded too, just not thumping homers although that's a big part of it.


    So who gives a **** who's hitting 2nd?  

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    It's all good. Nothing can ruin this day for me. I was driving over to my mom's house earlier and this guy honked at me three times then pulled up beside me and said "your tire's low" to which I replied "yeah well your horn sucks." Then later there was this dachshund in my mom's neighborhood that had gotten so I went over to the owner's house and when he came to the door I said, "hey, your wiener's out" and then after he gave me a funny look, "want me to grab it?" So, you can see why I'm on cloud 9 right now.


    I'll have what you're having.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, tshile said:


    Or maybe I just honestly think both sides are stupid, for different reasons, and still struggle to fathom how so many people can subscribe to one specific party across the board so easily. It makes me question how many people actually think for themselves.


    I feel ripped off, how do I get my money back?


    Yep.  Pretty hilarious how one side feels that the other side is the problem.  The side you subscribe to could NEVER be bad.  THEY'RE THE ISSUE NOT ME!!! 

    • Like 3
  8. 5 hours ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

    Oh God. 






    Anyway, I wish i didn't care about my country. Must be relaxing. 


    Go see a shrink. Really at this point I'm convinced you're just being obstinate for the sake of being obstinate. Something has happened to you that keeps you from committing to one side or the other. Not a fear of commitment. I'm thinking you're trying to have your cake and eat it to. Claim neither, piss off neither, be a above both. Less time looking at them and more time looking at yourself. And being completely honest throughout the process. 


    You're welcome. First visit is free so don't worry. 



    Oh and as I said before the election, repeatedly, go ask Otto Wels and Ernst Thälmann about voting third party and splitting the vote. Might get a gift basket from Putin though (probably not). 


    I care, but I don't see how ranting and raving on the Tailgate necessarily fixes anything.  If it makes you feel good, fine.  If you like engaging in political conversations, that's fine, too.  But to have a dick measuring contest about how much you care vs. others that choose to spend their time in other ways is a bit silly, IMO.  But hey, you care more than me.  You win, Cap't America.


    However the I think you'd agree that there isn't much intelligent and reasonable discourse in this country anymore (I know, I know, it's all the republicans fault, the left could NEVER do anything bad.  After all, it's just intelligent, intellectual people that could never be wrong).  And that's a turnoff, that's something I'd prefer not to engage in.  When I see the preschool kids that my mom teaches exercise more courtesy and act like adults more than some of our elected officials...well, you can probably understand how I feel.  


    But hey, keep throwing bombs around here, accusing me of not caring and that tshile needs to go see a shrink.  Nice.  

    • Like 4
  9. 14 hours ago, TK said:

    Season 2 of Last Chance U just dropped on Nexflix


    12 hours ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:


    You beat me to it.  Great show.


    Watched the first two episodes earlier this afternoon.  Hooked.  Season 1 was fantastic, too.


    One thing I didn't expect was them presenting the coach's reaction to how he came across as well as some of the reactions of the townspeople.  Was wondering how long it'd take before he'd go back to dropping f-bombs, figured it wouldn't be too long and I was right. :)


    7 hours ago, GoDeep81 said:

    Anyone checked out Snowfall on FX? Premise sounded interesting but haven't had a chance to watch it yet.. Opinions? TIA!


    It's pretty good.  Not blown away so far but I can see where it could get good.  

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