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Spaceman Spiff

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Posts posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. This show on Netflix called Gypsy is kinda cool.


    Naomi Watts plays a shrink named Jean and she's an absolute psychopath.  She listens to her patients and then goes and interferes with their personal lives.  The biggest example is this guy who is a patient of hers, he's kind of meek and mild mannered and he can't get over this girl he was in love with.  She was a bit too fast for him so Jean goes out and starts seeing her in person, they start a lesbian relationship of sorts.  All the while she's counseling the guy.  Another patient is an older, overbearing and concerned mother who is losing touch with her adult daughter.  So Watts goes out and starts a friendship with her and passive aggressively starts pushing back on her mother, the patient.  She is completely ****ed up yet somehow manages to pull all of this together.


    She's got a husband and a kid...the husband is a good guy, a high powered attorney and a good husband but his gorgeous assistant is after him.


    Definitely not the type of thing I'd typically watch but I'm hooked.  It's a bit of a thriller, kind of suspenseful 

  2. 14 hours ago, PeterMP said:


    The Magic/Thomas relationship fell apart after Magic got HIV.  The rumor started that Magic got it from homosexual activity, and he believed that Thomas started it.  And he did not like the rumor at all.  At the time of the Olympics, Magic was as anti-Thomas as Jordan.  I don't think they've reconciled after all of these years.


    (There's also a component of Magic becoming friends with Bird (partially because Bird was supportive when Magic announced he had HIV) and Bird not liking Thomas either (the if he was black, he'd just be another player comment).  Bird was done as a player by '92, but he was on the team because Magic talked him into it and supported him.)


    Nobody wanted Thomas on that team.  The team was also chosen directly after the leave the court early season against the Bulls.  The NBA wasn't looking for a poor sportsmanship showing in the Olympics.


    All true points.  I remembered reading in the Dream Team book how no one wanted Thomas on the team but I think Jordan put his foot down and said it's me or him.  Magic battled the homosexual activity rumors by detailing his exploits with numerous women to ensure no one thought he could be gay.  


    Bird and Magic became friends shooting that commercial in the mid 80s for the Converse Weapons, by '92 they were pretty tight.  


    That said, Thomas was a damn good point guard.  I think he doesn't get remembered that well because no one liked him and then his failed stints as a front office guy have kind of overshadowed his brilliance on the court.  

  3. 1 minute ago, RonArtest15 said:


    I'm just happy that someone is putting pressure on the front office.  Re-signing Otto and adding a few other pieces here and there doesn't make this team any better than the Celtics or Cavs.  We'll probably be in the same position next year.  Making those moves and not trying to aggressively trade for George probably puts Wall that much closer to his exit from DC in a couple of seasons. 


    Yup, totally agree.  If they don't do anything major they won't do much more than what they did last year.  Relying on Otto and Oubre to get better isn't a plan for success.  



  4. 14 minutes ago, RonArtest15 said:

    I LOVE Wall's comments.  Indirectly calling out the FO to do something this offseason.  We all know Otto is a very good player...but he's not a guy that you can max on a true contending team.  Adding Paul George, even if it's for a year, shows an aggressive commitment to winning now.  I'd be all for it.  A big 3 of Wall/Beal/George is more than good enough to get out of the East if they keep their health.  If you can't re-sign George, focus the attention on Demarcus Cousins in 2018. 


    I like his comments, too.


    It's kind of adorable that he thinks we have a chance to get him.  Kind of like in a little kid way, you know? 


    No chance, but still it's nice that he's trying.

  5. Never have.  I just know that I'd probably like it, and like it a lot and don't want to go down that rabbit hole.  Some people say that it's not addictive, some people say it is.  I prefer not to find out.  I can't even control myself around Taco Bell, I don't need anything that would make me feel really good and make me want MORE Taco Bell.  




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  6. 3 minutes ago, Destino said:


    Athletic 7 footer that can shoot?  This league is crazy for stretch 4 and 5s so he might stick around a while. 



    I don't disagree with the logic, that's fine.  Gonzaga players don't usually seem to pan out though, right?  Olynyk is the only one I can think of in the NBA right now, he's pretty good.  Dunno about you, but I miss Adam Morrison.  



  7. Every year I watch the draft and try to figure out who the guys are that we'll have forgotten about in three years from now.  Sometimes it's glaringly obvious, other times not so much.


    That kid from Gonzaga who didn't even start until his senior year of high school is gonna be in Europe in two years, easy.  

  8. I like Chauncey Billups, smart dude, good analyst, was a great player....went from being a bit of a  bust to being a really good PG, all star selections, all NBA teams, won a ring.


    I have no idea what makes him qualified to be the GM for a team.  

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  9. 22 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

    Basically a high end journeyman 


    That's a good way of putting it.  And I guess averaging a double double for a career isn't much to sneeze at, but he just looks like a guy that never got the most out of his talents and has burned out everywhere he's gone.  Seems more valuable as a trade chip rather than an actual team member.  Rockets didn't seem to skip a beat without him, for example.

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