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Everything posted by Heidenreich

  1. I'm not sold on the "roid rage" theory. From what I know about roid rage (and I will admit, I'm no expert), it's not about premeditated murder. If they came out today & said that Nancy & Daniel had serious "head trauma", then the roid rage theory would make sense. He snapped, and because he's a big man, the woman & child didn't have a chance. He couldn't deal with their accidental deaths, so he killed himself. That's not what happened here. He tied her up for gods sake. Then after he killed her, he slept on it for a night before killing the son. Is there a link between steriods & going crazy? Is mental illness a side effect? Did they find depression medication? I'm interested in knowing what other drugs are there (other than pain killers, cause that's a lock)
  2. That picture was so different 48 hours ago. It was actually different 24 hours ago when things first broke. Now, I can't even explain it. This whole thing is just so unreal.....
  3. I heard there will be shows tonight, but there won't be any storylines/interviews. They're just going to wrestle. I don't know what the announcers are going to say, or what they can say. They can't bury him, and they can't praise him. They're in a really tough spot.......
  4. In fairness, they didn't know. I'm sure if they knew what we know now, that show would not have gone on. I do feel sick that I watched it, though.....
  5. Could it have been a suicide text message? If Regal/Chavo were really freaked out by it, it's possible....
  6. I heard that 2 of the 3 autopsy results are in, and the third will be in shortly. All of that will be discussed during the press conference.....
  7. Top story of the day right? That lead off the 3PM news break?
  8. Anyone who watches who can fill me in, that'd be great. No TV's at the office......
  9. The police are having a 3pm News conference with details.
  10. Here's a link for you guys from a different site http://www.tmz.com/2007/06/26/benoit-murder-details-revealed/ TMZ has learned more about the deaths of WWE wrestling superstar Chris Benoit, his wife and son -- and the information is extremely disturbing. Several Atlanta-based law enforcement sources have told TMZ Benoit may have strangled his wife on Saturday, then smothered his son in his bed a day later. Investigators refuse to officially comment, pending final confirmation by the coroner on the cause and time of the deaths. One source told TMZ that Benoit was texting friends during Sunday's WWE "Vengeance" Pay-Per-View program -- possibly watching the show with his son, who may have been alive at the time. According to sources, Benoit then hanged himself Monday in a weight room inside the family home. A police investigation is ongoing
  11. I found this on another message board. Just read on observer that Benoit watched the PPV with his son after strangling his wife with an alaram clock cord Saturday. He put his son to bed and suffocated him and then hung himself in his weight room. I've never been to the observer website, but I hear it's reputable in the internet wrestling world.....
  12. Seriously. Now I am officially pissed that I gave a **** when I heard about him dying yesterday. My thoughts should have been with Nancy & Daniel instead.....
  13. The above quote is on CNN's front page http://www.cnn.com/
  14. That pretty much settles it right there. The worst is probably true. We all know Vince McMahon, he lives by the motto that "there's no such thing as bad publicity" For the WWE to cut all ties this quickly, it doesn't look good
  15. I would bet all of my money that this is not the case.... When my friend called me about it last night, that was his theory. It's not far fetched.
  16. I know, and it still was probably a good idea. I just didn't have to go out TONIGHT to do it, I could have done it the next time I was at the store......
  17. If Chris did this, then **** him. And if he did it, I'm a little upset that I got upset during that tribute show tonight. And I'll be deleting that from my DVR box shortly..... I'm also pissed that I ran out & spent 4 bucks on a 9 volt battery because I felt like fixing my carbon monoxide detector (when we thought thats what it was 2 hours ago.....)
  18. You're the second person who's mentioned this. I saw this on a different forum as well. A new home, it seems to be the popular theory thus far....
  19. http://www.1wrestling.com/news/newsline.asp?news=29026 All I've been able to find so far..... Details remain very sketchy regarding the tragic news today that Chris Benoit and his family were found dead at their Atlanta area home. Benoit had been scheduled to appear on a WWE house show on Saturday. Sources tell us Benoit called to first say he would be taking a later flight, and then to say he would not be attending the house show due to a family illness. According to one source, Benoit said both his wife and son were throwing up blood and he needed to stay to take care of them. At last night's Vengeance pay-per-view, Benoit was replaced in his match by Johnny Nitro. No other details are available at this time and police are on the scene at the Benoit residence investigating.
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