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Everything posted by Heidenreich

  1. I think Cesaro is doing a good job with the US title, but the WHC definitely needs to go. Ziggler mentioned unifying them at the ROyal Rumble, so now that the thought has been presented on WWF (still cant call it WWE) TV, perhaps it's in the cards. Cena did a masterful job of burying the WHC last night anyway, so before you can really unify the titles you would have to build the WHC back up. I'm no Del Rio fan since hes turned face, but the fans are taking to him and hopefully he can build the title back up before losing it to Ziggler at WM. After that, they need to not let Ziggler lose until Summer slam, and build to a unification match if thats even what they want to do. It irks me that you win a belt then always lose. See Cesaro and Barret last night. The Rhodes Scholars should be tag team champions already. They both got jobbed out hard last night, but everybody does against Sheamus and John Cena, but they are also Tag team wreslers. And Bad guys, they're supposed to lose. The only reason Kane and Daniel Bryan are still TTC is because there isnt another face team. So there's nobody to defend the titles against. They need to build up something in a hurry, hell it can even be Tensai and Brodus Clay for all I care.....
  2. Missed him by one spot last night in my pool. Super pissed when that happened. I had 18 and 21. He had to be 19? I have no issue with last nights show. It went exactly like I figured it would. Did I want Punk to win? Sure. But I knew he wasn't going to. Didn't want Cena to win either, but I knew he was going to. Only 5 guys had a remote chance. Cena, Orton, Ziggler, Ryback, and Sheamus. Not a shock that those were the final five left. But to think WM would be headlined by anything other than Cena/Rocky 2 you're fooling yourself. Last years WM was the best buyrate they've ever had. Of course they would try to cash that again. And Rock is not going on anywhere other than the last match. We all like Ziggler, but he's not ready for that. Same can be said for the rest of them.
  3. Damian Sandow is awesome. As a 20th anniversary show, yes it was bad. As a regular show, it wasn't bad. I also admit I havent watched a lot lately, this is usually when I get back into it, right before the Royal Rumble......
  4. I live ten minutes from there. You should be fine in Secaucus. There are tons of towns and hotels within 10 minutes of the stadium. If you have any questions about an area, etc, PM me. I'll help you out.
  5. They stopped the German suplexes cause it led to too many neck injuries. Angle especially destroyed his neck doing all those German suplexes.......
  6. Wrestlemania coming to Metlife stadium. Yeah, I'll be going to that......
  7. The Rock is getting a MASSIVE payday to lay down to John Cena at Wrestlemania. The only way the Rock wins is if he's coming back full time, which he is not.
  8. Am I the only one who likes ADR? You're all just jealous cause none of you have a personal ring announcer. and Ricardo Rodriguez snuck into HHH's office, and texted Kevin Nash. Either that, or ADR paid Steph or Lauranitis to do it.....
  9. Cole's been in the box for a couple of weeks. So Lawler can't get to him.
  10. Disagree. The Miz beating the S out of Cena (for the third week in a row) was great.....
  11. Beat Sabathia, you beat the Yanks. I can't see the rest of the Yankee pitchers winning three games. Game one is huge for either Liariano or Cliff Lee (depending on who the Yanks play)
  12. Javy Vazquez 2010 Stats: 10 wins, 5.07 ERA. Hideous season. Just like I predicted. Sadly, he's better than AJ Burnett right now, so the Yankees are in serious trouble starting next week......
  13. ****ing Pats/Saints from yesterday on NFL network. Thought I'd be able to see this on my phone....
  14. Deal. AS for Big Z, he settled down after a slow start today, so he's fine.....
  15. Javy can't handle New York. We learned that the first time. That's all. He'll be fine when he pitches against the Royals, just like he was fine last year when he pitched against the Nationals, Mets, and Pirates. Carlos ain't looking to good today either, but unlike Vazquez, I like him, so I let it slide....
  16. It's one game, I know. But: Javier Vazquez still sucks. Trading for him was the worst move of the offseason, people thinking he would be good was the second worst.....
  17. I think I'll enjoy rooting for Garrett Jones in about six years.....
  18. Just got my 12 game Yankee season ticket package in the mail yesterday. I'm pumped for this season. That being said, I'm not sure about the Yanks this year. They'll be fine hitting, but the following things concern me. Nick Johnson will DEFINITELY get hurt. That's a 100% guarantee AJ Burnett has never been healthy two straight years. Everybody seems to forget that Javier Vazquez was downright brutal during his last stint in the Bronx. It doesn't matter how well the Yankees hit this year (and they will hit). If their pitching doesn't hold up, they're in a world of trouble......
  19. I just want one TNA fanboy to defend A) the signing and the push of the NASTY BOYS! What year is this?
  20. Of course Mark Henry= fail. But the only time he's been remotely marketable in the (my god) THIRTEEN years he's been in the WWF was when he was in the nation. And I agree (with everyone else, I assume) about Maryse. I did get a kick out of it whem Michael Cole called her Maurice. Comic gold right there......
  21. Santino, MVP, and Edge. MVP sucks as a face. High fiving fans, smiling, all that BS he's doing now is the exact opposite of what made him so good. The fans can cheer for you, fine, but don't pander. It just stinks. When Stone Cold & the Rock turned face, they still acted exactly the same. The fans just caught on. But that was a better time for the WWF..... I just never root for good guys either. The only person I've ever kept rooting for after a face turn is Mickie James, but even now I find myself rooting for Maryse...... As for the nation, I agree that Kofi works too well as a face to be in there. You can put Mark Henry in it (I know he sucks, but he was in the original Nation). So it's: Henry Tony Atlas MVP Shelton You would need one more guy. Too bad D Lo Brown isn't still on the roster.....
  22. Bring back the nation. I need more bad guys to root for since my favorte three have already turned face or will turn shortly......
  23. Missing Wrestlemania for the first time in probably 20 years tonight. If anyone knows where to find a torrent of it in the morning, please post it here. I'll avoid spoilers for a day...... EDIT- Gonna watch the money in the bank ladder match before I head out. WHy the hell not
  24. Really? Dude, its a fake Hall of fame for a fake sport. Pete Rose is in it for gods sake.....
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