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Everything posted by Heidenreich

  1. I actually heard it's Monty who will be in the WWF soon, perhaps in the next month or so. I think his contract is up in September (but don't hold me to that)
  2. I agree about the "extreme rules" thing. DQ's have no place in ECW. And nobody wants to see Balls Mahoney & Justin Credible WRESTLE. Just smack each other with chairs & other weapons. I'm starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel, though. Sabu looks to be going after the title. Punk & Shannon Moore are debuting next week (not that I'm high on either one, but the more people on, the better). And I'll give him credit, the Big Show is trying. It will be interested to see how next weeks show is received in NYC. That venue was rocking for One night stand, and they'll be quick to turn on the show if its ****ty.....
  3. Who does one have to talk to in the WWE to get Taz to stop saying "Oh my god" every 17 seconds on this ECW broadcast. I know that's ECW's catchphrase, but good christ, it shouldnt be said 92 times in one episode. In fact, Taz said it 4 times while I typed this.......
  4. DX will continue to fight with Vince until Summerslam. DX vs Vince & shane is set in stone at this point. Mickie James better be on RAW tonight. RAW just isn't the same without her.....
  5. The demographic who would care that Hulk Hogan was on TV probably had better things to do on a Saturday night than watch pro wrestling...... TNA won't catch WWE if they're having Sting vs Jeff Jarrett title matches
  6. I didn't even make it to the Sylvia fight. I've come to the conclusion that I enjoy UFC if it's in the background. I got into it again because this bar would play the PPV's. You didn't have to sit through all the crap, when the crowd oohed & aahed, I could just turn my head & catch the good parts. The last two we bought at home (Ortiz/Shamrock, Hughes/Gracie) left a bad taste in my mouth, even though I know the rules & the stoppages were justified.
  7. Quality video right there. I was actually (un)lucky enough to be at the ECW arena that night when Sabu & Terry Funk wrestled in that barb wire match. (Which is on youtube as well, with "What a wonderful world" dubbed in as the background music for some reason.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYo51Vh_Aks&search=sabu%20barbed%20wire) We were standing maybe 20 feet from the ring, with a perfect view Sabu got crotched on the barbed wire. It was nasty, and pretty difficult to watch. Agreed. I would have picked Dreamer myself, since he's ECW. Heyman could have turned on RVD & sided with Dreamer & it would have been bearable (at least somewhat bearable) There were 2 guys the new ECW couldn't afford to lose. Rob Van Dam & Sabu. Once they got busted, things got bad in a hurry. Now we have a glorified Smackdown parading around as ECW just because they're wearing ECW shirts........
  8. Good ole youtube. That's a good idea when my tapes run dry. I have a 4 corner match between Pitbull #2, Shane Douglas, 2 Cold Scorpio, & Chris Jericho somewhere that I have to dig up. 35-40 minutes of stellar stuff in that one..... As for tonight. I certainly would have done it differently than this, but to be fair, they were booked into a corner pretty good with the RVD weed debacle. But in Philly, they should have put that belt on ANYONE else who was at least in ECW the first time around. I'm sure Vince had everything to do with it. The fans know it too, hence the "You sold out" chant to Paul after the match. Just let me say it could be worse. They could have given the belt to Test.........
  9. I wouldn't know CM punk if I fell over him. At least now I'm informed after coming to this thread. "Extreme rules"? WTF is that all about. ECW had one rule, there are no rules. Starting next Tuesday, I think I'm just going to throw in one of my ECW tapes from back in the day for an hour. It will certainly be more enjoyable......
  10. A new champion will be crowned tonight, you can take it to the bank. It damn better be EDGE
  11. I thought last night's show was pretty good. The Sabu/roadkill match was good, and the Angle/RVD match was good as well. As much as we hate Kelly, the fans boo the hell out of that guy when he stops her. So they might have an effective heel on their hands. The Sandman is awful, so I don't mind if he beats up dopes instead of actually tries to wrestle anybody. Although the fact that man-ass made it to ECW does concern me a bit......
  12. I must be getting too old for this. I thought the DX skit was awful. the crowd was pretty dead for most of it as well. At least John Cena didn't win.
  13. And Mickie smoked her! I don't need to watch any more tonight....... EDIT- Then I would have missed that epic bout between Umaga & Kamala
  14. Who's better than you? Just what i needed after 7 hours of meetings at work today......
  15. Who wouldn't? Mickie James vs DX Man Ass? No contest. I'm slightly upset that they didn't get PM'd to me, even though I've already seen them. There's no such thing as too much Mickie.......
  16. I second that. I've seen them before, but if you have other ones that I haven't seen, I owe it to myself to review them......
  17. We actively complained that money was wasted by the time that pay per view was over. The card looked good on paper, but i didn't think it delivered. Orton/Angle was OK. But Orton stinks, so there were too many chinlocks. Orton's offense last night: Punch, kick, chinlock, dropkick, chinlock, elbow drop, chinlock, RKO. And he won Umaga/Eugene was harmless. Umaga beat up Doink & Hacksaw Jim Duggan, but didn't fight Kamala. Which scared the hell out of me, because i don't want to see an actual match between Umaga & Kamala The 2/3 falls match was won by Flair 2 falls to ZERO! Foley got DQ'd in the second fall maybe 7 minutes in. I had much higher hopes for this match. Flair was bleeding like mad afterwards when Foley busted out the barbed wire baseball bat, though. The 3 Way IC title match was the best match of the night. Carlito had his working shoes on, and the best move of the night was a crazy superplex. let me see if I can describe it the right way. Nitro & Carlito were fighting on the turnbuckle. Nitro fell off and was hung in the tree of woe. Benjamin ran over, JUMPED to the top rope, & grabbed Carlito for a superplex. Right before Benjamin superplexed Carlito, Nitro sat up out of the tree of woe, and back suplexed Benjamin! It was pretty sweet. I'm sure they'll replay it on RAW tonight. Nitro ended up winning, which was a surprise. RVD beat Edge, which pissed me off. I don't know why they won't give Edge a chance with the belt, but they'll give Cena 9,000 chances....... The match itself was ok, but it was your typical RVD match. A lot of flipping around. Kane/Kane was very slow. And it had the ugliest superplex spot you've ever seen. They totally screwed it up. Fake Kane won, so we get to see more of it. Cena beat Sabu, getting him to tap out fo the STFU. I loathe Cena, so you can imagine how much I liked that one. The match itself was actually pretty good. Cena took a beating from the lumberjacks, and the usual Sabu chair offense (Arabian face busters, throwing stuff, etc). Cena FU'd Sabu from the ring to the floor through a table, and F'd it up. It was SICK. He didn't land anywhere near the middle of the table....... DX beat the spirit squad, and laid them all out by the end. Then, for our amusement, they grabbed one of them (Mitch, maybe) and stuck his face right in HHH's ass. Good times all around. Then RVD promised Cena a title match tonight, meaning we totally wasted our money, and Cena's going to win the belt tonight to really aggrivate me. It was not a show that anyone had to go out of their way to see. Which is why I was disappointed in it. And Mickie James wasn't on!
  18. I heard a rumor that they are fighting to get WWF back. So maybe there's still hope. Did anyone watch Vengance last night? it was brutal. I'm so glad DX is back to up the Man-ass quotient to 94%.....
  19. My 4 word review of last nights Raw. TOO MUCH MAN ASS........
  20. I'm a wrestling "geek" if you will. I go to a bunch of wrestling sites, and I read chat threads about it & stuff. It just always seems that the TNA fan will always point out that TNA is a "viable" alternative to the disgruntled WWE fan. And you transcribed the entire PPV for anyone who wanted it. That's happened ONCE on this board, I think (last years ECW PPV). And even that was nowhere near as detailed as your posts were. I'd be interested to see how many people read all of your posts. So that's all. The TNA fan is very passionate about their product, which is good. I was like that back in the day when telling people to watch ECW. The problem TNA fans face is if someone turns on impact & sees Sting or Jeff Jarrett, they'll probably lose interest pretty quick.......
  21. One thing I'll give TNA fans. They go above and beyond when it comes to pushing their show on non fans.......
  22. I believe that eventually, the WWE will figure out that ECWWE won't work. They have to let it be it's own show, with it's own people, with their own arenas. Taping ECW before smackdown just doesn't work. They have to finish off this brand vs brand stuff. But they've booked themselves into a corner. They have to get the WWE belt off of RVD before they can really do anything. They also shouldn't make Kurt Angle or the Big Show the focus of ECW. If they dominate, then it looks like the ECW people are rejects who aren't worth our time. The tie in with Sci-fi won't help either. That's why we had to see people like the Zombie & that Vampire. Even though I will again say that I didn't mind the Zombie (but I like horrible wrestlers, so that makes some sense) I didn't have high hopes for last night, so I'm not dissapointed in what I saw. But last night's show wasn't an ECW show. Sunday night was more of an ECW show. The crowd plays a huge part in an ECW show. I used to drive down to Philly to catch the shows at the old ECW Arena. The small venues, the crowd chants, that's ECW. You can't put 10 guys in ECW shirts in a ring with garbage cans & call it ECW. Once Vince figures that out, things should get better.......
  23. Thank god. It's bad enough the big show eliminated everybody, at least he didn't win....
  24. I thought the same thing. This isn't the right ECW crowd. There also shouldn't be a video wall, nor should there be fireworks. I think they'll get it right eventually, but we have to suffer through the beginning.....
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