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Everything posted by cyfar

  1. Go to WWEshop.com and do a search on Benoit. This speaks volumes as to what has been revealed to WWE staff.
  2. Yeah. In his tribute testimony, he just went on for about 45 seconds about how Benoit was such a hard worker and how that's all he has is going to say that that time. It just felt odd too, considering that he had known Chris for as long as he has I would have expected him to say something about him out of the ring or mention his family. It was almost as if he said no matter what comes info and fact come out, Chris Benoit was a hard worker in the wrestling ring and loved his craft.
  3. It was reported that an unamed wrestler backstage was in contact with Chris on Sunday via some very odd text messages. With that said, I posted this on another site:
  4. Jeez is just get worse. I'm very sad right now. Much like with Eddie's death, it's as if a family member or friend of mine has died.
  5. Yup....Kevin booked his own divorce. I have to admit once I got over the initial shock and heard that foul play may be involved, I said that Kevin Sullivan had better have a damned good alibi.
  6. Nitro comes off as a decent early to mid card wrestler to me. He has nothing in his moveset that sets him apart from anyone else. Granted, he hasn't been in the big time long enough to make a huge splash but I think it's a joke to put a strap on him now. EDIT: Didn't know that he was one of the Tough Enough winners. I wonder if that factored into why they put a strap on him so quickly? Let's not forget his STF(U). I thought it was laughable when he first started using that move beecause it looked as bad as when the Rock would break out the Sharpshooter.
  7. Well I tried to give WWECW a chance. I expected them to use ECW to build young stars like Punk and Monty Brown and still feature the old faces of the original ECW. Hell I was even digging it when Big Show was the champ because he was a decent talent that deserverd a little bit more of a spotlight. When they started dropping all of the old ECW stars and started featuring people like Stiker and Lashley i lost attention. It because Tuesday night Smackdown. Sorry for the Rant. I'll give Vengence a look later this week.
  8. For those following Vengence, does it seem like a show worth downloading?
  9. Hmmm, I wonder how that will work out. As for Nitro winning the belt: : :doh: laugh: WWECW is dead to me now. I understand that Punk has to pay his dues and all but come on. We know that he should be wearing the ECW strap right now.
  10. Hmm, sounds like I missed another great one. I'll be giving the replay a shot tonight. As for Vince, it was Monty Brown in the study with the candlestick. And the the ROBOCOP moment in WCW was almost as painful as when they put the title on David Arquette. Also, what ever happened to Wrestling Society X. I'm not a huge MTV viewer so I wasn't aware of whether or not there was a time slot change.
  11. Didn't see that part but I could only assume that Vince is trying to kill the on air personality that is Vincent K. McMahon. I doubt it but I would be happy if he decides to let the show go on without having to be an on air personality.
  12. This pic has been all over another forum that I frequent. It gets a laugh out of me every time.
  13. Edge Jobs to The Monster Meng in WCW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GgyP1zffVg EDIT: This is why it's hard to take the E serious anymore.
  14. I posted this a while back. It never gets old. :laugh: :laugh:
  15. Very true, I was anticipating a match between Bryan Danielson and Kurt Angle but it appears that we may have to wait a little while longer.
  16. Yeah, i've been following ROH ever since the first show a few years back. Someone got me the tape as a birthday present and I've been watching ever since. At first I have to admit that I was a little turned off by the fact that they were performing in a highschool Gym...that all went away after the first match. ROH always manages to put on a good show. I'm excited about this PPV deal of theirs and I can't wait til they start doing live PPVs.
  17. And Bryan Danielson's next in line to take it. EDIT: and the rest of what you said was QFT!
  18. For some reason, TNA always gets a 4 star out of Sacrifice every year. How did Black Machismo fair in his match? OOOO...black tiger was there too. I may have to pick up the encore. EDIT: That is one of the greatest sigs I've ever seen. :laugh:
  19. Ring of Honor inks a PPV and Video on Demand deal! This is HUGE for wrestling fans! :applause:
  20. The only reason I watch TNA on a weekly basis now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOX5Uth3YJU That and to watch Kevin Nash give Sonjay Dutt his old characters.
  21. Christina Model is the only name I know her by. Do a google and you'll find out more. (NSFW)
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