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Everything posted by cyfar

  1. Yeah, I saw it late. I was looking too deep into the pic for something. lol Viagra Falls, I get it, i get it lol.
  2. What am i missing here with the Niagra falls pic? EDIT: Nevermind LOL
  3. Jeez, Vince. Why don't you let the kids play like this every week. I understand that there's a chance that could get hurt but this is the type of show that gets people watching. Matches like this and money in the bank are what people rave about.
  4. "If you laugh at my body building technique, I say, To hell with you Krom!"
  5. As far as I know...Eddie was on a lot of stuff back in the day. It was just sad that when he finally got his life back in order than he had to go like that. You were probably blasted by those that were just sad about the passing.
  6. Okay, you have your 1 second of internet fame(infamy) because you disapprove of what other people plan to do with a) THEIR Free time and THEIR money. Congratu****inglations.
  7. The Casket match was a joke but the one saving grace was the amount of blood Sting left on the mat. Other than that, when i saw them lower down the casket, I lol'd.
  8. Don't forget that a good portion of the people that usually come to the tv tapings are from the surrounding areas (hint: the team up north that wear purple and worships a rat bird). Anyways, i caught Destination X on Sunday. Not a bad PPV, there were a few decent matches on the card. The Austin Starr vs. Low ki match was one of the best of the night. The Elevation X match was, so-so. It seemed like they played to the gimmick just a little too much. Beside the over sell of AJ's injuries from his fall had the room kinda pissed. The Main Event between Joe and Christian wasn't bad because Christian had been carried to his best match in a long time but the "foot on the ropes" finish also left the room kinda pissed. Oh well, I can't wait to see what the fallout from the PPV will be this Thursday.
  9. Oh yeah I remember that one. The match wasn't a 4 star but the finish was jaw dropping. Just like seeing a spontaneous chair pile up in the ring. One of those things you'll always remember.
  10. Ya know, I totally forgot about that match. Scaffold matches were always interesting to me because you know that someone(if not both) is going to need a ton of painkillers the next day from huge spot or bump they have to take in one of those matches. STARCADE HERE WE COME!
  11. Destination X is coming up this weekend. The only reason I'm ordering is to see Samoa Joe take the strap from Christian. As for WWE, they had my interest a few weeks back when there was still the possibility of the Rock showing up at WM as the rep for Trump. When I saw them trot the wife beater out as the ref I chuckled. Same ole thing every year.
  12. I agree that they should have tried to compete with the E by having a live (PPV or Clash of the Champions-esque) show to go head to head, but I thought the "This is TNA" show was effective. They had a boatload of highlights sprinkled in, but the matches were some of the best.
  13. oh yeah? Well here's a shock to you Santa isn't real.
  14. LMAO, I wasn't paying attention to the screen when he made his appearance last week. My god that is the funniest person I've seen in a while. If you look closely at the second pick, you'll notice that he has more hair on his back than his head. :laugh:
  15. Most of the guys there are great wrestlers and do sell in their various indie promotions. I guess it's just because they are on this show for MTV and they have to catch those people that are just watching for that 30 minute hit of action that they have to have those type of matches. I've watched Jack Evans, Teddy Hart and Matt Sydel for quite some time in ROH. They have put on some classic matches there. Hart is a few years off from being good, but it's fun to watch him at this stage.
  16. So far the only reason to watch is for The Human Tornado, other than that, it's a bunch of people no-selling in a 30 minute spotfest with Zakk Wylde on the mic as a commentator.
  17. I heard that they've changed his finisher from Tha' POOOOOOOUNCEEEEAH (period) to a Fujiwara armbar. I'll have to fire up this weeks ep on the old TiVo tonight.
  18. Yeah I turned it off as soon as I saw that they were promoting it and making a big deal out of that. Thanks Vince!
  19. Thank you. I don't understand where people was coming from with that. The only things that they have in common are that they are wrestlers from California that are of Samoan decsent(sp?). Their wrestling styles are too different. Umaga is more of a power wrestler like Kamala but has a little bit more speed. While Joe is more of a big man thats a great striker akin to Hashimoto.
  20. Well: - I'm interested in seeing what Vince plans on doing with Monty. - the firing has WORK written all over it but I would not be shocked it it were true. - The last Cryme Tyme skit from Raw had WTF?! written all over it. - I didn't think that the TNA special sucked. I thought it was pretty damned good. Almost better than the PPV they put on that weekend. The Angle/Joe Match saved it. -Very happy to see Punk getting his due. Don't worry Prime, he'll be on RAW pretty soon if Vince is close to getting rid of ECW. I think that he should be on Smackdown because that's where most of the workers are but Punk has some serious mic skills to hold his own with the guys on RAW. Punk on Smackdown wouldn't be a bad thing...there would be a greater chance of seeing Punk vs Benoit.
  21. Shocked to see this thread 7 pages down. Here's a much deserved bump.
  22. If Vince wanted better ratings all he would have to do is put on better matches. The Benoit/Finaly match on Smackdown last week was one of the best WWE matches I've seen put on in the past year. Give us more of that and some decent promo work and stop trying to sell me on these :pooh:ty movies like the Marine and Kane's DVD and I'll be hooked again.
  23. No problem if you use it. As long as it made someone laugh, I'm happy. Spread the love(in this case,laughter).
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