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Posts posted by G.A.C.O.L.B.

  1. GACOLB, I don't think it's racism (is Rondo white?).

    It's the dance. It's "too black" for Cowherd. You got 40-year-old white guys making a living commenting on young Black and Latino kids. Coming from a culture they don't (or can't?) understand. They'd prefer them to keep their head down, yes sir, no sir. All proper like. Thats why he prefers Rondo. The turnover thing is just some game bit he threw in. No way he's dumb enough to think that that's a legitimate issue with a player three games into his career. It's really about the dance.

    Maybe I'm misreading it but that's what I'm taking out of it.

    And the only player I'd trade Wall for is Durant. I think he's going to go down as (at least) the second best player after Jordan. I'm not sold on Howard being a player who can put a team on his back like Durant or Wall can.

    I don't think I even need to say anything about Lebron.

  2. You know another thing, I'd say a majority of Wall's turnovers last night were a result of him trying too hard to feed his teammates. I remember a few where he had a shot himself and instead of taking it, he tried to force a pass to a teammate and it would get picked off. Of course it would help if Cowherd did something other than look at a boxscore and the opening scene of Sportscenter. Like watch the game or something. Crazy concept, I know.

  3. Jealousy it is. Arrington whined and whined about Wall being a pompous over confident a-hole while completely forgetting what kind of player he used to be. Can't see a brother do good. Arrington came with the same kind of hype, supposed to be the next LT blah blah blah and failed due to his own short comings and injuries. He doesn't have a problem with Ovechkin who kind of plays with the same swagger but he hates on the other guy who for all accounts shows no doucheyness on the court but did a 30 sec dance on his first ever home intro.

    Arrington is an extremely bitter individual and I say this as someone who used to be a huge fan of his. His on air pissed off attitude is pathetic.

    I said schtick because it's hard for me to believe that any thing they do on that show (or that station for that matter) is real in any type of way. But maybe he's so bitter about Wall being the man that he can't help but show it.

    And am I the only one who doesn't see Wall acting all high and mighty in any type of way? I don't even really see the swagger. I just see a kid having fun and enjoying himself. One of my favorite moments of the game was when he hit Yii with an assist. After Yii made the shot, Wall pumped his fist and said like "YES!", jumped up and bounced around with this HUGE smile on his face. Then he like looked over at the bench to say something and it was like he remembered where he was at and got all serious again. It was an awesome moment that I bet most people missed. Just a kid having fun and doing what he loves and is meant to do. Play basketball and be a PG. I can't recall one instance where I thought he acted ****y. Not one. Maybe confident but really, not even that.

    Gil was/is likable in a goofy/eclectic/eccentric type of way. Wall is likable in a human being type of way. For anyone to question his character is just absolutely disgusting.

    Sidenote, Yii is going to become a fan favorite. I can already tell. In my section we started doing a YIIIIIIIIII!!! chant type thing (like Coooooooooley) any time he made a play. By the end of the game, I heard it in a bunch of different parts of the arena. He's not the best player but he plays hard and is super aggressive on D. He really busts his ass on that side of the floor. He's not always in the right position but it's not because he's not trying. I think he'll eventually get it.

  4. As God as my witness, if I ever meet Colin Cowherd I'm going to hit him right in the nose.


    Colin Cowherd rants on John Wall

    The thing about people like Colin Cowherd is this: they say dumb stuff so that gullible people will write down the dumb stuff they say, and then other people will react with possibly misspelled outrage, and then they'll get to see their name on web logs, chuckling with sinister satisfaction in their secret lairs. The only real antidote is to ignore them.

    Usually I'm fairly good at this. I mean, I try. However, a reader advised me to listen to Cowherd's thoughts on John Wall's home opener, and I stupidly complied. And now Cowherd has lured me into typing up his thoughts, and within moments he'll be chuckling with sinister satisfaction in his secret lair.

    So please, please forgive me.

    Before I get started, four facts.

    1) Amid a crush of media and fan requests, John Wall has mostly refrained from dancing since his arrival in Washington, certainly in any non-media setting. However, before Tuesday night's game, assistant coach Sam Cassell -- a man who owns three NBA championship rings -- urged Wall to do a dance for the home crowd, which he did. Enthusiastically.

    2) In his first three NBA games, Rajon Rondo had 9 assists and 5 turnovers, for a ratio of 1.8-1. Through his first three NBA games, John Wall has 31 assists and 14 turnovers, for a ratio of 2.2-1.

    3) After the game, Comcast SportsNet's Chris Miller grabbed Wall for a post-game interview and gushed like this: "One steal shy of a triple-double, what a night to open up this building young fella, welcome to the NBA!"

    "Yeah, it was great, man, the one thing I want to really work on, though -- great win for the team -- but turnovers," Wall lamented. "I came back in and had nine or eight. That's too many turnovers for this team."

    That was the very first thing he said after the game.

    4) This is a video of Magic Johnson doing the John Wall Dance.

    Ok, cover your eyes. Here's Colin.

    "Much like I called out Greg Oden, I'm gonna call out John Wall....Before the game started, he spent 34 seconds doing the Dougie. That tells me all I need to know about J-Wow. Then he opened his mouth later and confirmed it: not a sharp guy. All about him. In that line last night, that 29-point line, when he was out of control, he had 8 turnovers. By the way, Rajon Rondo had 17 assists last night, 0 turnovers. Rajon's got rings, Wall will never have one.

    "Folks, when you rob a bank, it's not just the act of it, it's that you sat down for weeks and planned it. That tells me you're an idiot. The act is just the final icing on the cake. The cake is you sat down for weeks and planned it. I always give people credit just for getting a job. If you interview with 300 people and get the job, you beat 300 people out for a job, you've got to have some skill-set.

    "Oh, I'm gonna get a lot of callers -- Colin, he's just having fun. What he did last night, Rondo never would, Isiah never would, J. Kidd never would, Stockton never would, Nash never would, Magic never would. Point guard is like the quarterback. it's an IQ-judgment position. The great ones are not about themselves. They're about the others. Leadership is IQ, it's not skills.

    "J Wow's 37-second Yo dawg look at me I'm the man [dance], and his wild, out-of-control style, everybody else is buying his stock, and it told me all I need to know. He's gonna end up on the Iverson, Francis, Starbury [side]: great stats, nine All-Star teams, never play with good smart players and an elite head coach. He's gonna drive people nuts.

    "It's not robbing the bank, it's that you planned it. It's not just doing the Doggie (sic) for 35 seconds, it's that you really thought before the game, this is gonna be super cool and people will like me. The wrong people. You all, go read the John Wall box score. Everybody's fascinated. ESPN SportsCenter will probably do like 9 minutes on it. I'll take the Rondo box score: 3 boards, 9 points, 17 assists, 4 steals, no turnovers....

    "You could see it before the game started. Magic would never consider doing that. It's just who he is. And you think he's gonna change now that they gave him $75 million? Oh yeah, I'm sure he's gonna life change now. It's not robbing the bank, partner; it's that you planned it. It's not just the act, it's that you thought about it and thought it was a great idea....

    "My daughter's 10. Ten years old. She knows the difference between right and wrong. My daughter knows what Randy Moss did is wrong. She's 10. The haves get it early, the have-nots never do. Look at me, I'm great, I'm unbelievable.

    "You go look, we have a Hall of Fame point guard right now, his name is Rondo. Go look at his numbers....The best distributor in the league, and all we'll pay attention to is John Wall. Rondo is your superstar point guard, but we will spend hours on John Wall. I'd take Rondo in a heartbeat....When I see Wall dropping 29, you know what Wall's thinking tonight? Man, that dance was good, I might get 39 tonight. Great. Nine (sic) turnovers and 29 points. Welcome to the back of the class, get behind the Celtics, the Lakers and the Heat.

    When I hear people going off on **** like this, not just criticizing it but really going off on it and blowing it way out of proportion, I can't help but to think to myself that they're just not white enough for them. Wall isn't white enough for Cowherd. He isn't "proper" like Cowherd likes them.

    Yeah I just took it there. And ftr, I'm a white guy.

  5. They shouldn't use any logo that doesn't have anything to do with the Wiz. No Cowboys star, no Pens logo, no Duke logo. Wizards/NBA only. The "facts" they did for the opposing players during introductions are funny though. I think they've done that for awhile now. I know I've seen it before.

    Cooley and his wife had a fron row seat behind the basket. And Ted was sitting on the floor right next to the scorers table. Down from the Wiz bench a little. I saw him shake his head in disgust when Javale picked up his second foul.

    The funniest thing was when they announced that Elliot from Elliot in the Morning was there. There were like two boo's and then complete silence. Nobody gave a ****. And they kept a live shot of him up on the big screen for a good 60 seconds. I know he felt dumb as hell.

  6. All's well in Wizard land. Status quo here we come.

    I know this is a day or two late but I meant to say something before. Can you please elaborate on this? I'm not understanding what you mean or where you're coming from.

    Haha I actually wrote an email to Ted this morning about that. It definitely makes us look like a second class team without a tradition of our own. I mean we surely are lacking in that department but I'd rather not use anything than borrow another teams identity.

    I'm gonna write him as soon as I get home from work tonight. What do you think about putting Lebron's ugly mug up there? I realize that ideally we wouldn't have to show anything to get the crowd hyped, but we're not at that point yet. Lebron's been a longtime rival and even moreso now that he's in the same division.

  7. The only thing I found lame about the game was the constant use of the Dallas star. I know it elicits a lot of hatred but we can do better than using another sports rivalry to get our crowd going.

    I could not agree more. That **** was pissing me off all night. I was thinking about writing Ted an email about it. I think it puts the Wiz in second-class status to the Skins. We gotta be our own team with our own rivalries. Personally I'd like to see them throw a picture of Lebron up there.

    The 3D intro was lame too.

  8. Yeah not really sure why Chad was complaining about the crowd. Was he even at the game? The stadium was packed at around 75% but it was LOUD. Pretty much with five minutes left in the 4th till the end of overtime, everyone was on their feet.

    Him and Lavar were at the Green Turtle before the game during their show. I assume he stayed for the game.

    And yeah, we didn't sit down for a good 30 minutes at the end. Martin's 3 pointer to send it into overtime was ridiculous.

    I still can't believe they won.

  9. Ovechkin: lived up to the hype

    Strasburg: lived up to the hype (hopefully will be good when he returns)

    Orakpo: absolute STEAL

    Wall: sure seems to have lived up to the hype

    Orakpo, God bless him, doesn't belong on that list.

    It's going to be hard to listen to lavar & dukes discuss Wall's performance on my drive home this afternoon. They really know nothing about basketball and I turned off their show yesterday when they said KD made an instant impact (in comparison to Wall) when he was drafted. If they did their research they would know that the sonics won somethign like 20 games in KD's rookie year. I have ZERO issue w. Wall being named captian (Lavar & dukes did). I mean, why not? There's nothing but immaturity on the team, and Wall is cut from a different cloth. As he goes, so do the Wizards. You can tell that the other players feed off of him, and he says/does all the right things so far. Wow...what a treat to have him in DC.

    It's not just Chad and Lavar, though they are certainly the main culprits. Listening to 106.7 last night while driving home from the game, Overtime with Bill Roland came on after Glenn Consor's postgame show. They spent the first 15 minutes ****ing about people being excited about John Wall. Then Chad Dukes called in and ****ed about the crowd. One of the most hyped crowds I've ever been around. The end was insane. You had casual fans who didn't know **** jumping up and down, screaming, high fiving each other. It was beautiful.

    106.7 lives on negativity. It's controversy. It drives callers, it drives ratings. And it's disgustingly transparent.

  10. God, I feel like I've been stabbed in the throat. I think screaming at McGee's stupid ass is what did it to me.

    Anyway, John Wall is amazing. Legit. The real deal. I can't belive there were people who wanted Evan Turner over him. I'm calling it now, Evan Turner will NEVER be an All Star. Not once. The sky is the limit for Wall.

    And Bostic Hog, do us a favor and go jump off a bridge. A Skins/Philly fan? You. Are. A. Loser. Period. End of story. I don't even need to meet you to know this.

  11. Even if we lose tonight, I hope people take the positives out of this game. Add Josh Howard and Gil to this, and hey, things might be alright. On Friday BOTH radio stations did bits about whether we might threaten the record of 9 wins in a season. After one game. It's not going to be like that. We're not going to contend and we're gonna have some games where we just flat out suck and borderline embarrass ourselves, but the future is bright.

    Anyway, Horford is a beast. I definitely wouldn't mind it if we made a run at him in free agency.

  12. Nevermind, I found it. How's Wall looking?

    Ridiculous. He's so fast man. He literally runs down court and is at the rim before defenders even turn their heads to look at him. He is/was getting a breather now but he basically put the team on his back at the beginning of the 4th and just did his things. 18 points and 6 assists so far. Not sure how many turnovers. He's going to be unstoppable once he gets an outside shot.

    The thing that I love the most is that he doesn't seem out of control. So many times you see young guys with great speed who look like they're just trying to go as fast as possible and have no idea where they're going. Wall is fast with a purpose.

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