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Everything posted by G.A.C.O.L.B.

  1. 344 3-point attempts at .358% vs 304 attempts at .351%. Which one is the ****ty shooting Wall and which one is the sweet stroking Irving?
  2. Eh. My experience, that wasn't alzheimers. That was just a piece of **** being a piece of ****.
  3. About damn time. Wonder if Rose looks like **** Also we join the Warriors as the only two teams with more than one guy there
  4. 3 fistfights with teammates? deadspin had an article today about there being nothing less disgusting in sports than the thought of Turner and Boston teamed up. Thank God the Wiz didn't take him over Wall. WJFK was pushing that Wall or Turner "debate" hard
  5. I love how he's throwing out the Cavs losing record and the Wizards winning record as proof that Irving is better. I think that's called going full retard.
  6. He soooooo watched that one nationally televised game the Wiz had in the regular season. He knows his ****.
  7. And the cow said moo. GACOLB said yawn. I don't know why you all waste your time. BS knows **** about ****. Classic hater. How many times do you think he's actually watched either Irving or Wall? All he knows is Irving scored a lot of points in the All Star game and points is good.
  8. Sorry but this is the world's greatest gif http://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/9852179/ibudxocspp5h10.0_standard_783.0.gif Anyway.... @spearsnbayahoo Wizards free agent Chris Singleton, who avg 3 ppg & 2.2 pg last season, has received interest from likes of Miami & Indiana, a source said.
  9. Saw this on reddit, pretty damn funny. The Sixers, of course, are accepting applications from the general public for some pretty serious basketball ops positions. Such as: http://nbateamjobs.m.teamworkonline.com/Jobdetail.aspx?j=58401 Feel free to find something up your alley and apply: http://nbateamjobs.m.teamworkonline.com/Category.aspx?c=170&l=11 Just make sure you throw me some tix for the tip if you get it.
  10. Oh wow, had no idea the Summer League MVP was a legit thing. And had no idea that Wall won it in 2010 http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBA_Summer_League#MVP_Winners Looking at that list, it's a damn good sign that Rice won it. Not all those guys are stars but they're all names we know. And you can't beat that with a 2nd round pick
  11. Rice Cold and Ottomatic both make NBATV's All Summer League 1st Team And now just named Rice the Summer League MVP. Actually presented him with a trophy. Interviewing him now
  12. The dream is over. Oh well. It was a fun run. Can't wait until the season starts now. I am officially looking forward to it more than the Skins (really, really looking forward to both though)
  13. Damn didn't realize Rice had run away with the scoring title that much. Up damn near 3 whole points on Hardaway Jr
  14. Yes, down to 10 Sacramento playing real ugly now. We can win this Great And 1 from Otto Damn it would've been great to hit that last shot. Oh well. Got what I wanted, down 10 after 3 Down 7
  15. Beautiful steal and then and 1 for Rice. Down 14. Get this to 10 at the end of the quarter and we have a shot
  16. GRJR coming out strong Can't stand Quincy Acy. I know he's one of those guys you love having on your team and hate everywhere else though Otto needs to step up for us to make this a game. Rice Cold can't do it alone
  17. First 3 of the game to end the half. 45-24 at the half. Just ugly.
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