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Everything posted by G.A.C.O.L.B.

  1. Ouch... The Pacers opening day starting lineup tonight. That hurts me to look at and I'm a lifelong Bullets /Wizards fan
  2. Ah beat me to it. Nice. So yeah, NBA League Pass is a free trial until the 4th. Do it every year
  3. YessirThe start of the season Gil got hurt, Jordan's first year 2001, '98 iirc, the CWebb/Howard playoff season. This feels more real than all of those though. Looking back, all three of those seasons had gimmicky angles to them, and we might not have been honest with ourselves about it then, but deep down I think we knew. This is legit here. Feels good. Real good.
  4. I'm seeing 4-6 months Kosher. Nothing official though
  5. Here's vid of the injury for those who missed it. It's not gruesome or anything, why the announcers thought he had just turned his ankle at first http://www.nba.com/video/games/lakers/2014/10/29/0021400003-hou-lal-randles-injury.nba/index.html GIF... Really looks like he broke it by kicking himself right? Weird. Never seen that before. This is too sad though... Man..
  6. Lol, damn. Shaq in his second season, first triple double of his career, had a game with the Magic with 24 points, 28 boards and 15 blocks. Beastly. But yeah, I agree with Chuck. The Uni is going to be an absolute star. Might just be #3 behind LeBron and Durant. And sooner rather than later. And Kosher, I'll see if I can't find something about how long Randle might be out. They might not know until they get a better look at what kind of damage he's done. If it's just bone, just a fracture, you're right, might not be too bad. The way they were talking though, particularly Byron Scott in his postgame interview, doesn't sound too good man.
  7. Fractured tibia the word on Randle. That sucks. In happier news, Rachel Nichols is still my baby. The definition of ugly in a beautiful way. And she's local. Just win all over.
  8. Just ftr, the knock on Ariza showing up big in contract years and then disappearing after getting paid, eh. If it was true before, I don't buy it now. Maybe he just grew up, idk. He seems like a total professional to me. I think he'll play well for the Rockets. Just wasn't a fit here at those numbers. I'll happily ride with Pierce for two years if it makes getting Durant even just one iota slightly more likely.
  9. Haha. Perfect. Baltche+Crawford and then in two years bring Pierre and Swaggy P over and...bring Agent Zero out of retirement. That's a Chinese dynasty if I've ever seen one.
  10. Damn, can't believe Nick Young is almost 30. Thank the ****ing basketball gods that's not our problem anymore. Speaking of problems, anyone know if anyone signed Baltche? Saw a funny article in the offseason, think it was someone at Yahoo Sports, where he ranked the top free agents. Had Baltche in his top ten. So throughout the offseason, he was updating the article when players signed or with rumors or whatever. So near the end of the big free agent frenzy time, everyone in his top ten had signed...except Baltche. His update on Baltche was basically, "Well, talking to folks, I really didn't know what I was talking about with Baltche, he shouldn't have been anywhere near my top ten, I'm an idiot." Lol. I can't bring myself to google him. The memories...still so sickening. Where art thou hands11?
  11. Kobe looking like he hates life right now. Just like, "****..." She said that's what Lakers doctors/trainers told her. That's why they put an aircast on him
  12. Not good when a player has an ankle injury and he didn't really, obviously turn it. Lakers season could have already just gotten even ****tier. Talking about Julius Randle for those not watching. Oh wow, **** just got real serious. Did I see a stretcher out there? Yeah he's ****ed up. Bad. Always sad to see with a youngster. His first ****ing game too. Couldn't care less about the Lakers but man... Holy ****, now they're saying he has a broken leg. Damn.
  13. No I know man. I was just ****ing with you. But yeah, Ariza, we'll definitely miss some elements of his game, namely his D. But I think a lot of his success here was made possible by playing with Wall. It'll be interesting to see how he does without Wall setting him up. Another thing with him, and I'm a fan and appreciate his time with us, but he has a history of showing up big in contract years and then kind of not living up to it. So yeah, we basically replaced him with Pierce. So obviously Pierce isn't giving us the defense that Ariza did but he brings other things to the team. He's a champion and a legend, and I think the things he can teach our youngsters like Wall, Beal, Otto, etc will be invaluable. Lastly, and potentially most important of all, letting Ariza walk and not getting locked in long term, gives us a lot more flexibility in free agency two years from now...when a certain local legend becomes a free agent and is rumored to be a very, VERY real possibility to come home.
  14. After what they did to him his rookie year, thank ****ing God he left Reebok. Seriously, **** them. But yeah, love the commercial. Hopefully it doesn't give Lavar nightmares
  15. Haha. Rape is funny. (I know you didn't mean nothing by it Sin. Just a pet peeve of mine.) But for real, crazy story. Swear didn't hear a damn thing about it before and next thing I know, "*BREAKING NEWS* Mookie Blaylock sentenced to seven years in prison" or whatever his sentence is. And man, talk about a player EVERYONE forgot about. Forget not hearing about his crime/arrest/trial, I damn near forgot he ever even existed, period.
  16. Old Gheorghe might be the coolest human being I've ever met. And goddamn if I don't run into him at damn near every single Wizards game I go to.
  17. Goddamn you scared me man. Just some tendonitis in his left knee. Wittman says he'll be back at practice tomorrow. Never had tendonitis in my knees but got it seemingly every year in my throwing elbow at the start of baseball season. Holy **** that pain is no joke. Feels like someone is sticking a hot blade through your muscle. Just goes away with time, as your muscle builds itself back into season form.
  18. Just got off (FML) and home (**** 66) so just starting to watch the game now. I'll read through and comment as I watch. Wanted to just say real quick though, holy ****ing **** I can't believe Marvin Williams and Jason Maxiel are both entering their 10th seasons. I'm getting ****ing old man
  19. I really think the NFL is on the verge of taking a hit in popularity and I think the NBA is in prime position to reap the rewards of that. Definitely moreso than any other league
  20. Dude in my unit at Fort Hood got bit by a brown recluse. Was in his boot. Nasty, nasty bite. Basically eats your flesh. But yeah, I have so many spider stories. Absolutely despise the things. When I was 17 bought a pet tarantula. It ate baby mice. Thought I'd use it to overcome my phobia. I actually held it in my hands at the store the day I bought it...and that was the last time I touched that ****er. I hated that thing so much. Used to have nightmares that it had escaped from its little cage. Two or three times a week I'd wake up in the middle of the night absolutely drenched in sweat and would have to jump out of bed and run and make sure it was still there. God **** that thing. Was so happy when it finally died. So yeah, **** spiders.
  21. Watch us sign KD in 2016 and then in preseason he tweeks his knee, requires microfracture surgery and is never the same. I might give up on sports if that happened
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