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Califan007 The Constipated

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Posts posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. This hit me in the feels lol...seriously.





    And the scene of the black family in the pool. I think the guy with the plastic bottles was the hotel manager, and a black family staying in the hotel went swimming in the pool...he started pouring acid into the pool because he wanted the black family out.

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  2. "It" is doing great at the box office:


    "The studio that gave us Nightmare on Elm Street and The Conjuring horror franchises has created another milestone for the genre with their feature adaptation of Stephen King’s Itwhich is now on course to slot the best opening day ever for an R-rated and horror title with an estimated $51M  (easily smashing Deadpool‘s $47.3M) and the second best R-title three-day between  $103.4M-$108M, behind Deadpool‘s $132.4M. In addition, for any post-summer title opening before November, It‘s weekend is higher than anything released prior in September or October.


    With no signs this AM of It slowing down (East Coast sales are brisk) and with good holds expected for tonight, some longtime box office observers are thinking this film could even float up to $120M by the time the screaming stops late Sunday."

  3. 5 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

    I agree Cali. Really just the cars, clothes and that one running joke made it feel late 80s. The rest of the movie and the town itself felt like the old version and pulled from the late 60s in a lot of ways. 


    The adult version will obviously be 2016/17. 


    I am nominating Kristin Wig as the adult version of Beverly. That was the immediate impression I got from her. Thought maybe it was her daughter even.


    Wiig kinda looks like the adult Bevery, but she doesn't convey confidence nearly enough to be Beverly imo...Wiig's kinda hesitant-insecure persona works well for her comedy but Beverly in this movie was incredibly confident in numerous scenes...I'd prefer someone who can convey confidence just as strongly and is maybe a relative unknown so that I'm not looking at the actress but the character. It's gonna be interesting to see how they cast the adult versions in Chapter 2.


    By the way, people in my audience applauded when "Chapter 1" was shown at the end lol...

  4. Also saw It tonight, agree with others that it's entertaining and creepy--Pennywise is just DAMN creepy, much better imo than Tim Curry's take. Think of Jack Nicholson's Joker compared to Heath Ledger's Joker lol...the movie was also funnier than I was expecting, and all the kids were really good, especially the young girl who played Beverly. I agree with @drowland in his spoiler text about one of the characters, hadn't realized why I was thinking that way until I read it, though.


    The movie may have the Mother Of All Jump Scares in it, too lol...


    Also, and this is no real spoiler, the movie is supposed to take place in 1988, but doesn't feel like it. Felt more like it was taking place in the late 60s for a large part of the movie. On the other end, I thought i saw a high school student talking on a cell phone in one scene lol...outside of one very funny running joke that speaks to the late 80s, I didn't get that feeling of a particular time in the past.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    I won the day! I won the day! Most liked posts yesterday, the first day of (meaningless) football!  


    This is one of the greatest achievements of my life.  I know that I'll never be up there with the likes of @Califan007 (87) (Holy Crap!) or @TK (31) but with a little luck, I might catch  @ConnSKINS26(17) by the end of the season!  

    The game is on! (And this game might actually be more interesting than anything in the preseason, so, why not!)




    Wait, what?....What do I have 87 of? lol...

  6. On 5/25/2017 at 6:18 PM, Roger.Staubach said:

    Is that type of attitude something you want to root for???  Dude sounds like a douche.


    He's a great guy off the field, and he backs up his bravado in a billion different ways on the field. I have zero problem with Norman.


    Does your stance have to do with how he and Dez went back and forth during the Thanksgiving game? lol...

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Keith Huddleston said:


    Is retardedly even a word, redneck? 


    Pretty sure the word he typed was not "retardedly" lol...



    Thought Wonder Woman was good, if more than a bit overrated. Very little in the movie had me saying "Wow" or smiling or laughing out loud or anything...it was like a solid 6.5 out of 10 from beginning to end, with a few 7s and 8s sprinkled in.



    When she flipped the tank and launched herself into the bell tower to basically destroy that mf'er were close to a 10, though lol...


  8. On 5/12/2017 at 11:33 AM, Reaper Skins said:

    Regarding the strength of schedule theory:


    Past 5 years, the combined records of the teams in our division:

    Cowboys:  37-27

    Eagles: 34-30

    Giants: 30-34

    Redskins: 24-39-1


    Hardest schedule within division for past 5 years:

    2017: Redskins, Giants, Cowboys, Eagles

    2016: Redskins, Eagles, Cowboys, Giants

    2015: Giants, Redskins, Eagles, Cowboys

    2014: Redskins, Cowboys, Eagles, Giants

    2013: Redskins, Eagles, Giants, Cowboys


    For the last 5 years, we have been the weakest team in the division.  Despite this, in 5 years we have NEVER been given the easiest strength of schedule within our division.  We have also NEVER been given the second easiest strength of schedule within the division.  In fact, 4 out of the past 5 years we have been given the HARDEST schedule in the division, with the one year exception being the second hardest in 2015 (1 place lower than the Giants).



    That's because we never had the 3-13 or 4-12 Redskins on our schedule lol...

  9. On 3/31/2017 at 8:50 PM, TryTheBeal! said:

    Whew, The Blackcoats Daughter was really creepy and downright nasty.  A damn fine horror flick, unconventional and bleak.


    Recommended...but it's not for everyone.


    What did you think of the ending?...And did you figure out who everyone was in the movie?



    Emma Roberts crying at the end when she realizes she can't recapture having the devil/demon possess her again by returning to the school was kinda freaky...might be the first movie where the victim of a possession, instead of feeling relief at the demon being banished, instead wants the devil to return to her body.


  10. The Blackcoat's Daughter





    Atmospheric as hell. There's a palpable sense of unease from the first frame to the final one. Acting is solid pretty much across the board, with Shipka the most impressive. If you're someone who craves jump scares and a brisk pace in your horror movies, you may not get too into this movie. It's a bit more deliberate and has some mysteries and twists that need to be figured out. It's also a movie that you'll be thinking about the rest of the weekend. I give it a B+.




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  11. 37 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

    It's semantics but we are talking about the same people / incident. Perhaps I'm misspeaking as well but they were terrorists who were trying to kill many people.




    It's not semantics in the way she brought it up, though...plus it's more than a little scary that pretty much anyway someone decides to characterize facts is more than OK as long as there's some level of truth in there somewhere. That's how the whole "Redskin = bloody indian scalp" hooey got passed on as fact for so long.

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