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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. Can't help but think that bck in the 70s, a bunch of conservatives were watching this at home with their kids and laughing...
  2. So it wasn't just me lol... Seriously, though, appreciate your attempt to put what they wrote in English lol. A few comments: I lumped all these first comments together... "But that doesn't actually REALLY take into context the game. So, if they highest probability assigned by the model is a slant (again, for example), but in the actual game, the DB shaded inside and covered it like a blanket, and the QB went to another read, the QB still gets dinged in that situation because he didn't hit the highest probability completion....Or, it's possible the slant, which might be the highest probable completion on a given play, the CB comes up and jams the receiver and takes the inside away on a given play, the route is dead. But there's no way the model knows this....I just thought of another flaw: this also doesn't take into account (because it can't) any pre-snap reads which are also QB decisions. " - Did they not use any of their personal observations in the equation? I thought (or assumed) they did...because if so, they would have seen things like the above before entering the data into their program (guess they could also do it afterwards but that would be a **** and a half to do) "Another example is the slant could actually be used as a decoy in the given play, and the actual play could be to try and leak the TE behind the slant, but there is no way for the model to know that." - Or for them to know that lol (one of my criticisms of PFF's normal grading system) "But the whole concept of the study is flawed right from the jump when you try and put a probability on a route depending on down/distance and game situation. You just CAN'T do that. I also don't know if they took into account things like weather, home/away, indoor/outdoor, and offensive skill position strength, what routes the QB throws best, what the receivers run best, etc." - I seem to recall them mentioning they took into consideration offensive skill position strength (or at least the skill level of individual offensive players)
  3. A conditional 5th round pick two years from now?...Why not just hold the door open and pat Mayfield on the back as he leaves instead? lol...I once traded in a used 12-year-old 1982 Honda Civic hatchback and got more in return than the Browns did.
  4. It's fine that you hate PFF...but what about the methodology behind their analysis? I have no idea what XGboost is, for example lol... They explain what they're meaning in their methodology.
  5. Pointing out the flaws in their methodology would probably be a better route...I'm guessing very few of us could intern at PFF, nonetheless come up with a different way of measuring QB performance. Message boards tend to be full of "eye tests" and passing off what others have said as their own thoughts lol.
  6. I just now read this lol... Heinicke saw him but was pressured almost immediately, which is why he didn't throw it right away. But to your point (and the tweeter's point lol), this really does sum up Terry's career here with the cascade of mediocre QBs we've saddled him with. He's sooooo much better than a lot of people realize. Crossing my fingers that Wentz will be the QB who (finally) shows Mclaurin's skills to their fullest.
  7. You're overlooking, though, that both men were in total agreement on whether or not to ban flavored tobacco products. I mean, how much more proof do you need....
  8. Not sure about Cheney, but my view on Kinzinger's political past with Trump is this: - Over the last 2 years of Trump's time in office Kinzinger voted with Trump 78% of the time...not 98% of the time. - The idea that every single bill that Trump backed or did not back should--by default--be seen as bad for the country is ludicrous. Some of the things Kinzinger agreed with Trump on were: - Increasing coronavirus-related stimulus payments to $2,000 from $600 - The Pandemic Aid bill - Providing assistance to people affected by the coronavirus - Banning flavored tobacco products - United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement - And some of the bills Kinzinger voted for that Trump was against include: - Funding the Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service and several other government agencies - Funding the Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and related agencies - Funding the Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and related agencies - Funding the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency and related agencies - Disapproving of the Trump administration’s plan to lift sanctions on three Russian companies - Funding most of the federal government through Sept. 30, without money for a border wall - Providing disaster relief money, including additional aid for Puerto Rico - Opposing Trump’s withdrawal of troops from Syria - The National Defense Authorization Act - Expanding the national apprenticeship system - Overriding Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act - Impeaching Trump on a charge of incitement of insurrection - And key issues Kinzinger was against that Trump supported: - Objecting to Arizona’s presidential electors - Objecting to Pennsylvania’s presidential electors Yes, I also know there were a lot of things Kinzinger voted for that Trump wanted that I feel were bad for the country. However, he was anything but a rubber stamp for Trump over Trump's last 2 years as president. - He's been publicly criticizing Trump for the last 3 years, long before January 6 happened and long before Liz Cheney got on board that same train. - He's not running for President (or any office). If he were, I'd never vote for him...not because of his perceived alignment with Trumpism but because regardless of Trump his political beliefs don't come close to aligning with my own. But that doesn't mean much of anything to me within the context of holding those responsible for the insurrection accountable for their actions and making sure something like this never happens again. If they are playing a legitimate role in helping to bring that about, I don't really care if he's not a Democrat.
  9. Can we keep the TH / zCommander shade to the QB thread? lol... They have.
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