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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. You’re the guy on the game day thread who, when we score a TD to take the lead with 90 seconds to go, immediately says “Here’s where we let them March down the field and win the game…I hate this team” lol…
  2. The next argument for Trump supporters will be that Dearie has a conflict of interest and should recuse himself. Even if there's no reason for him to do so: Will Special Master Dearie Face Carter Page FISA Conflict of Interest? https://www.newsweek.com/will-special-master-dearie-face-carter-page-fisa-conflict-interest-1744612 "...according to some commentators, Dearie might yet face difficulties of his own, associated with his involvement in previous investigations surrounding the former president. Some have suggested that Dearie's approval in a 2016 investigation of Carter Page, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, could present a conflict of interest and prematurely end his review of the Mar-a-Lago documents. Dearie approved federal investigators' request to investigate Page as part of the inquiry into Russia interference in the 2016 presidential election. Investigative journalist Scott Stedman, in a tweet posted on September 16, suggested that "there's going to be a huge problem if the Trump docs include the Page FISA. Dearie then has a big conflict of interest and likely can't continue." So, could the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) investigation of Page derail Dearie's involvement as special master? First, we don't know if the Page FISA records are at Mar-a-Lago. This is entirely speculative and appears to be spurred simply by Dearie's appointment. While the FBI Mar-a-Lago affidavit revealed that documents found at Mar-a-Lago included FISA papers, that isn't a smoking gun for documents related to the Page investigation. [...]On the face of it, it seems that even if there were Page FISA records among the documents at Mar-a-Lago, Dearie is simply being asked to judge whether the documents recovered from it attract certain privileges. Dearie is set to wade through thousands of pages, then report back to Judge Aileen Cannon, and state whether any of the documents violated privileges that Trump's defense has inquired about. So, not only do we not know whether there are even any documents related to the Page FISA warrant, it does not appear that Dearie would, as special master, even have to face the possibility of a conflict of interest. Jimmy Gurulé, professor of law at the Notre Dame Law School and a former federal prosecutor, told Newsweek: "Any claim of a conflict of interest is highly speculative and overstated at this point." ********************* "Highly speculative and overstated" are Trump supporters' specialties lol...
  3. From what I can tell from my admittedly limited experience with republicans on twitter, their current plan of attack is: - Claim that this just goes to show that liberal elites only want "diversity" where republicans are, not where they live (this is probably the main point they are making, and I think was the goal of DeSantis' stunt) - Claim Biden does the same thing all the time as DeSantis (this is the other main point) - Claim the residents of Martha's Vineyard couldn't wait to get rid of the "illegal immigrants" - Claim that since they were taken to a nice location everyone should be cool with what happened - Claim that they all signed a waiver so everything is legit and above-board - Claim that this proves sanctuary cities are just a "made-up term" and doesn't mean anything One guy tried telling me that sanctuary cities were only created when Trump was president. When I pointed out sanctuary cities were being created back in the 80s he dropped it and instead asked if I'd be cool with letting "illegal immigrants" stay in my home lol...
  4. I'll also go on record: there will be soooooo much more info that comes out regarding this idiocy that will put DeSantis, Florida and Texas in a harsh light and legal trouble. Trust me, it's coming. Not "I hope it's coming" or "If there's any justice it's coming"...it's beyond obvious now. If you start seeing a bunch more "Hunter's laptop!" tweets be prepared lol...
  5. Oh, there is a **** ton they could say, especially that will motivate even more of their base to get out and vote and to sway independents to prefer leadership change to more idiotic DeSantis shenanigans. Florida voters with no party affiliation now prefer the democratic candidate something like 52% to 39%...
  6. It's a real issue for Alaskans... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/12/dining/wild-alaskan-salmon.html Record Salmon in One Place. Barely Any in Another. Alarm All Around. “This is something we’ve never seen before,” said Sabrina Garcia, a research biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. “I think that we’re starting to see changes due to climate change, and I think that we’re going to continue to see more changes, but we need more years of data.” [...]“When we have a disaster of this magnitude, where people are worried about their food security, they’re worried about their spiritual security, they’re worried about the future generations’ ability to continue our way of life and culture — our leadership is very anxious,” said Natasha Singh, who is general counsel for the Tanana Chiefs Conference, a tribal organization representing 42 villages in an interior Alaska region nearly the size of Texas. “Our people are very anxious. They want to remain Athabascan-Dene. They want to remain Native, and that’s at risk.”
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