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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. The narrative for this team definitely changes if they were 6-4, on a 5 game winning streak, and just beat the two best teams in the NFC back-to-back.
  2. I want Boebert out, and Walker left at the curb. Those both matter a lot to me, regardless of the seat count. Oh, and Lake can be tossed to the side as well. Those three being defeated would be most welcomed.
  3. What I meant was, the GOP has spent the entire last 2 years ignoring everything going on and doing things that make no ****ing sense. So those two things aren't necessarily deal-breakers for them lol... But... If "something" were to happen to Biden and Harris, he would be installed as president...just like Mike Lindell has been promising!
  4. Like either of those things ever stopped the GOP... I'll give it a shot... See, Herschel was saying that if we...if...
  5. At this point in time, I can't think of a worse outcome...Nancy gets kicked out after her husband is attacked with a hammer by a nutcase spouting GOP talking points, and then the guy largely responsible for those talking points would take her job, and be 3rd in line for the presidency if--God forbid--something happened to both Biden and Harris. Meanwhile, the Jan 6 committee and its efforts are tossed out the window amidst an avalanche of Republican smears about the work they've done and those who took part in it...all while numerous other committees are proposed and even started, all aimed at Biden, Harris, and their supporters. There will be no moderate Republicans to help squelch any of it.
  6. Fred [reading a recipe from the newspaper's food section]: Here it is right here. It says, "Tempt your guests with this delicious, appetizing horse diver. Lamont: " Wait a minute, let me see that. That's not "horse diver." It's French. That's horz dee ovary."
  7. Um...you just imagined a worse owner right there in your tweet lol... That's not a polo shirt lol...and it's the wrong burgundy!! (no it isn't but haven't heard that complaint in awhile so thought I'd bring it back out).
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