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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. I wouldn't be so sure of that...McCarthy is already upset that Repubs are working with Dems in the House instead of waiting for when Republicans have control, and there's gonna be some serious infighting about who will be speaker. There was even a report about moderate Republicans possibly getting Dems to join with them on voting for a more centrist Republican Speaker. Could be fertile ground for a lot of backroom dealing on future legislation. But to your point, if that were to happen it would probably be on bills that are safe for everyone to agree on, and wouldn't really advance Democratic goals.
  2. You don't think Howell will be on the roster Jan. 25th?...His salary is basically non-existent so there's no reason to dump him after one year.
  3. I'll take that over the Ashli Babbitt martyrdom, the Kyle Rittenhouse victory tours, or the Mike Mccloskey congressional candidacy a billion times out of a billion.
  4. Then playing him makes it easier to get Williams lol... But I wasn't thinking he'd be inserted as starter...more like all three are in competition to start, and then focus like a mf'er on getting Howell ready. If Howell can't beat out Wentz and Heinicke, go for Williams in 24. (this, by definition, ignores things like injuries and unexpected playoff runs)
  5. Yeah, they'll get around to banning kids from accessing social media right after they ban kids from accessing free online porn. Or they'll just put up a page on twitter that says "Are you over 18?" with YES and NO buttons. Or it will be like those kids who hang out in front of a liquor store asking a stranger over 18 to buy them some beer lol..."Dude, can you make an account on Twitter for me?"
  6. Hang on for Caleb Williams in 24. Stick with the QBs we have unless Wentz doesn't want to restructure. If not, go find a suitable replacement for the same expected price.
  7. One last thing, and then I'm stopping (promise lol)... When Conn (I hope it was Conn, I might be wrong) said this: "Hope the Heinicke crowd took note of what cosmic-level moxie looks like tonight with Baker Mayfield" He wasn't just "tipping his cap" to say Mayfield impressed him. He wasn't just making a comment about Baker Mayfield...he was also making a comment about certain fans on this thread. If it were just about Mayfield there would be no reason to include the comment about the "Heinicke crowd". It would have instead read something like this: "Baker Mayfield showed what cosmic-level moxie looks like tonight." I'm not sure why there seemed to be a need to also take jabs at fans here who like Heinicke, but to me anyway, that's exactly what that first original comment did. I would have been just as irritated if one of the Heinicke crowd immediately chimed in after last night's game commenting with something like "Hope the Heinicke haters took note of how INT-worthy passes don't etc, etc, blah blah.." (which I've seen before as well). I usually ignore both sides except for those occasions where for some reason I just go like: But this is like Hatfields vs McCoys feud now lol...
  8. Nope. Put another way...I'll use the logic that many have used--and even told me they use--towards "Hive" members: *ahem* "They are always slamming Heinicke and the fans who like him. And *Conn is one of the worst, just read his previous posts I responded to. So I know what he really meant, even if he's pretending it was just a joke." I'm paraphrasing, but that's what I've read numerous times on this thread when others refuse to believe some of the "Hive" members here or take them at their word. Can't have it both ways...refusing to take a "hive" member at their word that they didn't mean some comment the way some here interpreted it...then become upset when a "hive" member doesn't take you at your word that you didn't mean your comment the way they interpreted it. *You're not anywhere even in the vicinity of the worst lol...I just put that in there for effect. I'm not sure he has ANY on Twitter lol...I think I follow him there ("think" I do). Actually I don't think Heinicke is on Twitter, either, assuming that pic was from Instagram.
  9. Anyway lol...the reason I came on this thread to begin with, before I derailed myself: Carson Wentz better be one of those "others" lol...
  10. I made an edit that I missed the "last 5 years" time frame that Schefter mentioned...I don't usually use the word "historically" for just the last 5 years, so when you did I read it as the history of the NFL, not just since Kirk Cousins left the team lol...I also had no idea that so many games ended with 2 or more possession wins. That seemed like a lot of 13+ point wins for just 5 years. You misspelled "accurate" lol...
  11. No. We are making passive/agressive "joking" comments comparing Mayfield to Heinicke and then clutching our pearls when a "hive" member comments on it.
  12. I just told you the way it actually is. When the Heinicke Haters make "He throws INT-worthy passes, he's just lucky" their mantra, it's gonna get pointed out when a QB they find "impressive" does the same. It's not to make the claim that Mayfield was not impressive in the comeback attempt (although in this case I think it was to use the Heinicke Haters' logic back at them and the "just for fun" claim that Mayfield was a true example of moxie as opposed to Heinicke). So you answered a question in a post you didn't read...and kept responding to a post you didn't read. Sounds like you.
  13. How much different was the play calling and scheme in last night's game from what Mayfield was using in Carolina (or even in Cleveland)? Anyone know?...Did McVay tailor the offense to help Mayfield adjust quicker? He's the offensive genius, after all....would seem to make sense that he did, even if he just pared it down to the basic passing concepts that almost all offenses have in their playbook. We always say Turner pares down the playbook for Heinicke, would make sense if McVay did something similar for a QB on a short week. Also, Mayfield was sucking eggs for 3 straight quarters, and the offense only scored 3 points. Was the "2 Days/New Playbook" excus--er, explanations why? Can a seasoned veteran QB find himself getting his footing and bearings in a new offense by just playing, or does he need months of practice first? Or did the play calling change in the 4th quarter with them being down by 13? Did the Raiders start to let up and let the clock be the enemy of the Rams' comeback attempt? Wouldn't be the first team to do so.
  14. Or... Heinicke Haters: "Heinicke threw a bunch of balls that should have been intercepted but weren't" Hive: "A lot of QBs do as well." Heinicke Haters: "Baker Mayfield looked pretty impressive coming in cold into a new system. Take notes, Hive members...this is what a real QB with moxie looks like." Hive: "So a QB can throw a bunch of balls that should have been intercepted but weren't, and still look impressive? Interesting."
  15. And also, just to point out this "down 13 with 4 minutes to go" stat: You said "historically unlikely comeback"...it's happened 3 times so far this season lol. Joe Flacco did it as well. But it sounds more impressive to lump Mayfield in with Tom Brady and leave Flacco off the list. And I'm gonna assume the only other QB to do this was Brunell...because the Skins were down by 13 points with 3:55 to go, when Brunell threw the bomb to Santana on 4th down. If so, wild to think that no other QB in the history of the NFL did what Brunell did that night...until this year, where three different QBs were able to do it lol... EDIT: Annnnd I realized Schefter wasn't talking about in the history of the NFL, he only meant over the last 5 years lol...I think the "historically unlikely comeback" comment in your post made me assume that the history you were referring to went back much farther than 2017.
  16. The "2 days on the team" argument is rather weak...switching from one team to another is not some Grand Canyon-sized chasm that's next to impossible for a QB to overcome, especially one who has been a starter for 64 of the last 76 games. The "13 or more points with 4 minutes to go" lacks context as well...the comeback started with 12 minutes left on the clock, not 4. They were on the Raiders' 2 yard line when the 4 minute mark hit lol...the way it's presented, though, makes it sound like Mayfield drove down the field twice in 4 minutes. He threw one pass for 1 yard within those 4 minutes on that first drive. I'm far less impressed with the "historic" 4 minute mark stat than with the entirety of that 9 minute drive, but then there have been numerous times where a team fought back from 13 points down with 12 minutes to go (by the way, Brunell overcame a 13 point deficit against the Cowboys with like 5 minutes to go--and HE actually started both TD drives within that time span). So, no...not as overly impressed with it as you appear to be. I said right after it happened that Mayfield's drive was impressive on the game day thread, and as it was happening I thought it reminded me a lot of what we've seen Heinicke do before (especially against the Colts).
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