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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. Maybe so, but we did not know exactly how much of a liar and opportunist she...well yes, yes we did know... But what's news is that she was angling for a spot on FOX ne--well, we actually knew that, too...hmm... But we didn't know anyone thought she was smart!!...yeah, that works..
  2. The Irsay part is especially legit to me lol...and Wentz playing well and helping get us to the playoffs is a great storyline. The Browns storyline will happen next year.
  3. Would it really be better for the Browns to be fighting for a playoff spot this weekend after winning, as opposed to having nothing to play for?
  4. I'll save a seat for you on the Wentz (band)Wagon lol...and I'm being serious. These next two games are gonna be impressive. Just a gut feeling I have, like when I said John Beck would lead us to the play--you know what, skip it. Just trust me,,,
  5. For me, it's not Cousins stuff, it's "me" stuff. I didn't think SIP and I were arguing about Cousins (or really arguing at all)...we were arguing about "meaningful games" and whether or not I downplayed the Eagles game in 2015 because I hated Kirk. But to your point, there must be a better thread for this discussion/debate/argument to take place on lol...
  6. - That part in bold is why I rarely visit the game day threads anymore until the game is over lol... - I'm 99% sure it wasn't me...or if it was me, I'm 99% sure it wasn't an argument/debate about what you're saying it was here... - Again: I already told you why I was "suspended" (actually I think I only had to have my posts reviewed on one or two threads before they got published)...nowhere did I say I tried calming people's enthusiasm for Cousins or that I was simply trying to be the voice of reason and moderation. That's something you came up with on your own, I'll say it again: there was a mod directive placed in the back and forth I (and others) were having with the Cult of Cousins, and I didn't see it so I didn't adhere to it, and I got docked a point and had my posts go into Mod Review status, at least when it came to posts about QBs (and coaching for some reason lol)... You can read what I was saying about Cousins in this post in September of 2015 after the season started. And this: To which someone interpreted my posts this way: And I replied: I'm used to having others misrepresent what I'm saying, it's been going on for years, decades even...I guess it's part and parcel with posting on sports message boards. Unfortunately it seems very few are able to discuss things without immediately dropping into "Fan Speak" mode that relies on hyperbole to make points. And just for the record, I mentioned this earlier lol ("basically a rookie"): Lastly, this is probably the most negative thing I said about Cousins through the end of September: "Honestly, Cousins is no better than Griffin or McCoy. He just looks better while he sucks lol... Right now it's pick your poison with all three. Gruden picked his." I stopped around September 25th and jumped around a few pages, cuz it was draining lol..And ironically, you and I only interacted twice on that thread during the season before the thread was locked...and we completely agreed with each other both times lol 😂...so maybe you were thinking of a different year and not 2015? Or maybe it was a different thread and was in October closer to when I got suspended. I could see that. Side note: I also saw that Jumbo and I got into a somewhat contentious back and forth for about 2 or 3 posts lol...maybe that helped set the scene for my later suspension...no idea if so. And I had no problem with being suspended at the time...few here realize how ****ing hard it is to be a mod of a message board like this...and sometimes you gotta smack your kids upside the head or throw a shoe at them to get some peace and quiet lol...I was fine with it. But as you can see, during Cousins' weaker games and the beginning of the season I was not hating on him, at all. But yeah, I did start to have "issues" with some in the Cult of Cousins, probably because their over-enthusiasm included ridiculing the idea that Griffin was ever a good-enough QB to start, along with ridiculing those who felt he was at any point. I do vividly remember some claiming the only reason fans were not on-board with Kirk was because they still loved RG3...lazy takes don't sit well with me, either. I have a thing about misrepresenting someone's argument and then arguing against that misrepresentation, regardless of where I land on an issue. Don't know why, but always have.
  7. - I of course never said that in my response to you lol...I could quote the DM I received at the time if it makes you feel better, but I just assumed you'd allow yourself to rethink your stance instead. - What win did I downplay? Where did I do that? lol... The only win I saw downplayed in all of this is the 2020 win against the Eagles, and it wasn't me downplaying it.
  8. Well, much like I assume she didn't literally mean her email address was smalldickenergy@getalife.com, I also assume she wasn't literally meaning he should have recycled the pizza boxes lol...
  9. I was suspended from posting on certain threads lol...but it wasn't because I was crapping on Cousins, it was because the back and forth I had with the Cult of Cousins started going off the rails and apparently there was a mod directive posted in the middle of it that I didn't see, and thus I didn't adhere to it.
  10. I thought it was "played"? lol...well, scratch everything I said about 2016 then...
  11. No part of me hated Cousins during the 2015 season, although I had more than a few issues with some fans who were going overboard in their praise lol. My favorite from back then was "He's essentially still a rookie" 😅 But what I think the difference is between your "meaningful" and my "meaningful" is that you define it by how it effected you personally, as where I define it by how it effected the team. And if it effects the team, it effects me. The 2020 game against the Eagles effected the team every bit as much as the 2015 game against the Eagles, in that both would secure a playoff spot. Whether or not I was more excited by one over the other didn't matter...I know there was a segment of the fan base that felt we'd just get royally embarrassed in the playoffs in 2020 so they weren't as hyped by making it as in 2015. And actually the game against the Giants in 2016 was the last game of the season and just as meaningful as the 2015 game against the Eagles. Them losing in an embarrassing fashion doesn't negate how meaningful the game was. Kinda weird how nobody mentioned that game lol... So just going by how meaningful the game was to the team it would be: 2020, 2016, and 2015. Those would be the last times there was a meaningful game this late in the season. EDIT: nevermind about the 2016 season lol...I was informed it was "won" and not "played".
  12. Your definition of "meaningful" differs from mine lol...
  13. I was nervous until I read that bottom sentence lol...
  14. 2 years ago…needed to win the last game to win the division and make the playoffs. Wildcard wasn’t an option.
  15. Not too long ago, the Bad Medical Takes account retweeted one of Tristan Tate's tweets (Andrew's brother)...said something like men can tell when women have been "blasting their vaginas" with sex "gizmos"...an idiotic and completely untrue comment that I found myself needing to ridicule lol. My response to Tate's comment got like 1,200+ likes, never had any tweet come even remotely close to that amount. That told me a lot of people dislike the guy, regardless of his popularity. That's when I got a quick edumacation on him and his Brother Andrew and their view of women. All sorts of men on Twitter started sticking up for the dude...as a man, that was demoralizing to see. It also validated something I won't go into, but is reflective of the idea that tooooooo many guys out there don't actually respect the women they're with (or even understand them on the most basic of levels). Got into a back and forth with one guy who was sticking up for both these chuckleheads...the more I delved into Andrew Tate to respond to the guy on Twitter, the more disgust I felt towards Tate. So this is all sorts of satisfying to me lol...he both severely overestimated his intelligence and severely underestimated Greta's.
  16. Well, if you believe the Romanian police, he's a human trafficker. Why should we care? Because he was flaunting his seemingly "untouchable" self all over social media...and because he was finally caught after evading authorities for months...and because it was all triggered by a 19 year old girl he felt the need to try and bully...and because she smack him back so lethally it caused his undoing lol...
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