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Everything posted by HOF44

  1. To me recognizing the importance of an invention and foreseeing how that will play out in the future is really the key. Gates or Jobs were not great inventors but due to the knowledge they had they could pick out great tech and then massage it and move it from the R&D room to the masses. A brilliance not to be overlooked. Yeah if you are born to wealth your main job is not to go broke using any means necessary.
  2. He bought MSDOS for 50k. Also Xerox PARC was really the great innovator in desktop computing. Xerox corporate just had zero idea of what they had in that.
  3. So much stuff. Didn’t get pics of everything. This was Sunday night. Three people. The OGD and GTS were sealed when we started. The Old Fitz was bonded Stitzel-Weller. And dinner.
  4. Plus we going to go here.
  5. Damn 249 for that???
  6. If you can find it Bowman Brothers regular bourbon is decent. I also like Angels Envy bourbon. For the price Woodford Rye is pretty tasty too
  7. Congrats I won one of those too! Sell it buy yourself an ND OGD for about 350.00. ORVW is Average at best and worth 600-700 bucks to sell. You come out with WAY better whiskey and 300 or so in your pocket. Pretty much Skinsfan1311 exact comment.
  8. Going to the beach this weekend with some friends to celebrate us all being vaccinated and to pick a barrel of whiskey. Here is the line up. Also should have some good stuff for the cooking thread too. Bottle of Stagg Bottle of ND OGD Couple of half pints of ND OGD Old Fitz stitzel, about 200 mL Jefferson 18, maybe about 375 mL Bowman Hazmat A few starlight bottles A “few” beers 2 magnums of wine 3-4 bottles of tequila
  9. Nope there is not. Best Mayo hands down.
  10. I heard you just have to be careful if they used stickers on it. Some f them are thermal and if you use a laminater on them they turn all black.
  11. I’d rather die of Covid. Also after minor arm pain last night woke up this morning and felt like a mule kicked me in the arm. But no fever chills etc.
  12. I received my 2nd dose of Pfizer at 1pm. No side effects at all until about 8 hours after. Very mild arm soreness is all I feel. The first shot hurt my arm a lot. So far so good.
  13. Well got the wife to get it and thank goodness it was Pfizer. She might have walked on Moderna. She went back to work. Sore arm and she said her hands were red. But at least she got it.
  14. Damn it’s a battle. Somebody sent her an article out of NCBI concluding the vaccine created prion disease. Had to go find a reputable source to debunk it. Did I mention how bad I hate fake social media?? Unfortunately, some of the papers cited by Classen show that what he is claiming, namely that the mRNA in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine can induce TDP-43 and FUS to “go prion,” is basically impossible. For example, this paper points out that TDP-43 is an RBP that exists predominantly in the nucleus. As I pointed out the last time I took on the antivaccine claim that mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines can “reprogram your DNA”, the mRNA from the vaccine never makes it into the nucleus. Guess what? FUS is a nuclear RBP as well!
  15. I’m pushing the vacation/cruise angle. She loves traveling and loves cruises. Could be a loooong time before you fly or cruise safely if unvaccinated.
  16. Well I know that and have told her that. I received my first shot on the 15th. But the challenge to logic is real.
  17. My wife has an appt. for her first shot Friday. But she is balking on me. Damn social media straight to hell. Gonna be some serious campaigning between now and Friday.
  18. Goes good with Howler Head Banana whiskey too. Real Elvis vibe. Also they have the Mini’s of Skrewball at VAABC.
  19. Just got my vaccine from Safeway in Northern Virginia. It was a Pfizer shot.
  20. I actually like it a lot. Really good in a hot chocolate.
  21. I’ve had Skinsfans1311’s at the tailgates. Just don’t like salmon.
  22. Sue loves those. I don’t like salmon though.
  23. Yes tell Karla hello, we miss you guys!!! You know it’s some good whiskey when you’re stuffing actual food into your pockets!!!
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