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Everything posted by MrSilverMaC

  1. I’d agree 100% with ol’ Mitt if he dropped the “almost”.
  2. @Wildbunny & @FrFan what seems to be the sentiment at large in your countries? Is the feeling this is going to spread and grow to a larger conflict, or that putin will realize the error and withdraw? What do your respective countries believe the U.S should be doing? I’m just curious. I know that you can’t speak for everyone where you’re at, obviously we’re all over the board with our own sentiment here.
  3. The invasion of Ukraine has been like a P.E.T scan for the world to see how far the cancer of russian influence has spread. It shows up on the scan as poorly argued logic about why putin is justified. Sometimes subtle and sometimes not. It also shows up as outright praise of putin and his actions/minions or refusal to do anything to help Ukraine for places with the resources to do so. For us it’s shown up in places where you knew it was like fox news and trump, but also places like tulsi gabbard. I hope voters everywhere pay close attention and respond appropriately.
  4. Pakistan would absolutely jump at the chance of double teaming India, but Pakistan’s Air Force is no match for India’s. Pakistan’s AF is primarily made up of f-16s which are fantastic fighters, but not in the same class as the SU-30mki. Given the disparity in capability , training, and numbers between the two air forces it would end badly for Pakistan. India is 6x larger population-wise and spends 7x more on their military. I would put my money on 1/2 the U.S and the all of the Indian military vs China and Pakistan. As for you gents in the E.U, our NATO allies have more recent significant military experience than Russia with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. russia has been in Syria, and probably gained decent experience. But given the outcome of the small American detachment vs their mercs, and the inter-force training NATO engages in I’d be willing to bet that even 15k NATO troops/air support with A.A and artillery batteries along side the Ukrainians would bleed putin a lot more than he’d be willing to take. The Ukrainians obviously have some fight in them. They only need to fight a defensive action, they don’t need to cross the border and push an offensive. And I’d be willing to watch putin’s head explode on Mars ala Arnold in total recall. Hell, I’d pay premium ppv money for that. 🙂
  5. my thoughts on some of the scenarios being discussed: I don’t know that China would be so hot to jump into the fray of a U.S/russia conflict with a hostile India sitting next to them. India probably has a top 3 Air Force (behind the U.S and Israel, and better than russia) and the same population size. I don’t know that China could handle India on its own, let alone them and us. They’ve had more than a couple border skirmishes in just the last 2 years alone I believe. The problem for us in a conflict with russia right now is the fact that half of our country are traitorous ****bois. I think that’s the ace in the hole they believe have right now. how many sitting senators and congressmen would be in their pocket? How many inbred trump voters would be willing to carry out terrorist acts, especially after the covid mask/test mandates and shutdowns. I think we’d have more trouble with domestic unrest than we would with a conventional war with russia. I think Europe really needs to take the lead, unfortunately they won’t.
  6. Msn posting Newsweek info corroborates some of the daily mail claims: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ukraine-shoots-down-several-russian-aircraft-countrys-military-claims/ar-AAUfvi7
  7. Oh man, I didn’t realize that the link to the mail article was in the tweet… they aren’t the bbc, but I think it’s a solid enough source to believe that at least most of what’s being said is true.
  8. The daily mail is reporting it and even more positive stuff: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10547573/Ukraine-strikes-Kievs-troops-shoot-five-helicopters-Putins-forces-losses.html A point of pride for me. My mom used to be part of the Javelin program when she worked for Raytheon. I hope everyone of the 15 tank kills they generated were touched by her.
  9. https://apnews.com/article/072e02a5bf16faa89a7f496d16536893 According to the AP: “NEW YORK (AP) — New York’s attorney general has issued subpoenas to former President Donald Trump and his two eldest children in connection with an ongoing civil investigation into the family’s business practices, according to a court filing Monday. Attorney General Letitia James’ office said in the filing that it is seeking testimony and documents from Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump “in connection with an investigation into the valuation of properties owned or controlled” by Trump and his company, the Trump Organization.”
  10. Yeah, I was afraid of that. I got tested, came back negative. I’m not sure what I have but no corona for me. So that’s nice. I can hold out hope for the sudden ability to manipulate the electro-magnetic spectrum.
  11. So this isn’t the begging of my x-men/lizard person mutation… God damn it… Well there goes my plans for world domination. I was going to be such a benevolent overlord.
  12. So I got my moderna booster yesterday, and woke up with a cough and slight sore throat. Are these side effects of the shot or did I **** around and catch omicron before getting boosted?
  13. Yeah I’m good with that. Hopefully any one in the Democratic Party that thought they could coast on the trump boogey man realizes they’re going to have to put in work to not slip back to where we were last year. have a good night, and check those chambers!
  14. Your average service member has made a commitment the average American won’t. My point about John Lewis and Mother Theresa is simple, examples of decency/bravery are far less common than examples of greed and cowardice. And no, all you can do is ask. Doing so while supporting the request with something that inspires is best, but that all you can do is ask. But that goes back to my assertion that the Dems issue is that they ask you to aspire to be better, requiring effort. The right does no such thing, instead using lies and fear. They have the easier road. And you’re correct, I shouldn’t have said you excused them. I’ve read plenty of your posts calling them out. I apologize.
  15. Actually it’s the 2021 election thread. I assume that encompasses all elections in the United States. The current discussion is focused on Virginia, but since you brought Biden into the discussion you seemed to want to speak about Democrats in general. I’m guessing you decided questioning ethics party-wide wasn’t a winner for you.
  16. You mean like how the party of the religious right excuses serial sex offenders, rapists, child molesters, and con men? I remember Northam catching mad heat when the black face pic came out. And that was Democrat cuomo who was forced out within weeks of his scandal coming to light by his own party after we sat through 4 years of republicans falling on sword after sword for trump, right?
  17. This would be funny if it weren’t sad.
  18. I’m gonna guess not the governor dumb enough to do blackface either.
  19. I’m curious, who do you think ACTUAL kkk guys voted for in this election?
  20. I just look at it as a chance for someone who deserved a better paying job to get one while someone who was obviously taking what they have for granted gets a dose of reality.
  21. You’re assuming that group you’re asking to charge up the hill is of at least average courage. If cowardice in your scenario = lazy ignorance in mine, the Republicans and their voters are a bunch of cowards. Read facebook or Twitter and tell me the majority of right wing voters aren’t intellectually lazy. Look at qanon and tell me why it will vote lock step with republicans. You know why heroes get remembered? It’s because they are the few. They do the hard thing others don’t want to. For every John Lewis, there were thousands of chicken**** clan members hiding in hoods. For every Mother Theresa, there are a tens of thousand Eric trumps. It’s easy to sit back and be a douche, it’s hard to be a decent person. Giving a **** is hard to convince people to do. All you can do is ask. You can’t force people to be decent. You’re not asking for good leadership from democrats, you’re asking for exceptional leadership from them while excusing not even passing leadership from republicans.
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