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Everything posted by SkinsFTW

  1. I don't buy it at all. Its like saying that a record label isn't checking out the new bands coming out. The tech company engineer who ignores new ideas. They're DONE! Following what guys like Williams, Maye, MHJ, Turner, etc etc were doing is what he probably spent a good portion of his time with. It's why he got the job. Does anybody really think he walked into the job interview not having a clue what was actually going on? Come On Man!!!
  2. NFW. That has to be a Chappelle show creation. He's even about the perfect age for it too.
  3. Allen was garbage at first, worse than Howell last year easily but I think he got better towards the end of the year instead of worse. With the way Howell started if he had improved this team wouldn't be in position to draft a top4 QB. What would suck is if all of these guys are busts but Howell turns out to be a winner. That would be so Redskins.
  4. Is it just a coincidence that about 99% of the Daniels fanboys joined since January? This one just spawned in the past few hours. It's a conspiracy!!!
  5. Well you also said they did because they didn't want to wait for Maye to develop, the QBs who obviously has better traits.
  6. I doubt that is why they're brought in those guys and if so I hope the get fired.
  7. Allen put up 30s multiple times in playoff losses. Meanwhile Vick, Randall, Lamar were routinely held to 3-17. Lamar has 6tds and 6ints in 6 playoff games and was sacked 26 times. This is what you want? Allen 10 games 21td 4 int 23 sacks. Lots of points.
  8. There wasn't much doubt with Maye either until the Heisman fanboys showed up a month ago. Also, Lamar isn't exactly the greatest comp in the world and before him we'd have heard Vick, or Randall, all 3 of which have maybe .300 playoff win percentage Daniels also shows all the traits of not passing but instead getting sacked or running under pressure most of the time.
  9. RG3 had better stats than Luck! Also if both were coming out today most teams probably take RG3 first judging by this media hype. Tom Ramsey had better stats on a 10-1 team. Elway went 5-6 at Stanford.
  10. Then how do you end up with Josh Allen or John Elway or Andrew Luck?? None of these guys had the best tape.
  11. Same goes for Jerry Jones. Snyder was basically a JJ mini-me without Jimmy Johnson. I used say that the HOF was a joke because Monk wasn't in but inferiors got in first. Jerry getting in at all while Jimmy Johnson had to wait was even worse. It seemed pretty obvious that Belichick would have a hard time getting hired. Dude is 72. Who other than Jerry Jones would blow up their plans for 2-3 years of this guy who couldn't win without Brady?
  12. If he really put 200 on the Redskins to even win a single game he will very likely be disappointed.
  13. Diablo 4 is an RPG? I've got too many games on steam and for some reason I still play Neverwinter Nights and the original Thief from the 90s lol. Or free server DAOC.
  14. This reminded me of something that happened back in 1990 when I was 18. I was in Orlando FL at the Navy base for about 6 months of Electronics training. My friend owned an old 60s VW Beetle. It was Friday night. We crammed about 6 dudes in that car and went to a bar where everyone of us got pretty wasted. About 11pm my friend is telling me that I have to drive back to base because he's so drunk that he's puking in the restroom. We have to be back on base by 12. I didn't want to do it but I looked at all the other guys and I'm thinking these guys are probably worse than me so I'll just drink some water, chain-smoke and it'll be alright. We get in the car with all these drunk guys crammed in the back making a huge racket all the way to base. I'm telling them to chill out, we're about to go through the gate. I'm extremely worried being in a car full of idiots that are about to get me in some huge trouble. There are 2 guards at the gate and they shine their flashlight at everyone in the car and a couple of the guys in the back are babbling and just ridiculously wasted so they tell all of them to get out of the car. I'm sitting there in the driver's seat talking to one of the gateguards calmly and smoking so he just tells me to go and that they are arresting all of my friends because they are all underage and obviously drunk. They never asked if I had been drinking. I drove away thinking WTF just happened???
  15. Eli didn't say he didn't want to go to San Diego until the week before the draft. Maybe Daniels is about to drop his bomb.
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