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Fred Jones

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Everything posted by Fred Jones

  1. I like watching Tim H play, what happened today with the draw? No, just the two propaganda people.
  2. Ok, I get it Liverpool fans. No issues, I see Klopp failed today against a team that had up to this point demonstrated that regulation was coming. Just be thankful City is going through a bad stretch, United can't score and Arsenal is up and down. And, some team out of no where sits atop the table. But, apparently, Klopp will fix everything.
  3. GHH, this is a general soccer thread on a Redskins message board. If this was a Liverpool site, you are 100 percent correct. That you are a huge Liverpool fan is great, for you. But, as I have pointed out, and clearly you don't care to listen, this is a general soccer thread where I thought people could talk about all the teams. When I want Redskins propaganda, I go to the Stadium, after a victory on the skins best message board, just like I have done since around 1993 when I started reading on this board. Your comment is stimply not true, but you clearly don't read what I post, so it will be what it will be. Liverpool is one of the teams I usually watch. I posted today because the propaganda has gotten out of hand post Klopp's arrival. It was nice around here pre Klopp, besides the whining about Rodgers, which I never ever commented about.
  4. DC9, seriously, stop combining what I post and what Bt posts just becaue we like the same team. And, hypocrit much. Come here and trash talk every team when you win and cry when someone else decides to comment about your team.
  5. Sometimes quoting people is difficult. I don't understand either, Bayern is just my team. I first watched them in the old Olympia Stadium in the late 80's when I was stationed in Augsburg.
  6. Glad they added five mintues so Newcastle could score another goal. And, nice transition goal and finish..
  7. What are you talking about. Seriously, spouting BS. Unlike you and GHH, I don't spout propaganda about any team in this thread. And, I have stated at least once, Barca is the best team in UEFA, and will remain that way until someone can beat them. I have Bayern getting to the semi's depending on the draw. Real is tough to beat as is a couple of other teams. But, keep inventing stuff up in your mind about what I post.
  8. This has become almost political in the out right propaganda shown in this thread lately. Kind of sad.
  9. First, a higher percentage of players started on the national team, played for the national team this past world cup that also played for Bayern compared to Liverpool. In fact, England did what? And, home grown talent what - http://www.oregonlive.com/mls/index.ssf/2014/07/bayern_munich_players_had_majo.html Second, some American owned investment company owns Liverpool. Compared that with majority fan owned Bayern. Soooo, I don't get it. That the fans don't have actual say in the decision making process or that Bayern, like every team in the world, grabs talent, not necessarily from inside the club, to put a winning product on the field. Of course, I would never buy meaningless shares of some sports franchise. That is not the point.
  10. Clearly, you have never met a die hard Packer fan with multiple shares in the team. That said, your answer means you don't quite understand what it means to be a fan owned team. One of the better articles out there: http://www.forbes.com/sites/afontevecchia/2014/05/07/the-rise-of-bayern-munich-can-the-worlds-best-club-keep-it-going/ Not going to bore anyone with words, but if interested, read the article.
  11. Appears a couple of people fired up BT. From DC9 "Oh dry the **** up. This thread is the Soccer thread. Not the Liverpool thread. But part of being a Liverpool fan is family and community with other supporters." First, the direct assault was a little unprofessional. Second, you and GHH have turned this into the LP thread with occasional commentary about other teams and leagues. Third, I don't post a lot in here because I don't have time. My limited free time I usually post in the skins threads. Fourth, so being a LP fan is about family and community. Does that mean no other club has family or community? And lastly, I thought this was a friendly soccer thread and not the old ATN when we used to tossle with puke, bird and traitor Mara fans. I like just reading about what is up in the soccer world as i don't have time to keep up with both the skins and Euro leagues. It is hard enough to find time for Bayern.
  12. I feel like this has become a political thread with all the propaganda being thrown about. So, the "Messiah", oh sorry, Klopp comes in and starts to turn your club around and suddenly all other teams are crap. Interesting, arrogant, little showmanship, and already old. Not particulary interested.
  13. Come around implies that I put Liverpool on my watch and care list. I did not. Klopp was clearly the right decision, and I believe I said so in the past. Let's stop right there, however, and not get carried away. Also, I am a Man U fan in the Premier league and like watching Everton because of Howard. I also like watching Green Bay because of Rodgers. That said, nice for the excitement, nice win for them. Still only worth three points, and they still need players. Have to see how Klopp builds his roster moving forward. Can't just bring in name players, see other teams. To the Bundesliga rant above, I personnaly have never said that or compared the leagues. Personnally, the Premier league is generally more entertaining. I try and watch European competition when teams play each to compare the leagues on a general scale. You could probably argue that the Spainish league is the best since their top three teams all have competed deep in the UEFA Champions league, and Barca, until beaten, is the best team in Europe. That said, the Premier clearly has the top 20 teams top to bottom. As for Bayern, they need to continue to gather players. Some of their starters are getting old, and the team that made it deep into UEFA the last 4 plus years is not the same as it is today. Have to see how they do. They have some holes that need fixing before they can beat Barca and such. But, continue your celebration and prediction for championships.
  14. So, did I miss something today. Liverpool won the UEFA champions league or something. Beat both Barca and Bayern on the same day. Or, did they beat MC, an up and down team, like Arsenal? And GHH, since you had to ramble on and bring Bayern in, Klopp had his chance and failed. Maybe a day will come he will get another, but maybe you should just enjoy the Premier league win. I think some team called Leicester City sits atop the league. Maybe just see if you can beat them first.
  15. And throw in the weather is better in Bavaria along with the beautiful alps and friendly people. Got the Oktoberfest in the Fall and so on. Back to soccer, I think Klopp is great for LP. But, like I said before, let's wait and see how things upfold. They still need players. Barca and RM are so good because they have the best player from Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, etc. and high quality Spainish players. LP, ARs, etc. can't say that. Bayern has a list of top German players mixed in with quality from other countries, and I would say Robben and Lewandowski are the best players from their country. And the comment about Bayern not having a rough patch says more about their overall quality and lack of overall quality of other clubs. Don't hate.
  16. Order is once again restored http://www.espnfc.us/uefa-champions-league/story/2697674/arsenal-demolished-at-bayern-as-chelsea-beat-dynamo-kiev Edit: To agree with the post game annoucers, Arsenal poked the bear and the bear responded.
  17. This has turned into a Liverpool thread. Way too much Red. - On to other news, appears Arsenal is playing the best football at the moment in the premier league. - Though it would never happen, it would be unbelievable if Chelsea got regulated. - I was hoping Man U would show some more this season, but they are too many players away from competing for the title. - Who the heck is Leicester City? At this rate they will be playing UEFA next season. - And finally, LP still needs better players, beating up on a poor team today.
  18. Lot of bad things. 1. Child should be suspended and never allowed back in this school. 2. It is unfortunate that the parent cannot get in trouble. Someone said above that they would be livid that some cop laid hands on their child. I would be livid that any child of mine showed that much disrespect towards aurhtority. This was not like some of the issues pointed out in this thread. This kid learned disrepect from their parents and the parent showed be ashamed, but instead they are angry at the cops, want their check, and have learned nothing from the incident. 3. I would be pissed if I were a taxpayer becuase this disrepecting family is going to get a check. 4. The school system failed because they had to call the police in to handle a bad student that they were unable too. 5. The cop should have de-escalated the situation (yes easy to say typing from a distance), stepped back and found a different way of handling the situation. He did not himself have to lay a hand on her at that instance. Step back, call for others, clear the class room, tell the parent to get to school and get the kid, get lots of recordings explaining everything to the kid, and use force with mulitpe cops after all procedures and such have been followed. He just lost his cool and now he lost his job. 6. I disagreed with the firing. Thought the department caved in, but sometimes you have to cut your losses from a civil liability standpoint. And, IA didn't fire him, the boss did. Assuming this cop did not have any prior offenses and such (that would matter if this was a pattern), this to me should not constitute a firing. Not saying excessive force was not used as explained by others, but discipline him, take him out of the school, and such.
  19. I agree, and in this age of merging superheros in the movies, Arrow/Flash crossover and such, one would hope CBS allows it next season. To me, people would be interested.
  20. DC United just looked bad yesterday. They had nothing to offer, and was just plain disappointing. Hard to just turn it on after a performance like that. Hope the coach can get them ready. They showed a lot of promise this season and deserve better than losing this week.
  21. Order just needs to be restored with a Bayern win at home. Robben looked ok yesterday, still needs a little time to get back in the grove after his time off. But, if he is hacked, he is hacked.
  22. LFC needs better players. The Monchengladbach vs Schalke game is a little more exciting from a goal scoring opportunity standpoint. Though, to say that in this thread is sacriledge.
  23. Disappointing loss, but I think the captain summoned it up: "For the most part we controlled the match well," Lahm said after the match. "If our build-up play is good our opponents can hardly press -- and that's what happened today. "We had some problems before the break because we were too aggressive. "The defeat is very, very bitter. We had great chances against a very, very good team, but at the decisive moments we didn't score." And, the goal was a handball, clearly, so it should not have been allowed, but the big man said it best: "Unfortunately I made an error so Arsenal took the lead. "I don't care whether it was a handball by Giroud or not, I know I made the mistake. But life goes on."
  24. You still need play From a UEFA standpoint, still about the players. Playing hard, organized and such will only get you so far. If LP wants to compete deep into UEFA you need better players. Good first game today, but lets see how the rest of the year unfolds and his first off season of player acquisition.
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