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Fred Jones

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Everything posted by Fred Jones

  1. Barcelona and Madrid are definately in the way of a UEFA championship. Have to see what happens, and have to see how well the teams are playing next spring. But your quote is kind of funny. Maybe you should first see if you can compete in your own country before advancing outside of it.
  2. big news for Liverpool. But, I thought this was interesting as well - http://www.espnfc.us/blog/espn-fc-united-blog/68/post/2651976/bayern-munich-stay-top-but-barcelona-slip-down Appears Bayern remains on top, but that is really not news.
  3. Man those stadiums are close. Almost a dual home game for each team.
  4. Nice, poor clearance results in even at half.
  5. First, Go Everton. Not a bad game so far.. LIV showing some life, and did well on their goal. Let's hope for a second half collapse, go Everton.
  6. Can any team in the premier league win a game outside of the league? Arsenal has zero points and has not even played the best team in their group yet. I don't really care about the losers (CH), but someone needs to grab a couple of wins to make it at least appear the BPL is respectable. Luckily, my team sits atop their group with six points.
  7. NewCastle blew it and looked happy to get a point in the end. Up 2-0 with 20 minutes left they stopped playing, sat back, and let those losers score twice. They deserve their current place in the table.
  8. I have to agree that it is time to get new management and re-evaluate at this point. Liverpool has really shown nothing this season.
  9. I keep looking at the Liv vs Nor score and they are still tied. The Sou vs Mu game is not bad. MU still needs a couple of players, but they are better than last season. And Martial is the deal and appears to be their future up front. A little disappointing for all the Liverpool fans.
  10. First, a weak penalty given late in the game to give Bayern the victory over Augsburg. I actually played a friendly game against the refs a long time ago on Augsburg's home field. They were 2nd or 3rd division at the time. Liverpool really didn't show me anything. Both teams showed they are currently not better than Man City or other UEFA teams. And, I just don't see Liverpool contending this season with their current coaching staff. Bastian showed why (even though he has lost a half step) Low kept him in the middle and put Cam outside back. Seeing Chelsea with 4 points and three losses, sweet.
  11. I don't know what Low is or is not going to do, but he got Cam on the field to gain experience, gain play time with the starters and to see what kind of player he has. Schweinsteiger is getting old for international play, and I am sure Low knows that, but you have a player that has played for you for years, and it is hard to just cut the guy and be rid of them. Schweinie will eventually be replaced, maybe after the tournament next summer. I don't see him next world cup besides as a sub. Getting Cam on the field now gives Low a chance to view him first hand and find a place for him in the starting 11. Also, Hector, who started on the left, wasn't even on the world cup roster. So, Low is finding his players, his best 11. Obviously, have to wait and see, but I am going to assume Low will find the right place for Cam in time. Edit: To add, I see him as an upgrade over Khedira and Kramer, but again, guy played one game. Time will tell. And, for you bellow.
  12. First, who exactly was he going to replace in the midfield? The only possible player would be Bellarabi. Maybe Low, being the successfull national team coach that he is, decided to get him on the field in one of the few open spots (Lahm retired). Like any good coach he is finding out exactly what the final roster will look like when they begin the tournament next summer. As a Liverpool fan, I would expect you to be exited he was on the pitch. And, it appeared to me that Low reigned his attacking defenders in the second half. I would guess he instructed them to make runs in the first half, even though it left open the counter attack.
  13. Liverpool has shown nothing so far this year. I watched Bayern early this morning in a replay of yesterday's game. Nice that Fox Sports is showing the Budesliga now. Watching the Man U game I felt sorry for my boy Schweinsteiger as he had no offensive weapons to pass the ball too. Going to be a long season if Man U cannot find anyone else up front. If Bayern can keep Robben healthy they should once again advance in the UEFA tounament. I am looking forward to see how Bayern does against Arsenal in the group stage of UEFA. Man U got lucky with their seeding while Man City will have a tough beginning road.
  14. In one of the BL games today the announcer was talking about the BL players being bought out by BPL teams, and mentioned the German clubs do a better job developing players than their English counterparts. Just an opinion, but found it interesting.
  15. You guys follow the Premier more than me, but I just don't see Arsenal winning the title. Man City and Chelsea still are favorites with dark horse Man U as a possibility.
  16. TWA, I am out. The judgement is too much for me.
  17. If you believe this :"did that person demonstrate a clear, imminent threat, of death or serious bodily harm, to the officer or to another?" Meaning, if the set of circumstances led you to believe this, could a cop shoot someone
  18. Define wrong? So easy to sit here a blame that cop. So easy to discount the criminal's actions. But, not going to continue because it is clear that many in this thread only see what they want to see. I see a cop that messed up, got fired and might get prosecuted for his actions. But I also see a criminal that put himself in a situation that ended up causing a confrontation. What, the criminal couldn't just run away when the cops arrived?
  19. I did not blame the victim, you did. I just did not blame the cop 100 percent. Your comment "They provoked the Response" that in itself will take pages of threads to respond. So, let's use your rape case. Cops arrive and say your wife or sister is getting raped. I would take your response to say that cops need to wait until lots of them arrive, maybe some SWAT team or something, and then take action. Would not want to provoke the person raping your wife or sister. As far as this case, the cop should have not gone in and confronted the person directly, but that does not discount that the person or criminal in this case, acted in a criminal manner and was clearly wrong in what he was doing. Cops are not above the law, but you imply that every citizen is above reproach, is allowed to act and do whatever they want and not be held to some type of accountability for their actions. I am not saying that they should be shot just for doing something, but to say that they are not 100 percent liable or responsible is to take the victim argument. Your actions have consequences. All that said, I do not disagree that corruption exists, whole departments need to better themselves and cops need to do a better job overall. But so does everyone else. Edit: I will add, to my rape example, where exactly is the line drawn? In that case you want the cops to take immediate action. Burglary happening with property being destroyed, might or might not seem like a case. How did the cops know someone from the dealership was not inside the business?
  20. Actually, no it is not. Don't break the law. Respect your fellow citizens. Treat others as you would want to be treated. I actually find your comment offensive. Comparing rape to some punk that broke into a dealership, destroyed property, disrespected this business and clearly didn't care because he basically waited around for the cops to arrive. And, he acted in a confrontational manner when the cops did arrive. Yes, the cop was wrong and should have acted differently, but don't discount this person's actions.
  21. Whether the cop was wrong or not, and I can see the paragraphs being generated now, but what about the guy who was burglarizing the dealership. He put himself in a situation that could result in a confrontation with the cops. If he had not decided to break in and destroy vehicles that this dealership now has pay for (please, do you think the insurance company won't raise the rates after this). The dealership, like any other business, has to expend time and resources to fix this criminal activity. That would piss me off if I was a small business owner. Reading this thread all I see, besides twa, is the cop was 100 percent wrong. Again, I am not saying the cop did not properly handle the call and it appears he should not have fired his weapon. But, the suspect put himself in a bad situation. On the firing, guy was on probation so firing him was easy. We also don't know if he was having issues, etc. and he was a 49 YOA rookie. A little old for me. Edit: For the record, it would be nice for all professions be held to the same lofty standard that cops in this thread are being held too. Like in business when you need to hire quality employees, you got to pay to get them. If we raise their salaries enough we could start attracting higher quality people. I mean some cops probably don't get paid that much above minimum wage looking around the country. Just, don't reach into mine or twa's pockets if you need to raise taxes.
  22. Let's see, The father of the black teen shot by police: ""From what I heard, he was there with some friends and they had a confrontation. They start shooting at the friends, and he just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time," The aunt of the black teen shot by police: "her nephew wasn't carrying a gun and never fired at police. He was "running for his life" just like everyone else, she said, when gunshots rang out." Sounds to me like another teen violently shot by police. Violating the constitution, pulling guns out, taking people rights away. And to top it off, video clearly shows people pleading with the cops to help the kid after he was shot by said police. Where is the justice, why are the cops not already in jail themselves? Oh, wait. http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/11/us/ferguson-protests/index.html
  23. One of the reasons I have posted in this thread is I actually know a couple of cops. Have talked to them over the years and such. I see a couple of things happening, just my opinion. I see police departments slowly changing, and adapting, and becoming more accountable for their actions. Not going to happen overnight, but in the coming years I think they will get better. Not saying you won't eliminate every incident, but hopefully you will see better cops. I can also see less people wanting to be cops. Why would you want to work for a place that has people that commit the crimes outlined in this thread. Why would you want to work for a place where your every move is monitored, you have to deal with BS everyday and your every action is questioned. People in this thread also want to take your already low pay away. Millions of Monday morning QB's watching cell phone videos questioning your actions. Yep, see recruitment going down. Dog, some good responses to my post. Since I am not a cop, and only have my law for dummies book, I cannot offer rebuttal to your comments about probable cause and reasonable suspicion. Though, my second hand smoke comments stand. I have the right to breath clean air. Keep your nasty away from me. Your comments about police abuse is not without merit. As far as pulling their guns out, it is easy to sit here and read media reports and make "holistic" comments about how every police officer should know when to pull their gun out under every possible scenario and be able to recognize every threat they see. It is unknown if people in this thread can understand, but I look at it like being a soldier. Everyone handles combat in their own way and everyone handles high stress situations in their own way. No, not saying the streets are like a war zone so stop. But, it stands to reason that some cops don't deal or handle stressful situations as well as others. Be easy to get rid of them all, but being that I believe recruitment will drop, people may get their wish because there won't be a lot of cops around for people to videotape and post on social media for other people to critique. I am not offering up excuses, but offering up some reasons. Maybe I should have been a cop as I will put money on the table that I handle stress better than many people in this thread.
  24. Moving on to traffic tickets. I find it funny when politicians pressure police departments to "keep everyone safe" and write more tickets, disregarding the fact that more tickets mean more revenue. Why do the people complain about tickets when they vote in the politicians that pressure the cops to write more tickets because their community needs more revenue to keep the taxes lower. But, that is just my impression as a tax paying citizen.
  25. The cigarette got me. Let me just go ahead and give you cancer. Why not. You don't seem to care that officers asked a citizen to put out a cigarette, for various reasons, but I am simply focusing on the cancer causing one. I would not want someone to smoke in front of me, force me to breath in a cancer causing substance. So, just go ahead and get some cancer, because you don't seem to care. Moving on, what the heck is search and seizure, rights infringed, victimized? Is that your opinion that cops violated one of those things? Did you feel that you were being disrespected or that you didn't feel like paying respect to the law? Do you know what the law says on traffic stops as opposed to simple pedestrian stops on the street? Reading my law for dummies book, there is a difference. Someone above said that in order for a police order to be lawful, it needs backing. What does that mean? Does that mean probable cause? Does that mean reasonable suspicion? What is the difference between the two? If a cop believes, through knowledge and experience, that a crime is afoot, should they just stand by and let it happen? Now, or course police can't just order you to do anything, but what exactly constitutes reasonably suspicion or probably cause? I could quote out of my law for dummies book, but I bet a standard citizen doesn't know the difference. To the gun comment. Law abiding cop can't have his gun out? Leaving the fact that the NRA would have something to say about that, I didn't know that people can now read minds. I guess cops can because, according to some people, they know exactly what someone they just encountered is going to do. They seem to be able to predict their actions, predict future events. Someone talked about the abuse of power and how arrests by cops leads to failing a background check which leads to not getting hired. I will simply take this approach. Who made you judge? It is not the job of the cop to play judge. So, who should he not arrest and who should he arrest? I understand that certain circumstances do dictate situations where you would not make an arrest, but for all the other times when someone is breaking the law, do you give a break on Sunday or only to people that are nice to the police? Who sets the standards? What exactly is fair? Lastly, Sovereign Citizens are whack jobs, plain and simple. If you feel strongly against my comment, leave the U.S., form your own country and do what you feel like. And, if you don't like it, don't call 911 and bother the cops that, apparently, violate your rights.
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