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Commander PK

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Everything posted by Commander PK

  1. On mere suspicion alone? No Without a substantial reason to deny someone.. you should not deny them. I'm not one who thinks that the evil nature of some people can be controlled by legislation though.
  2. Agreed, but we can't stop them. Bad people do bad things. Evil exists in this world. Making more potential victims out of good people will not fix the problem.
  3. We would have far more respect for the other side if they would actually listen to our ideas instead of dismissing them outright because they do not involve further restrictions on our constitutional rights. After Sandy Hook the NRA made legitimately reasonable suggestions and they were laughed down as absurd. Armed security in schools? No thank you....not interested. Think of the children!! They might need an emotional "safe place" after seeing that retired cop walking the halls with his evil gun strapped to his side.
  4. So you would be fine with a minority being denied their constitutional rights because the FBI was suspicious of them...but had been unable to prove anything substantial? Yes or No? Anybody else want to answer that question as well? Dude that's awesome. I'm seriously jealous. \mm/
  5. I'm sorry the truth hurts Larry. The cat has been out of the bag a long time. I'm not prepared to give up my constitutional right or yours because bad things happen. I also find it interesting that many here who would normally be screaming "due process!!" for anyone charged with a crime...now think somebody who is on a FBI watch list should not be allowed to buy a gun. Where is your due process now? Mere suspicion costs you your constitutional rights? Before this horrific massacre occurred if this killer was just a law abiding citizen of middle eastern descent and they had prevented him from buying a gun for being on the FBI's watch list...several of you would be screaming profiling and racism. What makes you think this new interview goes any different than the first two? What are they going to prove? Should this minority be denied his rights even if they can't prove anything conclusive? Slippery slope? Any other time they would call that 'racial profiling'
  6. Nor should you. At some point I have to believe that common sense will prevail and people will see this situation for what it is...good people turning in their guns or being prevented from buying them will not stop bad people from getting and using them against innocent people. There is nothing on this earth that could EVER convince me that making potential victims out of good people is the way we should go to deal with this problem. There is no reasonable gun legislation that would have prevented this tragedy.
  7. I thought the reasons would be obvious. You have a protest organizer who had balls enough to walk a mile in the shoes of a cop. What he found was that the job is not easy and you have to make split second decisions in rapidly evolving situations. He walked away admittedly "shaken" and with a new perspective. I found it interesting that his first choice was to shoot a man who stepped into his personal space. If that was real how do you think that shooting would have been received by the public? Or in the first scenario where he eats about 10 bullets because he did not think about his own safety with a man who is clearly acting suspicious and highly agitated for no apparent reason...allowing him to wonder behind a vehicle and grab his gun. None of this gives you a moments pause?
  8. I guess it is Larry. Laws and attitudes are tricky things. Being fine with a background check does not necessarily mean I think you should not be able to buy an AR-15 if you want one.
  9. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WRHCAUpdAc4 I thought this would be a great place for this video. Enjoy
  10. I don't have a problem with background checks...but if I pass it I can buy whatever handgun, rifle, or shotgun I wish to purchase no questions asked...Deal? Because if I check out...what difference does it make which gun I have....right?
  11. You would think that by now it would be evident that most Americans don't want new gun control or restrictions. Enforce the laws we already have and hand out maximum sentences for those who commit crimes with guns. Don't parole them or let them out after serving a 1/3 of their sentence on "good behavior." LOL
  12. I don't live in fear, but I also see no harm in "common sense" preparation for what could happen.Do you lock your front door at night? If you do, does that mean you are "living in constant fear?"
  13. Not carrying in certain places or at certain times is a lot different than a group of government agents clearing my house. I said I was fine with certain restrictions. I don't agree with everything the NRA stands for...but I agree with most and I know I'm better off aligning myself with them than their opposition. For instance, I think the idea of a "gun free zone" is idiotic. You are against the law if you carry a gun... even a concealed gun in this place. However, the guy who is prepared to kill everyone in sight and commit countless other felonies in the "gun free zone" will stop because he suddenly realizes he has walked into a "gun free zone?" Which brings us to why I have problems with most gun control or the ideas for gun control that are brought forth. These laws are designed only to make people "feel" better, and not based on any kind of logic or acceptance of reality.
  14. I said if you study all of recorded history the need for the right is clear throughout recorded history. If that is not direct enough...I'll spell it out. People have been trampled over throughout history. No political system or empire has lasted forever. If you have full faith in the system and the evolution of government....fine...disarm. If you believe turning your guns in will stop mass shootings and violence...fine...disarm. I don't and I won't disarm. I will follow my conscience you follow yours.
  15. "Nobody is saying you can't own a gun, nobody is saying you can't carry a gun...all we are saying is you can't carry a gun in Town." Virgil Earp And considering that most of the time their sole reason for even being in town was to get drunk and laid that was probably a good idea.
  16. I never said it was a clear right throughout the course of history. I said the need for that right is clear throughout recorded history.and my use of Tombstone was no more ridiculous than yours.
  17. Yeah and we had the "shootout at the o.k. Corral." People died when they tried to take them, and carrying Firearms in Tombstone was a misdemeanor. People were free to carry them outside the city limits. I'm fine with certain restrictions, but wary of how those restrictions would be abused in practical application. Right here in this thread there are examples of what some people would really like to do... take our guns by force. And that is the main reason why I'm an NRA member working on a Life Membership.
  18. I don't think it's people love their Guns more than they love The United States of America, or that their guns are more important than the United States of America....it's that our Guns and the freedom to own and defend ourselves from aggression is an integral part of what MAKES us the United States of America. If you study all of recorded history until now...there are a thousand reasons why the right to bear arms in this country is so important.
  19. Furthermore, I refuse to believe that our military or police would obey such orders.
  20. Hail to the Redskins. Time to take care of business and get this win.

  21. Redskins 8 mile ending...Cheddar Bob: "Hey, you drew (whoever) for the first round of the playoffs." Redskins: "We don't give a **** who it is"

  22. Meanwhile in New York THOUSANDS (estimated by some accounts to be around 30,000) mourned the death of Police Officer Brian Moore today who was gunned down by a "guy just walking down the street" "who appeared to adjust something in his waistband" Just thought some of you might like to know that http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/09/nyregion/nypd-officer-brian-moore-funeral.html?_r=0
  23. this thread needs more RAGE Just doing my part for the Revolution... "it's got to start some place, it's got to start sometime...what better place than Extremeskins? What better time than NOW!" OH....YEA!!!!! Can't stop us NOW!!! LMAO Sincerely, A member of the "Evil Empire"
  24. You did not hurt my feelings dude, lol. Your post was obviously directed at me and I did not want to disappoint you. If you could pick my brain over what I have heard and experienced in my career...believe me what you said would be a insignificant after thought. Peace
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