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Everything posted by kingdaddy

  1. Watch how open and for how long Bibbs gets....He could've had a hot dog in the time that he was open.
  2. The Skins need to get healthy....they are treading water and will win the division on the win one, lose one train at this point. If they can get back Crowder, Trent and solidify the o-line, the passing game should improve. Maurice Harris is turning into a nice player and Doc is showing up more. Reed made some plays yesterday. I believe Jay will keep this team fighting and my target is 9 wins to win the division with 10 being a virtual lock. A win at home this Sunday would be gigantic to our playoff hopes....let's get it.
  3. I posted right before final cuts came out that I wouldn't have been surprised if Doc was traded. That being said, he's here and it's clear he's not someone the coaches feel they have to get involved in the game. AP has kind of negated the need for our passing game in 2 of the 3 games so we'll see if Doc can get it going in New Orleans where we'll certainly need to throw the ball. You would think that having Reed and Vernon healthy would really open things up for Doc, Crowder and Richardson....Make or break year for Doctson for sure. Don't give up on him yet....maybe he steps up on Thanksgiving Day and beats Dallas for a couple of TD's?
  4. Would love to see black pants with black shirts, burgundy white and gold in the stripes/numbers/socks....black shoes. Love the Eagles alternate black jerseys and ours would be better.
  5. looks like we're gonna have replacements for Crowder, specifically Quinn....he has the makings of a great slot guy. I'm also thinking with Robert Davis and Sims healthy we'll have plenty of options at WR...healthy is the key word there of course. The only way I see us paying JC is if he has a huge year and Alex demands they keep him.
  6. interesting....I guess Jerry has the media in his pocket? I'm pretty sure it was Stephen Jones who I read talking about the Dez/Witten negative influence on Dak. He seems to be more level headed then his dad is?
  7. makes sense. But I also read where both Dez and Witten were in the huddle often telling Prescott to get them the ball and that the Cowgirls thought Dez was detrimental to Dak's progressing as a pro. Apparently Dak wasn't sticking with progressions and would jump right to Dez or Witten because they were always in his ear????
  8. Dez may not be done physically but he wore out his welcome in Dallas with his antics and me first attitude. Teams see that and want no parts of a me player. If New England or Oakland, two teams who usually think they can get selfish guys to perform, won't touch Dez then that speaks volumes.
  9. Liked what I saw out Mr. Relevant as a punt returner....I'm very excited about his future with the Redskins.
  10. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and YES!!! Cobb has skills....I'd love to see him make it. Although Harris would be out but that's the way it goes....
  11. What a bonus it would be for this draft class to see Simms have a productive NFL career....HTTR.
  12. If we don't put Quinn on our roster Belicheck will be ready to pounce....
  13. Maybe this staff will figure out that less is more with Jordan Reed. Put him on a pitch count early in the season and only use him in third down and red zone situations for the most part. Use Vernon and Sprinkle more and gradually increase Reed's usage as the games get bigger. If teams can use a defensive line rotation with great success then why not rotate the TE's in a similar fashion providing you have confidence in all 3 of them? Keeping Reed healthy is imperative to our offensive success. I wouldn't play Reed a snap in preseason games....or just limit his snaps to red zone stuff.
  14. Maurice Harris is getting better and better...his catch against the Vikings last year was incredible and he's making those kind of plays in camp this year. If he continues to play at a high level we are going to have a very, very good group of WR's. Again, the key is Jordan Reed's health, but if Alex Smith can develop chemistry with Doc, JC, PRich and guys like Harris and Robert Davis we are gonna be in for a treat. I'm sure he already has good chemistry with VD too having played with him before. Lots of talent with our WR's, and I haven't even heard how Simmi Cobbs and Mr. Irrelevant are doing?
  15. Didn't say they were "nobody's" but my point is that the Eagles system is so good that all of them produce. One of their best weapons was Trey Burton, backup tight end who's now in Chicago I believe. They also used rookie RB Clement to take over for Sproles after he went down and he did very well too. Doug Peterson is a master at getting guys open and that's what we need from Gruden; creative play calling that doesn't rely on one guy to dominate. We have as much talent at WR as the Eagles do along with Reed, Davis, Thompson and now Guice. No reason we can't have an explosive offense like the Rams and Eagles have, especially given Smith's ability to buy time with his legs like Carson Wentz can do.
  16. Yep, name the Eagles receivers after Alshon Jeffery? Wentz and Foles throw it to anyone and everyone...Reed is the key to our receiving corp in my opinion.
  17. We should be better than Dallas if we stop the run....the NYG are always tough on us but shouldn't be better than us. And we can play with the Eagles. Must sweep Dallas and split with Philly and NYG...4-2 would be acceptable for me.
  18. With good health, and a few guys stepping up, this 2018 Skins team should be very dangerous. Considering we beat the Rams last year and had New Orleans beat, plus beat Seattle out there, we know that this team can play with the big boys. We also went toe-to-toe with KC and had that game won too if Doc holds on that pass in the end zone. Adding Guice, Alex Smith and several other key parts, plus getting back Reed and CT and we are as good a team as most any team in the league. I'm looking for Doctson, Richardson and Robert Davis to make our passing game dynamic and the young kids making our d-line one of the best in the NFL. Time for Gruden to make this thing work and get this team to the Super Bowl....Can't wait to see this team gel together.
  19. Our WR's will be as good as our running game is imo....If we can run the ball effectively I think our WR's are gonna be solid. I have high hopes that Robert Davis is gonna really step up this year and that Smith alone will elevate the passing game with his mobility. The longer he can move around the more time for the WR's to get open and make plays. If I remember right, he bought time on the winning drive against us and found mediocre WR's down field....Richardson, Crowder and Doctson is a group full of potential with a chance to be really good if the TE's hold up and the running game is better.
  20. If he wants revenge on Dallas and will sign here within reason, sign him. Can you imagine Bryant and Reed with Doctson, Richardson and Crowder in a 4 wide set with CT in the backfield? Throw in Guice or Michel in the 2nd round and Alex Smith will be the happiest QB in the league. Gruden would be in heaven. I hate Dez Bryant but as a Skin I love him....pro sports suck.
  21. Trade or release? It would likely be a release I assume cause who can take on his contract with his injury history? I'd roll the dice and keep him hoping he can stay healthy....that being said, if I were Reed I'd seriously consider retiring given his concussion history. I worry about him post football. He's one of my favorite Skins to watch, can dominate a game when he's healthy.
  22. Yes we do, it's Doctson, 1st round pick who will step up with Smith tossing him the pill....believe it. Half full here too....picture Doc going up and getting the ball since AS throws to him more than KC would. Reed healthy with CT changes everything. Richardson is a great addition, Doctson another year wiser and better, with Robert Davis feeling more comfortable too. I think JG is high on Davis...and who knows who else steps up or we go out and get through FA or the draft.
  23. Questions: 1). Will Blackmon returned most of the punts in preseason and we cut him. I kept reading where he was on the bubble all summer and wondered why we didn't have a punt returner out there in the case WB was cut? At the very least, if Crowder is your punt returner, put him out there and tell him to fair catch the ball if you're worried he might get hurt. 2). Why carry 4 tight ends if you're rarely going to go with multiple tight end sets? We should be running the ball better if we have 3 active TE's on game day. 3) Why call the time out on 3rd and 10 with just over 2 mins to go before the half? We just scored and just gave the Eagles an extra time out by not stopping them on 3rd and 10. 4). Why so much zone coverage? We fans are so tired of this type of coverage....The Eagles brought much more pressure than we did and often times were timing Cousing cadence perfectly. 5). Why don't we move Cousins around more rather than leaving him sit in the pocket for defenders to go after? When he moves around and has the run option he's actually pretty effective. No panic here but I can see why the Skins are hesitant to pay KC....there are some nice looking QB's playing in college right now. KC has now lost his last 3 home games, all with significant meaning. He is what he is....he's not going to win games for us on his ability like the top tier QB's do and he's not worth the money he earns this year or thinks he's worth next year. We are at a serious crossroads with our QB situation.
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