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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. I think Boba Fett is the most overrated Star Wars character, because he looks cool AF and has a badass job. But he didn't really do **** in the movies other than look cool. That said, if Disney told me my job was to write a series of shows or movies that builds out a minor character's backstory, and I can do whatever I want, I would pick Boba Fett and I would make him a ruthless killer and psychopath. Disney would be like "oookay, maybe not right for our brand PB."
  2. They rushed and ruined GoT for nothing. Probably better that they won't ruin Star Wars too.
  3. Been daybdrinking since 2, but seriously about to turn it up a few notches.
  4. During the Caps Stanley Cup run, this nearly happened to me for tickets around $1,000. I "surprised" my wife with a ticket to Hamilton because it was cheaper.
  5. https://www.washingtonian.com/2019/10/24/the-nationals-ticket-system-got-hacked-and-somebody-stole-a-bunch-of-world-series-tickets/ The Nationals’ Ticket System Got Hacked and Somebody Stole a Bunch of World Series Tickets
  6. He will 100% get epically booed. ****, ticket prices on the secondary market will probably go up even further because people want to participate in the booing. Edit: Also probably a worse first pitch than John Wall.
  7. Stras literally yelled in the direction of an umpire last night. That level of showing emotion is the Strasburg equivalent of Scherzer going supernova and killing every living thing on earth.
  8. It was a thread from years ago when @zoony traveled a lot for work and let it slip that he was in Cleveland. I started a thread called "Things to do in Cleveland" which degenerated into suggestions about where to prop up his junk.
  9. We may need to restart the "Things to do in ______" thread.
  10. Yea, me too. I can justify a lot. I cannot justify $1200 for SRO (when sober). I am going to head down to the Yards on Saturday and drink and revel in the scene, and I may try to see if any scalpers are selling at a discount after first pitch. Yea. I think the biggest factor is the lineup, but that is also a decision Hinch has to make. I think Hinch is an awesome manager, but everyone sucks at everything when they are new at it.
  11. I think home field favors the Nats for several reasons. First, it's not just that the Astro's pitcher's have to hit and the Nat's pitchers are more used to that, but also that the Astros have to figure out what to do with Yordan Alvarez. He's one of their better hitters, but he's a rookie who has only started 9 total games in the outfield. 66 innings! Total! All in left field, where Brantley plays. Are you going to stick him in right for Reddick? Sit him? Shuffle Brantley to right and put Alravez in left? Second, is Hinch going to make good decisions when they are somewhat new to him? Dave Roberts ****ed it up and he's an NL manager. Third, obviously the dimensions in the outfield are very different.
  12. Lol, Rodney gets Altuve out fairly easily. Wtf is happening?
  13. I just poured my 6th glass of bourbon. This is the dream scenario. Use the B bullpen. Give Hud and Doo a night off.
  14. Welp, this is the situation we want. 2 on, Rendon and Soto
  15. We need this one run. Let Rodney or Rainey try to get a few outs without getting into trouble.
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