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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. We have Total Wine. They deliver. Total Wine is based around here, I think, because the owner ran for Congress or something.
  2. Oh I agree. I think, but am not sure, that Trump would have lost just because it is more clear now than it was 4 years ago that he is not capable of doing the job and cannot learn, and also that this opponent is not going to win anyways so people should just not vote. I think without current events, it would be pretty close because the economy was perceived to be very strong and Trump has raised gobs of money and he has a gift for using lies to muddy the waters around his obvious failings.
  3. Last one I lost my job of 7 years, waited tables to make ends meet and had to drop $250,000 (and 3 years of my life) on grad school. Another recession is going to happen, they always do. It's not about hoping one happens or doesn't happen, it's just a question of timing and magnitude. Can you imagine if the timing is such that Trump gets reelected and we have 4 more years of Trump and a terrible economy?
  4. I edited my post b/c I thought you may actually be referring to Bill Maher. We are overdue for a downturn, although not of this magnitude. I figure if it is going to happen anyways, might as well hope for it to be timed in a way to get Trump out of office so at least some (huge) benefit comes along with the pain. Economic prosperity doesn't do me any good when the vast majority of the gains go to the extremely rich and we run trillion dollar deficits with nothing to show for them.
  5. @Renegade7 I don't necessarily disagree with Bill Maher, tho he is an asshole. And, of course, someone will say we aren't in an "official" recession. Which is kind of like saying the game isn't "officially" over when the Patriots take a 50 point lead over the Skins, but there is still time on the clock. The outcome is obvious and inevitable, but time simply hasn't moved far enough along yet to meet the "official" parameter.
  6. I'd be all for that. Although buying liquor from Target just seems wrong, somehow. Probably b/c i envision myself buying 8 dozen diapers, a load of kids art supplies, and 3 handles of Makers.
  7. Are you suggesting that we are not in a recession right now? https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/04/29/gdp-coronavirus/
  8. What's the big deal? ABC Store, liquor store, the only difference is who owns it, which doesn't affect me.
  9. My secret spot is near the Washington Monument, in a grove of trees. Especially awesome when bomb ass restaurants that are usually impossible to get into are doing takeout, including wine and ****tails.
  10. My legal team has advised I not answer this.
  11. I mean, I’m working from home so at least I don’t have to commute. So yea, one flight of stairs to my liquor cabinet. I went to the ABC store last week. In VA, they have everything blocked of, so you teller the runner what you want and he takes it to the cashier. Let’s just say my dude seemed taken aback when I suggested he was going to need a cart.
  12. My family has been having a picnic on the Mall every Sunday for weeks. It is generally pretty empty. Plus weve been getting lots of rain.
  13. Ugh, paternity leave is over so now I can add my 60 hour a week job to keeping a 2 month old alive and a 4 year old from going feral.
  14. I’ll go back to normal when I hear it’s okay from either Biden or Fauci. Not before.
  15. Meanwhile, the PB clan walked around Old Town Alexandria all afternoon and day drank. Lots if restaurants are selling to go ****tails (and food, I guess) and nobody seems to care if you knockem down right on King Street. In related news, my 2 month old broke his first laws today.
  16. I lost a lot of respect for Sen. Harris due to her awful knife skills.
  17. Not live in. She starts tomorrow, 9-5 four days a week.
  18. I am currently on paternity leave. I go back to my 65+ hour a weeK job next Monday. My 7 week old and 4 year old are like **** that noise.
  19. Finally broke and hired a nanny.
  20. Been effectively quarantined since February 20. That is 58 days. Urge to kill growing.....
  21. Get a lower maintenance dog. ***** Yep, garage trapeze for the 4 year old. Gym mat for the illusion of safety. 8C31988F-FD18-4913-9FF6-D255096A8CDA.MOV
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