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Everything posted by spjunkies

  1. Stophovr is most likely right.... if anyone wants to look do a youtube search of "Punisher: Dirty Laundry" Good stuff, but violent and full of language so watch at home away from children.
  2. I don't know if they hired new writers or something, but that show was horrible last night and it seems like whoever came up with that script has never watched wrestling before. That was pathetic!
  3. It's funny because I was JUST wondering about her earlier today when I saw you post. I figured it was some chick that you had a crush on
  4. Crap someone started a thread on this so I got owned
  5. And in a few years when this dude takes over he'll get the Stern treatment.
  6. Sounds like a female I used to talk to, they must be related and I know why you're heated Anyway, I hope you still have a great time and don't let that ruin your night.
  7. i'm pretty much at this point myself. I turned the show off and went to sleep when the Alberto Rio match started. It's becoming a chore to watch that garbage.
  8. I love the bird dude why did they snatch him up like that
  9. ^^^^Last picture dude. You can't image profanity and you also have to put up a NSFW warning. Just giving you a heads up
  10. I can't do it anymore.... this product is utter garbage!
  11. Yes it was. That was probably one of the worst decisions I've ever seen in sports.
  12. This **** is fixed folks. I hate Manny but WTF!!!!
  13. The Manny guy is about to knock that dude out.
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