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Everything posted by spjunkies

  1. Even the dog was checking that nice thing out!
  2. I think most people aren't angry at The Rock because they understood why he did what he did. What person wouldn't take being a Hollywood star over tearing your body up almost every night of the week? Cena would make the same move if he could, but right now it looks like he can't even get a role if the movie is not produced by the WWE so he's making the smart move and being the face of the company and cashing in with his salary and merchandise sales. I think most fans are angry at Cena because his character is STALE and it's time to make things a little fresh with the guy. I look at it a little like if Will Smith went back to being the "Fresh Prince" just because his fans want it. He has evolved into something much bigger so it would be sill to go b
  3. I seriously don't think we will get more than 5 wins. This "team" STINKS!!!
  4. A chick I've been seeing made me watch like 4 episodes last night since they were having some kind of marathon on A&E. That damn show scared me straight and I've never been in trouble in my life
  5. It's as simple as flipping it and making JKL a heel again. I don't know why they won't do it since he's so good at it.
  6. Can't say that I'm sad. Rest In.... something, dude.
  7. Thank goodness they are finally getting a real belt!!!! Check it out.
  8. Welcome back and thank you Epic old man fight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kThLSiykiHY
  9. This explains why last night happened. WWE.com In accordance with the Talent Wellness Program, WWE has suspended Ron Killings (R-Truth) for 30 days effective immediately for his first violation of the company’s policy.
  10. lol Lawler was silent tonight because he was hoarse, I do miss this King though *NSFW language* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJWVQJcajmE
  11. Looks like Y2J or Taker are also going to make a return soon so that's nice.
  12. That was a pretty even fight in Fast Five. We all know IRL he would break Diesel in half.
  13. I guess he still has Redskin blood in his veins
  14. Here is the Hall piece http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A7Aa3oXtpg The promoter at the end really irritated me. Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYEVrWDnl-g ESPN is FAST. Here is the link to the video on ESPN.com http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=7124904
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