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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. I'd have a hard time letting Ariza walk the way he's playing not really knowing yet what we have with Porter. Even if Porter gets his shot going, Ariza is still arguably one of our best defensive players. If we can afford it, especially if Nene retires, we should make it work and keep Ariza. Let history be the judge...
  2. This is still one of the better wizards teams I've seen in a minute, and I liked the comeback to take it to overtime when we could of just packed it in again. Bench played better, and it will be interesting to see if Booker can start becoming more consistent or not. Having said that, glad to get Webster back, but still not good enough to overcome missing two starters (Beal and Nene). This is still a playoff team, imo, but I'm getting tired of talking about how respectable we can be with everybody on the floor because it just never seems to happen for us.
  3. Not playing since monday and being down 3 starters would hurt any team. Still tired of losing to sub-.500 basketball teams at home, though. Btw, Breaking News: John Wall is a max player. I'm very proud of that guy, I really am.
  4. Watched the Indiana and Atlanta game, and I'm proud of way they bounced back instead of moping around about getting their tail handed to them. A healthy Wizards team with Porter and Beal might find a way to get there's anyway against a team like the Pacers that plays that level of defense. But as long as they beat the teams they're supposed to beat and don't crumble at the end of games (really impressed how we refused to give up the lead to the hawks last night, no matter how bad they wanted it), this is a playoff team. My dad asked me if Grunsfeld deserves credit for this, I told him it took 2-3 rebuilds to get it right and even though the Lakers and Hawks games we're good wins, we saw where we are (injured or not) against a team like Indiana. It's a competitive team in the east, but we still have work to do.
  5. Ever chewed someone out in one thread then gave them a high five in another thread maybe an hour or two later? It's the beauty of extremeskins, hell, I forget to look at the sig names sometimes when I comment, I'll admit to that.
  6. Hey, I'm not afraid to give credit where credit is due (even if these two wins aren't against world beaters). I was able to check in a little on both of them, and the box score isn't lying, this much is a much more explosive team then last year. I was telling my dad it doesn't matter if they let someone score 60 in a half against them like the twolves did, but the wiz then held them to less the 40 in the second half. Jan was fun to watch tonight, finally. And its awesome seeing us hovering around 30 assists a game consistently. And at some point, consistently beating teams by 20 plus points on the fast break is going to pay off. Defense is a lot about mentality, which this team needs to get back since they were a top 10 defense last year. If they can do that and still run people off the court, ya, its a playoff team. I really hate it when players go public with their complaints like Nene did, but this time it looked like it worked, and we'll forget about if this team starts winning more games then they lose...
  7. Its tough watching this team just continue to stay irrelevant in the NBA. At this point the love is unconditional, because they haven't done anything to earn it since the Hibatchi days...
  8.    C'mon, Zoony, her brother just scored a touchdown. What was she supposed to do, slow clap of approval? She looks like she's may age for crying out loud, lol
  9. I just found out about this Hanna Montana / Robin Thicke non-sense. The reactions in stills are just priceless.
  10. I'm trying to get into this summer league ball, but I only recognize 4 players and the others look like they're going to be bagging grociers soon. This cluster**** basketball play is teeth grinding, I kinda just have in on in the other room now, waiting for the preseason and checking in from time to time. Edit: for those who actually watched this game, what did you think of Vesly? Heard he did the damn thing today.
  11. I feel asleep on it, but I did like what I saw from Porter and Rice, Jr. If they can stay healthy, wiz have a legit big 3 (Wall, Beal, Porter) to build around and contend. Porter has a great wingspan for tapping balls in traffic and a nice shot. I know it was the first game, but that was a good pick.
  12. Doesn't he have the potential to be a very good 6th man? btw when does the NBA release their schedules approximately? I'm looking to plan a short trip to Orlando (I live in Jax) when the Wiz visit. Absolutely he does. If we can get our young big men (Booker, Singleton, Seraphin) to become more consistent, then our second unit is going to be legit. I haven't seen us stay "healthy" in a while, so keeping Webster and this young team together helps us have a team that can better stand injuries instead of digging holes we can't climb out of year after year. Schedule release is July 26th from what I can tell. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong on that...
  13. I know it's not perfect, but we're a better team keeping Webster then letting him walk. I can live with it.
  14. Sho' Nuff looks like him, doesn't it
  15. In our defense, we still do fight, especially in school. One on one, then and there, seen it, had to swing on a bully myself in middle school. That was in Prince William county, but in DC it's harder because of the fear of #1 on your list. Very very real.
  16. Chances at a good lottery pick, smh. Like we need another small child who doesn't know how to play under the drinking age to help add talent to the roster. Regardless of who this team picks, they need veterans to help with the young talent they already have. We lost again, so I guess you get your wish.
  17. God, I hate this mentality. What's the point of playing if you aren't trying to win? Does anybody really believe another lottery pick is going to "save" this franchise? After crap like picking Vesly or trading for Foye and Miller who aren't even on the team anymore?
  18. 30 wins would be nice, but I still always put a precedent on the team actually giving a damn anytime their on the floor. Right now, they are showing it. BTW, I don't see a problem talking mystics in here. I feel they got hosed last time they were in the playoffs moving a home playoff game to another stadium because of a pre-scheduled event. That's just ridiculous. And I really hope Nene retires. It's what's best for both him and the Wizards at this point.
  19. Oh man, wtf happened to Webster lately? I see he's out, but on top of that, no one scored more then 11 points expect Wall last night. At home? It's not just injuries, man, it's BS.
  20. Ya, saw halftime score and went back to nats game. I have so much respect for Wall, especially now. This isn't the first time we'd be a playoff team if we could just stay healthy. That's getting old...
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