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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. I'm stupid, too. I like basketball, DC has a team, it's good for the area if they do start winning so ima keep hoping for it. When it comes to sports, hope only hurts if you let it. Redskins taught me that. I can jus imagine this bamma with a giant ass clip on measuring tape on his belt under his suit, the same one Ernie used to spank him with. It's not to specifications yet my ass, the ship is sinking in the dry dock.
  2. We really are gonna let an interm GM trade our best player, arent we? Is there a precedent for that?
  3. Meh, that's one wheel, I had one come off and put it back on once. They still have Harden and Capella, 15/8 from Paul isnt end of the world, but I can see trying to flip him. But nuke it? Like trade Harden. Nuke it? Nah....
  4. Why despite the fact it wont work they shouldnt blow up and expect to get back to the same place. Ride that mofo till the wheels fall off, hope you catch a break, then do a rebuild.
  5. The smart thing is to accept our cap and talent situation is f'd and just load up on young talent for when Walls contract expires. Two things, it's clear Ted doesnt want to rebuild and we are terrible at developing talent. I cant help but feel screwed either way and just hope for the best.
  6. @twa that's the same wapo article I read today. I do believe we've gotten acustom to the idea you cant OD when you arent trying to. But now with stuff like shatter and strains approaching 70% THC and higher, we need to really ask what we're doing here. More research needs to be opened on the potential of this drug for medical purposes, but if the goal is to get as f'd up as possible, we've officially proven that's possible. If you try to smoke blunts to the face, the joke is you'll fall asleep before you OD. But if you are eating as many high potent edibles as you can or trying to handle as much pure THC as you can, that's not the same thing. We arent going to make alcohol illegal because of binge drinking, so let's pump the breaks here. As for teens using marijuana in general, I still am against it unless for medical reasons. My own experience is it interfered with my development, I know it did. But more research needs to be done I to that, because I smoked to help deal with the depression, it definetly helped, it is not right to draw a correlation it causes depression or increased suicide rates without more research, which is currently banned unless it fits a certain narrative. Weed is no different then any other drug that despite it's intended purpose you will pay for abusing it. You cant OD on Advil and expect anything good from it.
  7. It'll be a while before Lakers have that kind of ammo for another trade. Can see them turning into a mercenary team with a bunch of ring chasers because they won't be able to draft their depth. I'm sure some analyst for the mothership is going bring up Kobe coming back to start some ****, there's no way I can see Kobe and LeBron's egos co-existing together.
  8. God, that would jus be one of the worst things imaginable.
  9. Define "war", like officially declared? We are always at war with someone the last 100 years, troops on the ground shooting somewhere or drone striking somewhere else now.
  10. Klay and KD will probably feel safer in GS, and I don't blame them. Willing to commit right off the bat with those injuries, they may be more patient then other franchises if they can't stay healthy. 3 of your 5 all-stars going to be recovering from major injuries the next few years, the other two right at 30. That would feel like some terrible omen or warning not to do what they did if it goes wrong.
  11. The conversation isnt so much about losing star players to larger markets, it's that smaller market teams are typically the ones we have and will see losing their stars to player collusion. Chicago is a good example of not having any players to lose in the last 20 years, save Rose who destroyed his knees before having a chance to even think about something like leaving to team up with some other players. But will we ever see a super team form in say Utah? I highly doubt it. Think about though, how many stars on Raptors and Bucks were drafted or traded for versus being brought in via signing as free agents? KL is most likely going to leave and we're already talking about whether Giannis will get someone to join him or leave to do the same thing. Regardless of what else those franchises have done, theres nothing they can do to stop that even if they'd be lower seeded playoff teams without them. I have no idea how you stop that or you should. That may be going too far, that's what their agent does for a living outside negotiating the NBA contracts.
  12. That's tough because I don't see how this benefits a team that drafts more then one all-star. Like I mentioned im mad GS add KD to what they had, they deserve respect for building what they already had through the draft, there's a difference. Agree on bringing back the amnesty provisions. There are several things that both leagues should look at from one another, id love to see max contracts in the NFL to stop what's going on with the QB contract arms race.
  13. Seen you bring this up before, agree with hard cap, but aren't you worried without max contracts superstar contracts will get out of control? Is your goal only one superstar per team, because it sounds like it will lead to what's happening in the NFL where QB contracts dominate the cap and make it hard for franchises to field teams around them.
  14. Of course that's what happened. Ted has nobody to blame but himself, over a year difference in the contract with Tim. Our dysfunction is on full display for everyone to see, we might as well be radioactive.
  15. As a Wizards fan, I feel at the complete and total mercy of whatever superstar wants to say form a superteam with Beal right now. We can't give him supermax since he didn't make all-pro, there's nothing we can do if he decides he wants to leave. I thought it was cute when it came out he was trying to recruit during one of his all-star games, I'm 100% sure they all said "hell no, but if you want to..."
  16. Normally I agree would with you, but wasn't Kirk the first player to sign the tag in back to back seasons? I look at it more as an attempt to protect small market teams, I have less of a bleeding heart for the players because of their contracts being guaranteed and amount of collusion they do with each other now. No more then two in a row and same rule of only one player at a time.
  17. Rather see a franchise tag like NFL has. Its naturally built in to keep a team from holding a player hostage for more then a year or two. For some players, it's about forming these super teams for rings, you can't pay some players enough to make them stay if they dont want to.
  18. I said gentleman sweep expecting KD to come back to lay waste to their hopes and dreams. Then I got called out for underestimating the Raptors and overestimating the Warriors without him. Raptors having home court should've been the first clue this wasn't going to go as most people expected, it immediately raised my eyebrow when I realized it.
  19. The basketball gods have officially stepped in it would seem. I can see GS getting desperate and maxing KD and Klay becoming that team that's always a threat to be unstoppable when healthy. When healthy.
  20. Ted probably didn't show Connley the room where Ernie did dominatrix on him, but that might be 2nd or 3rd stop on the tour now.
  21. Had to look into it, I don't know what the 93 Montreal Canadians did, but the 92 Toronto Blue Jays got invited to the White House by Bush 1.
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