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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. Build a new "Ellis Island" in El Paso. If people want to come here that bad, let's get back to what we used to do and let them do that in a legal, efficient manner with the resources neccesary to pull it off.
  2. Here's to hoping Rui is one of those death before dishonor types. "I have failed you, Master Brooks." *prepares for seppuku "No, no, no, no! What are you doing? Put the sword away! How did you even get that in here?!"
  3. You dont know me well enough to be putting words in my mouth, I've been against tanking for a long time. Especially us since we cant develop talent to save our life anyway risking wasting the pick.
  4. It's not irrational, you jus disagree with me. New Orleans had a lower chance of getting the number 1 pick, yet they jumped 6 spots and we dropped 3. Those numbers are too close to each other to gamble on, and I've already made a thread on how research has pushed for having a competent front office over a litany of lottery picks you have no clue what to do with. Team Lottery Odds New York 14.0% Cleveland 14.0% Phoenix 14.0% Chicago 12.5% Atlanta 10.5% Washington 9.0% New Orleans 6.0% Memphis* 6.0%
  5. We already calling these guys elite talent and they haven't played a game yet? My point stands, if three teams "won" none of them were us.
  6. You probably do with people's limited understanding of history in this country, maybe not you or me. Most people who have heard about concentration camps learned about it through what the Nazis were doing, that's their primary working example they reference this conversation to. There are some important distinctions here and Larry has a point that we arent gathering people already in the country, these are people we are catching trying to cross the southern border to get in.
  7. That's what we like to a call a perfect storm, not to mention how many of those assets came from the AD trade, not their attempt to tank. Like Steve mentioned, we got leapfrogged multiple times in the lottery, the odds of getting the first pick are so small now I dont believe tanking to get the number overall pick is a feasible plan, New Orleans wasnt only one that tried to win the Zion sweepstakes.
  8. Hmm... that's tough. I agree with some of what your saying, the Japanense internment was never brought up when I was in school, I doubt it is today. Maybe this isnt a case of people being stupid but jus not being educated on the differences and similarities of these three different situations. I get what you saying, but without making clear the distinction between extermination camps and concentration camps a lot of people in this country are treating it like crying wolf. I dont think that conversation is possible with people trying to shock us into action via terminology, the reality on the ground should a big enough selling point to how bad this is on its own. Jus talking outloud, i know a couple conservatives that feel this way, and it's not a stupid thing, i didnt know scholars were calling these concentration camps on the southern border, I thought that was a distinction in Germanys attempt to kill people while the internment camps we had was to hold people.
  9. I dont like the throwing around of the term "concentration camps". What is the difference in the term "internment camps", which I've heard referenced a lot in what we did to the Japanese during world war 2? Anytime I hear concentration camp, I think of fact Germany was exterminating people in mass as part of a mass cleansing, we are either holding people or kicking them back out the country in both of our cases of holding people like this. The correlation with what the Nazis did feels like a distraction and leads to people saying what we are doing on southern border now isnt that bad versus focusing on how bad what were doing actually is, it's certainly not good. If were going to have this conversation in this country, it'd would probably do better to compare the historical context to what we did to the Japanese instead subtle hints to what the Nazis did to the Jews, it's not the same. I do believe AOC did that deliberately, and I'm not happy about it, it's not helping.
  10. Ok, I'm gonna say this then go back to what I'm doing. I predict they will have some themed event centered around him and the fact they play in Chinatown and make this poor Japanese man uncomfortable AF. He looks like a bigger version of Kelly in the clips, but omg with not even talking to him before drafting him. We look like we have a skeleton crew front office, take me to your leader, everyone shrugs their shoulders.
  11. Someone say something positive before I close this laptop to do homework. Please.
  12. Era of Zion? Jesus, I want to put this on mute then turn it off after we pick/
  13. I thought ya'll was joking, he looked on his way to Mecca or Medina.
  14. I never in a million years woulda thought we'd basically break even with firing Ted. And this is on the condition what your predicting doesnt end up somehow worse.
  15. Did you jus call my mascot a power ranger putty? That's cold.
  16. That would be G-Man, who needs to be told it clearly isn't working. If I had to guess which of the two was contributing most to the missing persons list...looking like a blue Bane, just breathing heavily the whole game, creepy AF.
  17. It was still between us largely because of the two cities Domincan populations. Of course without a long term plan theres no way to expect us to try to leverage that both the Parker and Mahinmi contracts are expiring.
  18. Seeing them lose to the Warriors in the playoffs entertains me. Besides, we have our own problems, no ones seen G-Wiz in days... "What do you mean we still dont have a GM?"
  19. This is why this audit thing is BS. If Conlley was hired, would the audit be over? Would he be doing it? Note to anyone that doesnt do cybersecurity, for best results you arent supposed to audit yourself, you actually have to get a third party for certain certification and validations.
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