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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. Is he a little too blase? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNHSTd6WvIU
  2. Kinda cool looking...1921 colorized photo of a car wreck in DC. Click on image for larger view.
  3. ^^ Jeebus. Bryce's last name. Matt Jones? All four team logos are incorrect... WTF?
  4. Own3d by Siri: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL3I9CbO1cc&feature=player_embedded
  5. Anybody else thirsty? Let's crack open a beer.
  6. Couple trying for another baby for two years tells their girls good news. I love the different reactions.
  7. I think you're right. And that gives me an idea for an Iphone game...
  8. Ze Germans are vinning ze race for advanced bottle opening technology:
  9. ^^^ Best own3d post of the week! Yay China!
  10. Alabama Jeweler Is Pretty Sure Your Mom Wants 'ARSE' for Mother's Day:
  11. ^^ It looks remarkably like ES's very own Larry! And I want one to set up on my porch next Halloween.
  12. As a big fan of look-a-likes, I heart this post.
  13. Rock ON, bus stop lady! and at DMV pic.
  14. What's the problem? You don't like Rick Perry? Or corn dogs? Or fine art?
  15. Or this, from Gary Larson's sorely missed "Far Side":
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