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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. Georgia Bulldogs fan fades in the 4th quarter...
  2. Too bad that wasn't tropical storm Dick. That would have been AWESOME. "Dick is going to move north. The moisture from Dick is going to..."
  3. He needs a better copyeditor, because he missed a couple.
  4. Whoever posted the Facebook screen grabs, there are definite curse words on there. Mods will shut this thread down if we don't self-police.
  5. Holy crap. That uppercut started from the basement and raised her chin to the third floor. And I can't blame the driver. She made it physical first.
  6. New Orleans' favorite Knock-Knock joke this week: Knock ,knock Who Dat ? Owen Owen who ? Owen Four
  7. Washington Express copy editor self own3d: Unintended Redskins look-a-like... Click link, scroll to the bottom right of page 15: http://issuu.com/expressnightout/docs/express_09242012/1?mode=a_p
  8. Hey! No genocide talk allowed in the Own3d thread!
  9. Boy they really struck out with you...to much hazelnut, not enough pumpkin! I'll keep an eye out for the Fat Jack. Haven't seen it around here...
  10. I was pleasantly surprised by the Hazel Brown. I wasn't sure about hazelnut flavoring in beer, but damned if it didn't work. It wouldn't be a regular drink for me, but I would be glad to sample it a time or two over the course of an autumn.
  11. The ice rink one and Scarface banjo made me giggle for a full minute.
  12. I bought it. Worth it. Two bottles of an unusual beer in the pack: I'm not usually a big fan of flavored beers. And hazelnut? Okay in coffee, but beer? I wasn't expecting much. But it worked. Really interesting taste. The 12-pack sampler also included two each of their reliable Octoberfest, a Dunkelweisen, and their pumpkin beer. A couple minor quibbles...One beer that didn't really fit was their Latitude 48. Nice I.P.A. but they've offered it all summer. Not sure why it's in a "Harvest" collection. Also, they wasted two 12-pack slots on their flagship Boston Lager, which is a good beer but why not use the space in the pack for something else? All in all though, this is Sam Adams flexing its beer-making muscles.
  13. ^ Double ownage. Kent State guy running the wrong way... and Towson guys tackling him instead of cheering him on.
  14. Which, to contemplate in the 21st century, is a goddamned shame. Which makes for an extra large target.
  15. That photo is chilling. They are all silently screaming "Why us? Just hold it together another few seconds and this nightmare will be over." And who let the old military guy into the shot?
  16. Motorized picnic table with built in keg:
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