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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. So which person in that interview actually had an agenda? The irony is delicious.
  2. My bull**** detector is spiking on the blubbering Redskins fan. I call shenanigans.
  3. Translation: Damn it, that old lady plays drums better than I do. (I keed. I keed.)
  4. Whoa. The 80s were rough on Sheila E.
  5. NFL Trivia Q: Who caught Brett Favre's first NFL pass as a Green Bay Packer? | | | | | | | | | | | A:
  6. Stephen Colbert reports on the Asiana Airlines fake pilot names story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XtpYGHJ34w&feature=player_embedded
  7. It would be cool if crowd-sourced funding arose to restore the car for the kid and then pay to store it until she turns 16. That would be a cool ending to that story. C'mon Interwebz, you can do this.
  8. What do these two people have in common? 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Smartypants inventor James Dyson Answer: They both worked to design a better vaccum cleaner. Dyson did it and made millions. Mohammed did it stay sane while detained in a CIA secret detention house... WASHINGTON (AP) — Confined to the basement of a CIA secret prison in Romania about a decade ago, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the admitted mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, asked his jailers whether he could embark on an unusual project: Would the spy agency allow Mohammed, who had earned his bachelor's in mechanical engineering, to design a vacuum cleaner? The agency officer in charge of the prison called CIA headquarters and a manager approved the request, a former senior CIA official told The Associated Press. Mohammed had endured the most brutal of the CIA's harsh interrogation methods and had confessed to a career of atrocities. But the agency had no long-term plan for him. Someday, he might prove useful. Perhaps, he'd even stand trial one day. And for that, he'd need to be sane. "We didn't want them to go nuts," the former senior CIA official said, one of several who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about the now-shuttered CIA prisons or Mohammed's interest in vacuums. So, using schematics from the Internet as his guide, Mohammed began re-engineering one of the most mundane of household appliances. That the CIA may be in possession of the world's most highly classified vacuum cleaner blueprints is but one peculiar, lasting byproduct of the controversial U.S. detention and interrogation program. By the CIA's own account, the program's methods were "designed to psychologically 'dislocate'" people. But once interrogations stopped, the agency had to try to undo the psychological damage inflicted on the detainees. The CIA apparently succeeded in keeping Mohammed sane. He appears to be in good health, according to military records. Others haven't fared as well. http://news.yahoo.com/ap-exclusive-cia-secret-vacuum-cleaner-071811541.html
  9. Yeah, no sissy padding on that wall. Also, I notice the opposing team is the Washington Senators.
  10. Donald Trump gets owned in Twitter battle with Danny Zucker, writer for Modern Family: http://www.uproxx.com/tv/2013/06/donald-trump-twitter-feud-with-modern-family/ (Linked because of some language.)
  11. Bad British Baseball Commentary #!
  12. You didn't go to Colllege? Aha. Missed it. And I even looked for misspellings as I was trying to puzzle it out...
  13. Okay, what am I missing in the College World Series dugout pic?
  14. Yep. Tina Majorino. She may be better known as Napoleon Dynamite's girl friend:
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaqf4DsjWYU&feature=player_embedded
  16. I've been self-own3d by ES's redsign... Where is the shortcut icon now for posting videos? Or does it no longer exist?
  17. Obit of the Year. I wish I knew this guy... John E. Holden, alias Jack, took the Deep Six, Monday, May 27, 2013 at the Willow Valley Retirement Community after a life filled with endless laughter and debauchery. While flying his beloved Corsair as a Marine Fighter Pilot during WWII, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his combat activities, the Air Medal for action in Okinawa in 1945 and the Distinguished Fleeing Cross for avoiding numerous women who were seeking child support under unproven circumstances. After WWII he spent eight years with the Armstrong Cork Company and resigned with the title of Assistant Director of Advertising plus a dinky pension. He then joined the Hubley Toy Company and later became an independent toy designer. He was a longstanding member of the Lancaster Country Club, the Hamilton Club and the International Mickey Mouse Club from which he was immediately banned after providing housing for a number stray cats. For many years prior to his demise, he wrote a tongue in cheek publication at ­Willow Valley called "The Wrinkle Valley News" where he had close to a thousand readers whom he referred to as "The Inmates of Wrinkle Valley." They fully enjoyed his creative humor and his intention to help them make unwise decisions in their ­hectic lives. Jack was widowed ten years ago after sixty-one years of marriage to Elaine Ewing Holden. He has had a number of other wives recently, none of which were his. Three daughters, Holly, Wendy and Anne Holden and a son, John E. Holden, Jr. have managed to survive despite being related to their father. His last words were "I'm really going to miss myself." Read more: http://lancasteronline.com/obituaries/local/856748_John-E--Holden.html#ixzz2VFZgjXXf (He wrote his own obituary.)
  18. Better than beer pong? Weirder anyway: Dwile Flonking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwile_flonking Video clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BIKY2zzRqo
  19. Summer will be big for hopsheads when Bluejacket, a state-of-the-art brewery, bar and American restaurant from the Churchkey talents, joins the local craft brewing scene in August. It's set in a former Navy Yard building, and a mind-boggling array of equipment will enable it to turn out constantly changing, slow-maturing beers, some of them re-creations of historical styles. Prost! Sweet. That's shouting distance from Nats Park, in that all-glass warehouse building just to the east that they've been renovating for awhile.
  20. I can see a whole line of products. Mussolini mixers... Idi Amin fryers. Pol Pot pots.
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