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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. For once, IKEA's item name makes sense:
  2. Ha! Hadn't noticed that. I wonder if the whole item is a goof. The name of the statue they got married beside? The Mighty Rebate. Where did they get married? On the banks of Brush Creek.
  3. "Dat wedding made mad bank, yo!"
  4. The hallucinogens wore off after the first couple of rows...
  5. Strict Internet entry requirement:
  6. Here's one way to get that close parking spot...
  7. Biked the last bit into work on a Capital Bikeshare... but I do that almost every day anyway if the weather cooperates. With the announced plans for Metro's extended rolling shutdowns this summer, I wonder if there will be an uptick in Capital Bikeshare use. It's a really good, convenient alternative to Metro in DC.
  8. "How was the movie?" "Eh, okay I guess..."
  9. Kudos to Sal****er Brewery out of Delray Beach, Florida. Recognizing that plastic 6 pack rings have long posed a threat to aquatic life, they've developed an edible, biodegradable 6 pack ring made from barley and wheat left over from the brewing process. I've never had their beer, but I'd drink a toast of it as a thank you for this innovation... Edit: ^^^ So we can't type "sal****er"? Salt|water. That's one hyper-vigilant obscenity filter.
  10. I come back to the brick wall and I literally can't unsee it once I've seen it. It blows my mind, because it was so invisible before I saw it. Best optical illusion ever.
  11. Tried to coax the sun out of hiding by buying some Bell's Oberon Ale.
  12. As Freud might have said, sometimes a brick is just a brick.
  13. Great brick wall optical illusion... once you see it, it's hard to unsee it... do you see it?
  14. You should write copy for South Florida's Tourism Board.
  15. Did you check the Garden Center near the potting soil?
  16. ^^^Most surprising to me: Walmart sells dildos and vibrating penis rings??!? Which aisle... housewares?
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