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Everything posted by SkinInsite

  1. Hopefully the only people they will infect are their dumbass parents.
  2. It's pretty amazing that USA is the only wealth country to just say lets just punt the virus since we ****ed up in the beginning.
  3. A very contagious virus and a large group of kids mixing together.... I'm sure this will end well
  4. I look forward to the re re re opening.
  5. Assholes would rather bury their families than admit they are wrong.
  6. It's a simple yes or no question, do you think Trump is a racist.
  7. If you truly believe Trump is not a racist then I don't know what I can discuss with you. Now if believe him to be racist and still voted for him because... We may have somethings to talk about.
  8. Trump supporters are just good honest folk who happen to elect a racist idiot to office.
  9. If he's reelected can I go riot or let's wait 4 more years.
  10. I can afford to have my things on fire, they are just things. Better men than you and me have try to work with the system, what have that gotten us. A white supremacist in the white house. Progress takes time rings hollow after awhile.
  11. Beats walking peacefully down the street and getting a rubber bullet to the face. If you can't appeal to people's conscience then make them fear. **** is going to get wrecked if this problem isn't fixed.
  12. People stops being rational when they been brutalized for generations.
  13. Getting send to camps and killed for speaking your mind. Getting send to prison and killed for the color of your skin. Sophie's choice of **** society right there. This is how superpowers deal with "undesirables"
  14. Just like all those countries we like to point out for human rights abuse.
  15. Compare the pictures and videos here to what's going on all over our cities tonight. Can you tell the difference other than the protesters nationality.
  16. Turns out we are living in a **** hole country.
  17. Maybe we should start a is there a tipping point for human rights abuse and America thread
  18. Take notes CCP, sending in the Army when you really want results.
  19. China must be having a field day with this after all the coverage of the Hong Kong protests.
  20. As for the federal government doesn't know the risk in January, seems plenty people suddenly decided to sell off their stocks.
  21. If everyone just took this seriously and followed the safety guidelines in the beginning of the year most States would probably already met the benchmark to open. But nope dumb mother****ers had to follow the orange moron's lead. Now more idiots are throwing caution to the wind so another 100k Americans will die.
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