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Everything posted by codeorama

  1. All the other movies take place 2 years or so after the other. This one will not. It will be right where 7 left off so the scroll is kind of moot
  2. TK, I'm not sure anyone else got it...
  3. Opening crawl for EP VIII Episode VIII The Last Jedi Rey just climed the stairs... **pan down**
  4. I still want to see the OT rebooted and made from the perspective of the Empire.
  5. It should be focused on Luke because according to Yoda in ROTJ, Last of the Jedi he will be... (when Yoda is gone). But, Jedi could be plural and it could mean Luke and Rey (IF she becomes a Jedi). I"m hoping Disney has some balls (not getting my hopes up) and Kylo ends up being the good guy and Rey becomes evil. Its too predictable at this point. Disney has an open slate and they've thus far done nothing new. I'm really hoping this is the movie that changes it.
  6. I was sure it was going to be "The New Order Strikes Back".
  7. TFA IS episode 7. The movies with episode numbers ARE IN FACT about the Skywalker family. Lucas said this and Kathleen Kennedy has confirmed this. Rogue one does not have an episode number because it is a standalone movie NOT about the Skywalker family, but what Disney calls "A Star Wars Story". Obviously, more Star Wars Stories are coming. At this point, we know there is an EP 8 and EP 9 but that looks to be the last of the Skywalker saga.
  8. Great show. I really look forward to Rebels and hate when its on break.
  9. No, it doesn't boil down to that. But I'd seriously bet that I've personally experienced more racism in the past 4 years than he has. I'm white but I live in a predominantly black city and teach in a predominantly black school district. I'm literally the minority. So I don't have pity on him.
  10. Its because he's not some random struggling guy. He's paid millions for playing a game. Something most of us wish we could do yet he hates the place where he's allowed to have that opportunity. Most st people realize that if he lived somewhere else, his life wouldn't be as privledged as it is.
  11. Some of you know, I'm a high school teacher. I go through this on the first day of school each year. I tell the students that I don't care if they say the pledge, I don't care if they put their hand in their heart, but they will stand. This is opens the door for questions. Someone will ask why and say that I can t force them. I explain that whether they realize it or not, they have a lot of freedom that other people in the world don't have. They may not appreciate it now, but one day they will. There are kids in China making my iPhone 8 because they couldn't behave or be respectful. While they have the right to sit, I have the right to not give them any breaks due to "bad karma". I explain how there are so many ways I can make their daily lives difficult by not looking past some things here and there. I explain that I work on the karma system. Standing for the pledge is expected because even though you may not like everything about our country, you can show that small amount of respect. Personally, If it's really that bad Kaepernick, go somewhere else and let's see if you have the opportunity to make the money that you do.
  12. Yeah, but Obi Wan was there watching over him all along.
  13. One of the things that I read a lot regarding guns is that if more people had guns, there would be less crime. To be honest, I've probably even said it before, so I'm not criticizing anyone for saying that. However, over the last few days, I have thought more about it and while I am a very responsible person who take guns and gun safety extremely serious, I know people with guns that I just don't trust 100% with gun safety and/or judgement. I can imagine being in a situation where IF I was carrying, what would it take to make me draw and/or fire. Obviously if I felt that my life was in immediate danger (or my son), clearly that's a no brainer, but judgement is a huge issue. I could see the Orlando situation being worse if more people had guns. Sure, maybe the shooter dies sooner and fewer people die, but that isn't a sure thing. Many more could have died by "friendly fire" This is not an attempt to be funny, just something that I can relate to, but in video games, games like COD have no friendly fire, meaning you can't kill your own teammates. However, Rainbow 6 siege does have friendly fire and its very realistic in terms of damage etc... I often find myself hesitating in that game because sometimes, you don't recognize the enemy as opposed to your teammates. And hell, in the game, they have a name tags over their heads, but in those split seconds, stuff happens. I can't imagine how that would be in real life.
  14. Did y'all see the Star Wars Xwing virtual reality game? I suppose its for the the PS4 VR headset? I'm not really into the VR thing because I like to play video games to relax, not jump around etc.. but that looked cool.
  15. Its because we have had the right to guns for so long. Guns are everywhere. They can never take them back. That's why you hear the craziness that some believe they are going to start rounding up everyone's guns. Its too late for that. We are past the point of that being a possibility. The only thing I can think of is to go back to an assault weapons ban. Make it more difficult to buy guns. I'm pro gun, I have no problem if there is a waiting period or background check. It won't affect me. If you are against those measures... why? There needs to be a way to communicate red flags so the purchasing process is slowed down. Gun show loop holes need to go away. I don't have all the answers but again, I'm a gun enthusiast that is against he NRA.
  16. I felt that TFA had too many handy plot holes IMO. The way the saber was found in the box at Maz's place was weak. I liked the original idea that Max Sydow's character had the saber rather than a map, but for me, its like this: -Han is looking for the Falcon, can't find it for years. -Rey steals it and within minutes, Han finds it -Takes Rey to Maz's place where the lightsaber summons Rey Sure, you can say it was the will of the force, but at that point, you may as well have midichlorians running the show. Weak IMO.
  17. I've been SO looking forward to Rogue One... the idea is just cool. I hope the director is allowed to make the movie he wants to make.
  18. Not saying the forums were what caused changes. Those things were in the early drafts but were changed.Disney is 1-1 in making money. Not all SW fans were thrilled with TFA. The prequels were huge financial successes. Clearly not everyone likes them.
  19. One of the cut scenes in TFA was Kylo visiting the Falcon while it was crashed on Starkiller Base. This was one of the most leaked scenes that led people to guess that Kylo was Han's son due to the way the scene was described. It didn't make the movie, but it was filmed and its now available as a cut scene and of course, Kylo was Han's son and that was spoiled a long time before the movie came out. Other things where changed after they got feedback. For example, originally, Luke/Anakin's saber wasn't supposed to be in Maz's castle, it was supposed to fall from space to Jakku and it was supposed to be the central reason to find Luke, but it was ripped apart on Star Wars forms, why would Luke's saber be falling through space etc... it was changed to being a map and the saber shows up later with Maz. Lots of little stuff to. The spoilers come from scenes that were filmed, but you have no context to them. People see a scene filmed and report it but they don't know the dialog.
  20. I think my issue was that we were told and hyped up that Rogue One was going to be this gritty war story completely different from the other movies and now because of the financial success of TFA, Disney is backing down. I really like the idea of what we were told Rogue One was all about BUT... In fairness, I realize that doesn't mean it would be the best movie in terms of money. The stuff I posted was 99% accurate. The only difference was some of the filmed scenes never made it to the final movie, but ended up in the DVD releases. I have no inside info, I just hang out on SW forums and pretty much everything is leaked ahead of time.
  21. I know, it sounds so freaking amazing...
  22. What? No, why? We knew the ending to the prequels, we know the ending for this Rogue One, but that doesn't mean it has to be family friendly, and fit into the same stylistic approach as ANH. The whole point of the Star Wars Stories was to tell other stories that were not about the Skywalkers and not force them to tie into the same styles as the others. Looks like Disney doesn't want that, they just want money. I don't blame them for wanting the movies to make money, it is a business after all, but it sounds as if they are trying to make Rogue One a family friendly experience where as that's not what we were told it was going to be. Here's more rumors: http://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/disney-watered-down-darth-vader-scene-in-rogue-one-a-star-wars-story/ The rumors are getting pretty consistent and if they do end up they way its sounding, BOOOO Disney. You suck.
  23. Yeah, this is has been repeated quite a bit. I like the Prequels because they are different from the OT. I want this movie to be different. I don't want ever star wars movie to follow a formula. like I stated earlier, that's Nickelback.
  24. I do think the rumors of test screening are false, but I DO believe that they didn't like the tone. More info has been leaking out, the Disney leaders have been getting the "blame" for the reshoots, as in they didn't like the tone of the film, I ultimately will judge the film on my own, but I do fear Disney will lighten it up, which sucks. I want the dark, gritty war movie we were promised.
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