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Everything posted by mojo

  1. A Collins resurgence would be a shock to me. He looked slow and lost when he did play last year and a blown achilles tendon isn't going to help matters. He's proven to be a worse signing the Norman. At least Norman gave us 1 good year.
  2. I took the J&J vaccine and now I'm supposed to get others as well?
  3. Please don’t counter the fear mongering with common sense. That’s against the rules.
  4. I think we’re past asking whether this kid can play. I think he’s shown he can be an effective QB in the league, health is his only question mark.
  5. Why’s that? I think having two ends with the speed to rush the passer and tackle sideline to sideline are what can make this defense special.
  6. Agreed but it’s also true average defenses can post elite numbers while playing inept offenses and we played a lot of bums last year.
  7. The defense is getting tons of hype and while I love their potential, they’re gonna have to prove it on the field. People forget the fact that we feasted on back up QB’s and battered offensive lines when we went on our late season run. When we faced an elite offense in Tampa, we all saw what happened.
  8. If not mistaken we played the 49ers in the Championship game that year. The game was in DC and we won on a fluke PI call late in the game.
  9. Thank you! But let’s not limit it to just his amazing throws. His runs are like a young Barry Sanders as well. Each of which I will break down later in the thread.
  10. The throw to Sims for the TD against Tampa was one of the prettiest throws in the NFL last season. He released it 3 yards before Sims had even made his cut to the outside. That’s something you can’t teach.
  11. I was actually watching some Heinicke videos on YouTube the other day. There is one from a pre season game for the Vikings and he led them on a game winning drive in which he dove for the pylon on the last play to win the game, and was playing injured and grimacing the entire time. It was Heinicke summed up in a 2 minute clip. Dude definitely has a injury history.
  12. Heinicke is setting himself for a lucrative career here. He knows the offense like the back of his hand, he’s got the ability to win games when called upon, but he’ll probably never be looked upon as a long term starter. He’s got Chase Daniel (albeit much better) written all over him. He could have multi year career here and be an Uber millionaire if this staff stays in place for awhile.
  13. Agreed, if Fitz can put up points, we should have the defense to withstand a few turnovers. I’m just thinking back to last year’s Arizona game. God it was pulling teeth just to get a first down.
  14. Hmmm...couple picks from Fitz....nice play by Heinicke. The push begins.
  15. My point was that almost half the team agrees with him in not getting the vaccine. I’m not going try to pretend to know their reason behind it.
  16. Montez should have just kept his mouth shut. Now he’s going to be a media target even though just under half the team agree with him, he just expressed it poorly.
  17. IMHO Ionnadis is the best pass rushing DT in the team easily.
  18. I honestly don’t think money is a factor in the the QB competition. I don’t think a few million is going to affect Rivera’s decision. The main thing Fitz has going for him is experience and that’s huge. If Heinicke wins the job, he will have to outplay him by a large margin on the field.
  19. A couple things in his favor this year regarding health. 1) It appears he's spent time in the weight room and bulked up his frame. 2) With a contract and roster spot assured, he's got the luxury of playing smart and avoiding some hits this year. It may just be the way he plays or it could be a product of him knowing he had limited opportunities in prior years and he needed to do whatever necessary to make a play, we will see.
  20. I'm working on posting the video now. But after further review, the ball actually traveled 135 yds in the air.
  21. Agreed. I love the personnel and think they have a ton of potential but really, what good offense did they shut down last year? Pittsburgh I guess but they had already begun to unravel. They feasted on back up QB’s and poor O lines.
  22. Christian could be interesting this year. He wasn't impressive last year but he did appear to make strides from the previous year. Who knows, if he continues to develop, he may prove to be a commodity for a mid round pick.
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