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The Evil Genius

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Everything posted by The Evil Genius

  1. Rented both Chronicle and John Carter (of Mars) from Redbox this weekend. My expectations were extremely high for Chronicle and were met. What a good movie and proof that you don't need a big name to make a "superhero" type of movie. The sad part is, I felt like John Carter (of Mars) could have done so much better in the US had Disney marketed it right. This was a bomb? No, this was a solid film that should crushed the competition. Proof is in the $'s that it did overseas.
  2. I hope they got a good deal..cause the reception could get pricey with the all you can drink strawberry soda.
  3. North Pole. http://news.yahoo.com/huge-nasa-pic-north-pole-shivers-144735056.html
  4. Ha! This is awesome. http://news.yahoo.com/republican-latino-features-image-asian-kids-175331152.html Republican Latino Site Features Image of Asian Kids
  5. You can thank me later...especially if you watch the whole damn thing. ---------- Post added June-14th-2012 at 03:28 PM ---------- Oh..and you know you want to see more Krispy Kreme! Best rapper evah!
  6. I've always thought Shane O-Mac would have killed as an announcer. I guess it wasn't for him..or he didn't get it...
  7. To me, if you are going to present an inferior product (and I think TNA has been one for the most part), then you damn better have a better announcing core than the WWE. I find both Tenay and Cole annoying as hell...so I rate it as a wash.
  8. I've never gotten the need for announcers to be heels. It really doesn't sell, to me, any of the wrestlers or angles. I even found this to be true for me when Lawler and/or the Brain Heenan were heel announcers.
  9. I can't stand Mike Tenay (as an announcer). That alone keeps me from watching TNA.
  10. <staff edited rule 13 violation---temp ban>
  11. In an attempt to get more American's watching the NHL...
  12. I guess it depends on the tax rate of where this occurred. The amount shown is after tax, so the effective bill could be in the high $24 range. Still less than 15% though, probably.
  13. Tyler...I need a note explaining your absence. Ok teach - here it is.
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