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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. Ok.....I have an irrational dislike for Dwight Howard. I admit it now leave me alone!
  2. Yes. You are. Sorry. I don't really feel like he's accomplished anything outside of the Olympics, which he can thank other superstars for. Despite his physical dominance, he has an underdeveloped post game, and he's been mentored by the very best at the position (Ewing, Olajuwon). He can't be your primary scoring option. He is dominant on the defensive end. To make it all worse, his disc issues with his back are troubling. There is no real surgery developed to 100% fix that problem,
  3. What exactly has Dwight proven? That he knows how to get coaches fired and run away from accountability.
  4. I say that because, whenever there is a list or comparison of the best big men in the game, a guy like Howard is always the first name said and it seems like Anthony Davis is almost a honorable mention. I would take Davis over Dwight, right now. I think it's normally due to the fact alot of people don't watch the NBA until the playoffs, and the Pelicans haven't been good enough to make the playoffs and don't get much national exposure.
  5. Getting something for Love is better than the nothing they'll get when he becomes a FA. Furthermore, no NBA FA would be caught dead in Minnesota if they aren't drafted or traded there. So they can kill any hope of building a team unless they stink for a long time and the owner likes to give hand jobs to the Commish to get Overall #1 picks over and over again.
  6. No, there aren't alot of NBA fans who think that, because unlike what you claim, alot of NBA fans "watch the games."
  7. No, before Wall became a more confident shooter, forcing defenders to defend him honestly, SOME people thought Irving was better. You don't watch the games if you don't know this. When Wall started forcing teams to deal with his outside shooting, it opened the floor up and let his superior ballhandling, passing, and speed allow this offense to take off. Previously, defenders would stand so far off Wall to negate his ability to drive past them at will. This hindered his game, and our half-court offense. When Wall started developing his jumpshot, which everyone should expect he's working on and improving even more this off-season, it changed everything.
  8. I think we gained the rights to him when we traded away Antawn Jamison. Basically, we gave them nothing and they were fine with that.
  9. Yeah, Seraphin can hit the road. He's got four frontcourt players better than him, possibly five if Birch shows promise.
  10. I would say yes, and it seems like most OKC fans feel the same. I think the best shot us Bullets fans have is Durant becomes increasingly frustrated these next two seasons with the same results. No other help but RW, HC is outcoached once again, no viable third scoring option, bounced out the playoffs. I can see him looking elsewhere if this happens. Curry, I'm not sure. Westbrook, yes. Wall is a true PG, he makes his teammates better, neither of the players you mentioned do that. And define "star"? What makes a player a star? Making the all-star game? Wall did that. Dominating on a national stage with the whole country watching? Wall and Beal did that. I don't understand what your criteria is.
  11. Can anyone with a straight face actually say Hibbert is going to do this though?
  12. I don't disagree with anything but the last two paragraphs. You can still put an age limit on the D-League, or make it so you either need to be drafted in order to get onto a roster or already be a former NBA player. Regardless, the BS that these kids are getting a free education has got to stop. They are not getting a free education, they get a one-year tender for an athletic scholarship. Which is different than an academic scholarship. There is nothing stopping a university, who just hired new coach and want to bring in a whole new freshman class, from pulling a scholarship from a senior with a 3.6 gpa. That'll never happen to a strictly academic student. Furthermore, players who actually have some ambition are "encouraged" to not pursue majors that demand too much of their time....which is, basically, any degree that will land them a credible job they could support themselves with. The NCAA is a cabal, whose agenda has gone unchecked for too long and I could give two ****s whether they were still around in a decade or not. The NBA would doing themselves a favor by developing more quality players, making the game better and potentially improving tv deals for revenue, true parity, etc,. Instead of allowing the NCAA to continue on with what they're doing just because you're getting half-trained one-and-dones.
  13. To be honest, I would much rather hear the Commissioner announce that they've rescinded the age limit and are now using the D-league the way MLB uses their minor league. Forget a tournament, build up your product by developing up your OWN talent. Screw the NCAA. They want slav- I mean, unpaid labor, than the NBA can pay these kids straight out of HS, with sub-100k salaries. Let them mature and grow as adults by earning their own wages and taking care of themselves, while developing their game on a smaller stage. NBA teams can draft players and put them directly into their own D-League team since any picks after #5 is labeled a "project" anyway. Freeze their NBA contracts until they've proven to be worthy of a NBA roster. Call them up, and if they get dominated than send them back down. This would make the on-air NBA product of higher quality, and also allow older vets to stretch their careers out a little further. Maybe we won't have the majority of NBA retirees filing for bankruptcy less than three years after retirement if they were able to adjust to a slower lifestyle with a D-League salary. Ok, I'm done being armchair Commissioner.
  14. Bosh will have to carry that team, and I'm not sure he's up to the task. It's been four years since he's had to dominate every game. Wade is only good for 50 games for the rest of his career. Deng is good, but he's on the decline as well. I can see that team being an 8 seed, but no higher than that.
  15. I like the Humphries signing. I can't believe this is Ernie making these moves. But I do wonder who starts, Otto or Pierce? You could start Otto and let Pierce give you points off the bench, but the minimizes his minutes with Wall who can set him up for wide open threes and also makes our second unit REALLY OLD and REALLY SLOW. I think Paul has to start, but Otto needs to get a ton of minutes. Maybe even GRJ getting some minutes as well. I just don't want Pierce playing more than 20mpg.
  16. This is good to hear. I like Mr. SInister, and all that nonsense aside, I've enjoyed his posts immensely and I feel The Tailgate is diminished without him. Hope he works out his issues and can continue posting soon.
  17. If durant wants to come here, us not having room structured for him isn't the issue. Like Cleveland, we can trade some guys to fit his max deal in the cap. I'm more worried about not losing Beal in that scenario.
  18. Unless they get Love, I don't see that roster running over the Wizards.
  19. I wanted to like this so badly but I'm out of likes....a quote will have to suffice.
  20. I give Lebron respect for announcing this before going to Brazil. I still think he should've announced it when he made his decision, which was clearly earlier this week by how Riley and co. reacted and he moving his cars. But to the roster, Waiters and Irving hate each other so Waiters will likely be included in a trade with Wiggins to get Love.
  21. I agree with all of this. There is no way he's getting on that flight to Brazil undecided. It's not like it's going to be halftime at the World Cup Finals and he goes,"Oh! It just hit me, I should stay in Miami." I feel he chose Cleveland on Monday or Tuesday, probably told Pat Riley his decision and that is why Riley has got Wade trying to change his mind today. And the real reason he hasn't said anything is he doesn't want the World Cup finals and it's results raining on his ego parade. There is no other explanation for having made your decision, and you sit on revealing it while 95% of the league's free agents are in limbo about whether they're going to be moving to a new city in a couple of months, staying where they are, or possibly not in the league anymore and need to figure out retirement. Selfish doesn't even begin to describe this.
  22. I can't stand Wilbon. Nice guy, met him once at a fundraiser, but his complete pessimism for all DC sports and unrealistic expectations for Chicago sports is old and annoying.
  23. I literally just LOL'd at work! That would be awesome, and I'll boo Lebron next season like a good WWE fan should.
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